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either it was an inside job or we most definately let it happen.
just do your homework and research it all yourself........it is painful
to know this, yes, but it's real and things like this have been happening since damn near the beggining of time. So if you don't already know this please research 9/11 yourself and then we all can try and change this situation together because te truth cannot and will not be denied. 9/11 was used as a pretext for the unjustified and utterly obsurd war in Iraq or as it is most commonly known OPERATION: IRAQI FREEDOM. so which side are you on?.......................................................................................

2006-06-25 11:28:42 · 25 answers · asked by a_1000_yard_stare 1 in Politics & Government Politics

25 answers

I've heard this and even watched some stuff on it but I know there is no way it will ever be completely proven so I don't waste my time thinking on it.

2006-06-25 11:31:54 · answer #1 · answered by BeachBum 7 · 1 2

Most Americans won't believe that the executive branch had anything to do with the WTC bombings, but the facts are in and you are right. Those airliners didn't constitute enough destructive power to cause those towers to crumble. Kerosene, which is jet fuel, doesn't burn hot enough to melt reinforced steel and the crashes themselves weren't enough to cause the towers to collapse. If you recall, secondary explosions were heard by the firemen and other citizens standing by ground-zero. The buildings collapsed only after the secondary explosions, not before, and they collapsed in a fashion identical to implosions designed to bring a condemned building down.

The Pentagon bombing wasn't done by a Boeing 767 jet airliner. The kerosene jet fuel would not have been hot enough to completely incincerate ten tons of titanium and steel, which the two large engines were made of. There would have been a lot of wreckage on the lawn next to the building, and the lawn ground next to the Pentagon wall would have been severely rutted and grooved as a result of the plane coming down and hitting the ground. But it wasn't. Strangely, though, a rotor of an engine for an antiquated naval attack jet was found in the small hole in the side of the wall. A Boeing jet wouldhave caused a much larger hole.

You are right. It was an inside job conducted, probably,by the CIA, NSA, and the military under the direction of the White House.

2006-06-25 21:19:42 · answer #2 · answered by Norton R. Nowlin 2 · 0 0

Anyone who has studied physics can see for themselves that the official report has many inconsistencies.

People lie, nature doesn't lie. The government can change the laws of the land but they can't change the laws of physics.

3 towers came down at free fall speed. If the "pancaking" theory was correct then it should have taken close to 9 times as long.
The hole in the wall of the pentagon is deeper than the holes made in the WTC buildings. But the planes that hit the WTC were much bigger and were flying faster. The pentagon plane was much smaller and was traveling at a slower speed.

Some people do not like to believe that their elected government could commit or let happen such a heinous crime. And that is understandable. when you were a kid, if someone told you your parents were trying to kill you you would have found it very hard to believe. After all they are your parents why would they do this?

Some people think of the government the same way: it is there to protect us and take care of us, not to turn against and they find it hard to believe otherwise. However, it is true and they must realize that the government is not their mother.

2006-06-27 00:35:19 · answer #3 · answered by The_Dark_Knight 4 · 0 0

What happened on 9/11 did not go down as reported. Those who are too ignorant to grasp that 10 ton planes don't disintegrate on impact, or do they they melt because titanium melts at 3, 750 degrees and there is nothing that is outside that burns at those temperatures. And if they did, how come all those 130 lb bodies they recovered didn't do the same?

Flight 93 the same. No wreckage, no swath, just a hole, and no survivors seen by those who were first on the scene! Anyone ever seen a plane crash. They don't leave holes, unless they come straight down! Then they found the survivors!!

Too much defies logic, even those skeptics should have some concerns, as much of it is scientific FACT! Many by those who are nor from America and have no political stake whatsoever!

2006-06-25 18:47:53 · answer #4 · answered by cantcu 7 · 0 0

When I first was exposed to 9/11, was when those towers came down, my first thought was "Watch this get blamed on Saddam Hussein". Now, almost 5 years later, Saddam is on trial, yet the supposed agitator of the whole event, Osama, is still running scot free in the caves of Afghanistan. Why is this? Perhaps because his family and Bush's families are actually in cahoots with each other. Perhaps because he is a CIA operative, and he needs to remain a patsy, to justify this 4 year old war that we are having in the Middle East.

