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22 answers

Because some people are ignorant hypocrites.

2006-06-25 10:55:37 · answer #1 · answered by Franklin 7 · 2 0

As a card carrying member of the vast right wing conspiracy I can tell you its not the criticism of Bush that is perceived as treasonous; its the anti American view that many on the far left carry with it.

For example I'll criticise Bush for going along with the amnesty plan and his open border theory. But when I do that its because I believe that the opposite is better for America. When the far left try to go after Bush they also claim we're (country) wrong. Yet they offer no other solution as I suggested in immigration (the opposite).

The slogan Bush lied Soldiers Died; comes with no solution to a real problem called al queda? These radicals will cut off our heads given the chance. They will not stop; you can not negotitate with them; and unless we destroy them our world will remain a difficult and unsafe place. So those who claim Bush Lied and Soldiers Died....what is your solution to the radical islamic facist that want to kell you? They don't offer a solution and thats treasonous in my opinion.

2006-06-25 18:01:20 · answer #2 · answered by netjr 6 · 0 0

Because they are a set low lives who have nothing to stand up for. They are uneducated, ignorant, arrogant, bigoted and typically have low self esteem and the only way they could feel better about themselves is by hating others and putting others down. They don't have a whole lot to boast about, so they boast about their "patriotism" which to them is "supporting our troops" and waving the flag. Ignorance in the name of religion, bigotry in the name of family values, hatred in the name of patriotism.

These people talk of patriotism. Their whole idea of patriotism is based on 9/11. Ask these people how would they show their patriotism if there were no 9/11 and see if they have an answer.

It is a marketing strategy by the GOP. They realized that these scumbags had nothing in life to stand for, so if they were given something to hold on to and be proud of then they will hold on to it for dear life. And thats exactly what they are doing. If you criticize bush or the GOP then you criticize the very essence of their existence. Without bush, without 9/11, they can't define their existence. So whenever they hear dissent, they fight tooth and nail.

2006-06-25 18:18:33 · answer #3 · answered by The_Dark_Knight 4 · 0 0

Since there is no way to defend his policies They are operating on the ' the best defense is an offense' line. Any criticism immediately call it treason. No defense against that. Also throw in the Bible and God. Works for them. Drives any thinking American crazy.

2006-06-25 21:44:54 · answer #4 · answered by olderandwiser 4 · 0 0

To me it is more treasonous to try and take away freedom of speech or any other freedom. Our country is based on the constitution and it has worked. Some people would rather resort to name calling than admit defeat or failure.

2006-06-25 17:59:43 · answer #5 · answered by ncgirl 6 · 0 0

I've addressed this kind of thing before. We are still very much an uptight ultraconservative Victorian country...those who are this..are very well organized and continue to run things,,,most importantly our culture..they try to control and change our culture which is then reflected in our voting habits..come on people. Stand up for yourselves. We are not all vanilla, stepford wives, uptight republ...let us learn to value diversity..put your power in your voice and most importantly get out and vote! Don't let another George Bush in.

2006-06-25 17:58:14 · answer #6 · answered by Greanwitch 3 · 0 0

Because some people are just so close minded and brain washed, and they apparantly forgot about the freedom of speech amendment. I don't understand them. There is nothing wrong, no law, no nothing against criticising the president, the only thing we aren't supposed to do is make direct threats against him, but hell, he isn't supposed to lie, that didn't work out too well for him now did it?

2006-06-25 17:57:45 · answer #7 · answered by jade_frost82 3 · 0 0

People have their own ideas about the gov't and things like that, so because he is the pres and your bashing him, they consider it treason

2006-06-25 17:58:29 · answer #8 · answered by Brie P 1 · 0 0

Because they are republicians.And represent the right wing way of thinking.Sneaky little rascals.They say they don't want BIG GOVERMENT but yet they start a war everytime somewhere to line the pockets of those they truely represent. Not all of us.

2006-06-25 18:03:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He's not the first President to do it. Its all about power and his fear that he isn't in control. Hes got a classic black and white view of the world that if you arne't with him, you are against him.

And I'm gonna be a geek now...

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

2006-06-25 17:57:26 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's a political maneuver of a corrupt system, anyone who doesn't agree with the powers that be is a terrorist. Straight out of '1984'.

2006-06-25 17:57:29 · answer #11 · answered by Nicktu 2 · 0 0

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