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My husband recently began thinking about getting circumcised. Oddly enough i've never been with a circumcised man and didn't really know how to respond when he told me he was thinking about having it done? Is it really any different at all? Will lovemaking feel different? Has anyone been in a similar situation? Well any answers/advice would help really.

2006-06-25 09:44:25 · 6 answers · asked by Miss curious 1 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

6 answers

I have been with both circumcised and non circumcised men. What I know for sure is that once skin is cut off the penis will not be able to grow as large as it once did. The lose skin on an uncircumcised penis gets fully expanded without any extra hanging unused when an erection is achieved. I have never seen a penis which has extra unused skin when erect. When skin is removed it also removes size, as in the ability to enlarge to its fullest extent. So, I suggest you advise your husband of this and then find out from an expert if this is true or not. I am not a professional but it seems logical to me that if skin which is used for an erection is removed, the erection will be smaller as the skin is not there any more which allowed for it to be as big as it once was. Usually baby boys are circumcised and so they never know what size they may have been had that not happened to them. I just don't know why a grown man would wish to reduce the potential size of his erected penis. Unless there is some skin which does not expand when he has an erection and this is causing him some embarressment. I have seen a guy who had a circumcision go wrong and it was rather distorted during an erection. I never had sex with this guy, he was a friend but he told me how they messed him up as a baby and how embarressed he was to get with a girl. He was totally messed up emotionally about how his penis looks when erect that he avoids relationships and sex period. How sad that is. I would seriously speak with a couple of doctors and look up the possible side effects of this proceedure. I would not encourage this at all. As far as love making goes, it is not different with either way. It just affects the total possible size of an erection and if the size matters to you then it will be an issue for you. For me size is moot. Sex is so much more than just the penetration part. I would worry more about how this will impact your man. Find out why this has come up, what is behind this sudden desire to mutilate his penis. That is what it is by the way, self mutilation. It is much better though for a grown man to make a decision for his own, rather than a parent decide for an infant to mutilate his poor penis. Let me tell you something. With my first child, a son, I thought circumcision was normal, just something you did naturally for cleaniness and to avoid infection. I went ahead and signed the paper without anyone telling me clearly what would happen to him. It was done the second day after his birth and he had a bandaid but seemed Ok. Well, the next day I was walking down to the nursery to see my baby and I heard these blood curdling screams coming from a room. I looked in and saw this tiny baby boy tied down in some contraption and the doctor was cutting away at his little penis, blood was all over the place. This little baby was screaming so badly his entire body was purple! They did this without any numbing medication! They told me later (after I was somewhat composed, as I totally lost it) that as baby's will not "remember" the pain they see no reason to give pain medication or to numb the area they are cutting on!! I was furious and so mad at myself for just taking what they said at face value and not looking into it more fully. I did this to my own precious baby the day before and I was devestated thinking of him tied down like that and going through such agony!! I never forgave myself and made a promise that no child of mine would ever have it happen to him again!! My next son did not get this done and he did not have any problems with cleaniness or infections. I just taught him to how to keep clean and if it got a bit red I just poored a capfull of peroxide on it and it fixed it up in a day. He has never had a problem with it at all. My first son passed away from luekemia at two years five days old. I always deeply regreted that extra pain in his short life that the circumsisiom did to him. He had enough pain in his short little life that to have his mommy do that to him. My little nephew had a circumsision and his poor little penis is so tiny you could barely see it. I beleave they cut off what would have allowed him to have a larger erection that what he is capable of now. Once it is gone, it is gone for good. Also, men have told me that when you get circumsiced it allows for longer periods of erection, or that they can maintain longer without ejaculating as it is less sensitive. The uncircumsised men are more sensitive due to the protection the skin gives their penis while not erected. When the skin is removed the end of the penis is banged around more so to speak and it created a desensitizing of the penis which allows for a longer held erection. Now, I don't know if this is true, but this is what men have told me, and it may just be an old wives tale. I strongly suggest speaking with the doctor and your husband and you discussing this issue. As this is your husband it is your business too. What ever affects him affects your marriage and there for affects you as well. If this is something which is very important to him for some reason I also suggest you supporting him in this 100%. He is your husband and his happiness and needs should be of utmost importance to you. Blessed Be.

2006-06-25 10:28:32 · answer #1 · answered by Serenity 7 · 1 0

ooohhhh....I love it when a man doesn't have a slipcover!! hehe! It will not change any sensation as far as your enjoyment goes, but it might change his (or so men say). It's a lot easier to keep the equipment nice & clean! Heads up though (and no pun intended there), it's gonna hurt now that he's a grown man. If it's for a medical reason, then maybe he should consider it. But if it's for any other reason, ya might want to leave well enough alone.

2006-06-25 16:52:07 · answer #2 · answered by auntcookie84 6 · 0 0


Just information for you and your hubby. What would your preference be if the circumcision was ALMOST a success.?

2006-06-25 16:59:46 · answer #3 · answered by andyman 4 · 0 0

I would be happy about it if I were you.I've experienced both.As far as feeling not any different to me.It's more easily for them to keep it squeaky clean.I'd much rather have it circumcised.Just my choice.

2006-06-25 16:52:51 · answer #4 · answered by Linda R 6 · 0 0

i think circumcised feels better u can actually feel the tip.
why is ur husband doing it now? is gonna hurt.

2006-06-25 16:49:11 · answer #5 · answered by BellA 2 · 0 0

oooooooooooooooooooooooooouuuucccccccccccccchhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kiss it softly!!

2006-06-25 17:01:09 · answer #6 · answered by ol_jarhead 1 · 0 0

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