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I am a long time feminist and at one time was an activist. I simply believe that women are just as fully human as men and as such, deserve equal rights. Of course here in uptight conservative, Victorian USA we still don't have them. Consider this, the scarfed, long dressed Muslin women are even allowed to go into grad school in math and sciences and Medical school, while we still discourage our little girls from developing their natural talents in this area. Women are still getting paid less and still denied the top of the line jobs. But...and women get this, if you do agree you deserve all the rights can you accept the responsibilities as well? Can you stop relying on "flirting' and cutesy behaviors to get by with the guys and start doing it all, blood, sweat and tears on the job. As for me I have paid my dues and have done it all. So I find it very shameful when I get treated with a lack of respect while my male counterparts are considered wise for their accumlated experience.

2006-06-25 10:23:47 · 26 answers · asked by Greanwitch 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

26 answers

O.k. some of the guys possibly reading this are not likely to like my answer, but, here goes.
I believe that women are most definitely "equal to" men in every single way, (except when it comes to physical strength, and that's a general statement)- and superior to (or more "evolved", if you prefer), in other ways. (That is the part men aren't going to like to hear!)
Anthropological studies have thus far traced the existence of "man" back to a an AFRICAN WOMAN. Women were also the first to learn to "communicate" with one another (referring to humans in general). Women have highly developed social skills right down to this day, and, in my opinion, have developed many skills critical to survival that men just haven't developed much of at all. (They haven't had to. Women have been taking care of them since human beings first appeared on earth!)
We, as women, bring forth new life onto this planet- (sure, with the sperm donation of men)- but it's the women who generally care for and raise and teach and nurture these new lives. We don't get half the credit we deserve for our abilities and our intellect, but that is where a big fault with women does apply- because we are generally not motivated by our egos, we have allowed ourselves to take this "back seat" in society, figuring we could profit in other ways- or keep the peace (which is also very important to us). However, now we live in a "man's world", and don't seem to have woke up to the fact that it is just as much our own doing- our own "fault"- as it is men's. It's time for change. It's time for women to band together and be heard. We are not a "minority" in number, and in this country (because we live in a democratic society)- we have the opportunity TO BE HEARD and our "votes to count"- but not enough women seem to care. That needs to change. We will continue to hold this place in society until we (as a whole) accept nothing less than what we deserve, and that is respect- but it begins first with ourselves.

We need to learn to respect ourselves. If we do not, how can we expect anyone else to do so, and who else then do we have to blame?

2006-07-09 09:00:14 · answer #1 · answered by It's Ms. Fusion if you're Nasty! 7 · 0 2

I read your question and thoughts after... I just had to put my two cents in here....

I believe in womens rights 100% and favor all men allowing them the opportunity for it! But thus far in my own experiences, what I've seen most often is that they wish to have 100% rights always but only accept maybe 75% responsibility.... (ie: when things get tough they don't like the results or start playing the "game" to get out of it).

And many women who do fulfill the role 100% turn into "B****es on wheels" and go to an extreme in the other direction! Often times making things much worse for other women than the men do! Explain THAT one!???? Its a very uneasy situation and the line of balance seems to be very thin.

I think in many ways our culture is already far superior to many others in this regard even though its still very lacking. And in many other ways (as you mentioned in your thoughts) women here in the US are not allowed or encouraged nearly enough to pursue many of the things which they may have a knack for... Math, Construction etc....

Perhaps in time these issues will improve? Men will need to accept the fact that women in general are very capable and often times much smarter and more detail oriented than we are, as well as women learning and fine tuning the "new" areas which are open to them.

Maybe a big part of it will be that, those women who do get or create the opportunity for themselves simply set the example so that those that follow will have good/better guidelines instead of turning it into a situation where its... "I did this and this and this.... you can too"! and throughout the process men will learn, see, understand and actually appreciate more as well.

2006-07-09 12:59:32 · answer #2 · answered by Izen G 5 · 0 0

Another flawed piece of logic. "Women are as fully human and men" (and therefore) "deserve equal rights."

There is a distinct and wonderful difference between men and women, and that's how it should be. We are designed to take on different roles.