All the prior comments-about the collapse of the towers in their own footprints, the 16 ft hole in the Pentagon that was way too small to be the result of a jetliner, how in Shanksville no debris nor bodies were found, are true. Some people wish to remain ignorant, and cannot fathom that our government has done this to its people in the past. Read about Operation Norwood, read about how FDR knew about Pearl Harbor but still let it happen, and listen again to those FDNY tapes that were released to the public, which told us the fires were almost extinguished in both towers, and we are led to believe that this is the same fires that melted steel and collapsed the buildings?

Asking questions and demanding the truth makes me a concerned citizen, and apparently us Americans keep forgetting history, since it keeps repeating and we keep blindly accepting the lies fed to us.

2006-06-27 23:54:43 · answer #5 · answered by joliefrijole 2 · 0 0

There's a lot behind your argument actually. Most people believe the American government wouldn't do anything to hurt its people, but the truth is that the politicians in Washington are willing to do anything...ANYTHING...to get what they want. There's been engineers do research on the ways the Towers fell and said that the planes alone could not have let them fall in the vertical fashion that they did. Also, a retired CIA member revealed that the US government DID have a hand in 9/11. He couldn't give any details of course, but who would know better than a CIA agent? Sorry, but America's government is nowhere near as perfect as it appears.

2006-06-25 18:50:45 · answer #6 · answered by comitern9 2 · 0 0

Yes, I do now. I,like most amercians, took and even defended the government's take on the attacks until I really looked at the facts for myself. If anyone can look at somes of the 'facts' surrounding these events and still believe that it went the way they say it did are deluding themselves. If it had, the bush adm. would have surely provided plenty of unquestionable PROOF, since this would further support their agenda. They would beat us all over the head with it even more than they have in the last 5 years. More Shock and Awe!

2006-06-28 05:59:44 · answer #7 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

I can't believe that. Al Qaida didn't deny it and How the American Government could kill 3000 innocent people.
It just doesn't make sense.
There was mistakes about WMD reports, which was used as a reason for Iraqi War, but 9/11 it was Al Qaida, no doubt about it.
Just notice a detail, whatever is done by Al Qaida, it is always simultaneous attacks in one hour timing, and that is what's happened later in Saudi Arabia, Morocco... The list is long.

2006-06-25 18:35:59 · answer #8 · answered by nadira456 3 · 0 1

Yeah, right. The government is really good about keeping secrets like that. See, George Dumbya Bush is actually a suicide bomber. He blew himself up on 9-11. Now a robot controlled by Deadeye Dick Cheney is in charge. Just look at him/ Does that look like a real human being? You conspiracy people love to imagine way out stuff so now you know what really happened on 9-11.

2006-06-25 18:35:39 · answer #9 · answered by notyou311 7 · 0 0

i didn't believe it was an inside job either. i couldn't fathom members of our own government actually killing 3,000 innocent citizens just to justify war in the middle east and Constitution-killing measures like the Patriot act.

to everyone who thinks this is a whacky conspiracy theory:

FACT: the FBI admitted ... ADMITTED that it supplied the bomb used in the 1993 WTC destruction attempt. LOOK IT UP YOURSELF.

FACT: it is physically impossible for jet fuel to burn hot enough to melt structural steel. look it up for yourself.

FACT: the owner of the WTC admitted that building 7 was deliberately destroyed. he admitted this on TV. the video is still out there. look it up for yourself.

FACT: no member of the general public has ever seen any video of a commercial airliner flying anywhere near the Pentagon on 9/11. the Pentagon is quite possibly one of the most secure buildings on the planet, yet the FBI can't supply one photo or video clip of a jetliner hitting the building. look up the photos yourself. can you see any jetliner debris around the Pentagon? i couldn't.

does anyone actually care that members within our own government would be willing and able to kill 3,000 American citizens in order to scare us into allowing things like the Patriot Act and the war in Iraq? is anyone afraid of what they might do next?

EDUCATE YOURSELVES. VISIT WWW.INFOWARS.COM AND WWW.WTC7.NET. GOOGLE A VIDEO CALLED "LOOSE CHANGE." then tell me if you think i'm a conspiracy theorist. tell me if you still think i'm crazy.

2006-06-26 05:19:21 · answer #10 · answered by davedave01 3 · 0 0

Take a college class in Modern World History. Then you'll understand the conflicts of the countries.

2006-06-25 18:33:17 · answer #11 · answered by the Politics of Pikachu 7 · 0 0

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