I also think you have confused "rights" and "opportunity" somewhat. There should be equal opportunity between the sexes, on that I agree. But as far as absolute rights, there I will not agree. I don't want to join the campfire girls, I should NOT have that right. And that goes both directions.

Opportunity, of course. If I go to school and get my degree, and have a certain job, you should have the opportunity to go to school and get your degree and a certain job. But you don't have the right to take my job without doing those things, and often times the "equal rights' thinkers want to do just that.

2006-07-09 12:35:58 · answer #3 · answered by oklatom 7 · 0 0

Pardon my ignorance but I really don't understand this new "feminist" movement. When we didn't have the right to vote and whatever else, yes I understood that, we should be entitled to the same education and same opportunities as men and it appears that we have the same options. Equal pay for the same work, yes we are entitled to that and if these situations really continue to occur, these women should be smart enough to take that to EEOC. You should not even have to be validated by a man to know that your knowledge and expertise is appreciated and recognized. As long as you know you work hard and with integrity you should be satisfied enough within yourself knowing you are smart enough to work beside these men. If that don't work for you then you should tell yourself that at least they are smart enough to work beside you. I may be totally ignorant on this "feminist" stuff but I honestly don't see any major injustices towards women these days. There are small business loans, home loans, grants, scholarship opportunities offered specifically for women. What a conspiracy!!! We are women, there is nothing we can do to change that. God created us that way, he also gave us "gifts" to use to offset some of this "unequality" so rather than b**** and moan about the fact that there are women in this world smart enough to use them, but down your "I Hate Men" book, put on some lipstick and be feminine. You've got to use what you got, to get what you want.

2006-07-08 18:19:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think that men & women should have equal rights and the responsibilty that comes with it..... Of course, women can't be fathers and men can't be mothers. I still get asked why I want to do that for certain things, but I don't let that stop me. You're only here once for a certain amount of time and it's game over after that.

2006-07-09 08:52:05 · answer #5 · answered by Redknight 3 · 0 0

I have never used the fact that I am a female to get out of anything and I never will.
It has nothing to do with being equal, it has to do with making mistakes and paying for them!!

I agree that women should be given the same opportunities as men but I certainly wouldn't burn my bra to get me to the top. I would continue to work harder and prove myself able to do the job at hand.
Many women contradict themselves by saying they are the same as a man, but they use the fact they are a woman to try to discriminate against a company for not employing them!! They may not flatter their eyelashes and pout but they feel they deserve more rights then men to prove themselves.
If you have the right qualifications and the right attitude to match then that should get you the job!

Personally I think feminism has gotten out of control, to the point men are scared to say and do things with women for fear of being accused of harassment. It is so easy to brush past a woman and the woman turns around and says "he assaulted me".
Hard feminists have made a rod for their own backs!!

2006-06-25 17:43:00 · answer #6 · answered by Gillipoos 5 · 0 0

I think there are certain things that men and women dont have in common, and different respect should be given. For example: I strongly disagree that women should play the role of a father, or vice-versa. As for your examples of females being treated with less respect in more manly places, I definitly agree. Women are as human as men are. I think its about time a female ran our country or did something no man has done before!


2006-06-25 17:28:54 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've lived it;responsibility and all. We live in a man's world. My experience has had fewer men holding me back than women. I really don't know if it stems from nature or nurture. Are we as women socially conditioned to be competitive against each other? It's been a rough ride. Even finding my male counterpart is difficult without utilizing the stereotypic flirting crap. Thanks for posting this.

2006-07-08 21:11:45 · answer #8 · answered by firestarter 6 · 0 1

I agree... except we need to be careful not to demand the "equal right" to step on others in pursuit of status and wealth, and the "equal right" to cop a "devil take the hindmost" attitude. I don't want anyone, man or woman, have to "start doing it all, blood sweat and tears." We are women, we are fully human, and we are different than men. We need to prize our differences as well as our similarities.

2006-07-08 18:24:08 · answer #9 · answered by senyax 2 · 0 0

women should be treated as equals but some women will never accept their responsible part..flirting and cutesy are just so ingrained in their personality that they won't stop ..it is just too easy to use their womanly wiles they figure why not take the easy way...i agree with you but i do not think women will ever attain true equality and i find that very sad..

2006-07-09 14:31:51 · answer #10 · answered by va8326 5 · 0 0

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