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they beat black people, they raped black women and stole diamonds and gold from africa while labelling us the N word. can we really forget what they have done.

2006-06-25 08:48:58 · 113 answers · asked by missy 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

what a bunch of angry mobsters. if 400million of ur people died u would ask the same question

2006-06-25 09:18:34 · update #1

113 answers

Wow....there are ALOT of very far right wing answers here. Hmmm. Then again, it was a VERY Far LEFT QUESTION! Ha! The beauty of cause and effect.
White people can be forgiven and should already be - just like the Egyptians, Natzis, European settlers of the "Americas", etc.
I'm black and I don't hold the current "white, caucasian, european/spanish decendants" (I think I covered the spectrum) responsible at all for what happened in the history of "blacks, afro (african)-americans, colored, nego" (I think I covered the spectrum again just to be fair lol) people.
I do actually feel the suffering of my ancestors and I THINK that's why people who don't share the experience can act as if they are dismissing the effects of slavery. I truly believe that those who don't share the experience do NOT intend to dismiss the current suffering, but that they don't understand how a competent black man/woman can suffer now because of what happened then. I truly believe that we are suffering and that our children as a whole are suffering in significant ways that can't be dismissed IF you understand what's TRULY happening (for instance.....it is a fact that black children between the ages of 2-14 are killed as pedestrians by cars at an alarming rate of over six times that of other cultures...right now...today!). It isn't the act of slavery that's being felt now, but the effects. We are still in the time of the aftershock. But as a person in the midwest can't feel the aftermath of 911 or the great San Fran earthquake OR hurricane Katrina....so it is today. However, to hate is to ...well, it's to hate. Meaning that it does absolutely no good to hate another person or entire group of people because we are suffering. We must look into and after ourselves to make sure that this never happens again. Not to us OR anyone else. I expose my children all of the time to the racial injustices of the past AND present, because it does account for a large portion of their life experience. I am NOT going to have them thinking that our people (collectively) are in such troubles now because of laziness, stupidity, or any other inexcusable/avoidable reason. I'm not going to act as if my great-grandparents being oppressed from owning property and being freely educated is not having an effect on them, BUT things have gotten better in each generation. THAT's what I show them. I explain how things that my grandparents didn't know, my mother learned and things that my mother didn't learn, I learned and things that I didn't learn.....well now they have an opportunity to pave roads for not just their children, but society as a whole. I think that we as blacks (not referring to skin color, but ethnicity) are in an awesome position to teach others how to live and learn, forgive AND forget, be and let be, and how to overcome in the brutal face of adversity. I think that if more of us shared our experience out of love for mankind that racism will become blatant and outdated and will not remain a subtle gesture.

Hey!, I'd love to see a black, mexican, indian, chinese, arabic american president (not to say that they would be any better than a white president based solely on that)!! But It would be a GREAT reflection that things concerning cultural tolerance have changed ALOT and for good!

Things aren't "equal" or "fair" now, but they sure as heck are a WHOLE lot better than it used to be. Thank God! *cuz I don't think I would have made it out alive, having someone tell me what to do, when to do it, where to go, how to go...who to be, Good God!" LOL*

A couple of things that made me laugh:
"black people think they rule the world" ...or something like that LOL
"having babies for money" .... HA!
I'm sorry but I thought that was PRETTY funny!

People who are not black, please think of things today as if black people went through over a thousand years of Hurricane Katrina (sudden and severe loss/suffering/grief) and how that would affect SOOOOOO many aspect of a group of people's lives for years and years...um...and years later. I hate to sound so dramatic, but the situation is just that grave. C'est la vie!
On the subject of africans being just as responsible because they sold other africans and so on. I don't think that's a correct assessment of the current situation alot of blacks are speaking of now. Selling people is not what's being assessed, it's the prolonged and appalling treatment of people that's being questioned, assessed, measured. To say a culture is just as much to blame for the selling is just like blaming the car dealer because the purchaser got drunk, drove the car, and killed someone. The car dealer was just trying to turn a buck, not trying to kill someone.
There are SO many statements made by non-blacks that I'd like to shed light on by sharing my experience, but I already know I'm exetremely out of line with this long **** answer! LOL
Peace and love to ALL!

2006-06-26 16:09:56 · answer #1 · answered by fiteprogram 3 · 14 19

As a white person when I hear what happened to the slaves I do not agree with it and most definately think it is vile what happened. However nowadays there are people who are really trying to change and be accepting as much as possible and who had nothing to do with that time. It frustrates me when you obviously have a chip on your shoulder. It will never be forgotton what happened but by constantly going on about it no wonder some persecution is still found in communities.How can you as an individual move on if you are constantly looking at the past. I will go on the way I am and treat everyone the same, to treat everyone the way i would like to be treated. I may not as an individual have a history of lesbians being raped, pilaged and murdered or in slavery but I do know we have had to have just as much judgement. I dont look like a lesbian (your version of dark skinned... not sure how to write that everything is meant to be so politically correct... I am not meaning offence at all) ... you see im constantly treading on egg shells is this really how you want to live your life. People call me queer or lesbo and worse! Please be more tolerant and live for today.

2006-06-26 01:36:47 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Why pick on white people? The biggest takers of slaves from Africa, historically, have been the Arab nations and we dont hear much about getting apologies from them. All through the world's history slavery has been very much a 'par-for-the course' activity. The Chinese took slaves, so did the Indians, the Persians, the Greeks, the Romans, the English were virtual slaves to the Normans for over 100 years. The African nations, before colonisation, took slaves from each other. Arab slave traders were still taking slaves from East Africa as late as the 1960's. So tell me please, who has got to apologise to who?
It should also be remembered that Britain was the first country in the world to abolish slavery within it's Imperial bounds, long before the UN or the Human Rights legislation were ever thought of. Slavery is a terrible and degrading condition, but please remember that nearly every nation on Earth has been subjected to it at some time or other, not only Black Africa.


2006-06-25 09:21:31 · answer #3 · answered by BENVEE 3 · 1 0

Yes, I would ask the same question, but I disagree with your statement. "Your people". Not all black people are yours, just because they share the same skin colour. I mean, okay I feel disgusted about slavery and the "N" word, which I do not understand black people saying now. However, I do not think you should blame white people as we are not all bad, had nothing to do with slavery, except that they had our colour of skin, and were maybe our ancestors. We are all human; not forgiving "white people" would just create a divide. I do not think white people need forgiveness, as they have not done anything, yet the people actually responsible for the slavery can never be forgiven in my opinion, as black people are equal to white people and vice versa! We are all human, at the end of the day it is just a colour, who cares?!
No you should not forget what they have done, but instead turn it into something positive rather than carrying around lots of hate for a whole race! Why don't you help campaign against racism etc...? That would help and be a more positive thing rather than just hating white people for what their ancestors did years and years ago. Yes it is disgusting, and I am ashamed, but I should not take the blame for something I did not do. I treat black people the same as I do white, slavery happened years ago, it is time to move on and stop blaming this generation, as it is not our fault. Hate people who are racist now, not those who had ancestors who were years and years ago hun.

2006-06-25 19:15:30 · answer #4 · answered by becky_ms 4 · 0 1

adays there are people who are really trying to change and be accepting as much as possible and who had nothing to do with that time. It frustrates me when you obviously have a chip on your shoulder. It will never be forgotton what happened but by constantly going on about it no wonder some persecution is still found in communities.How can you as an individual move on if you are constantly looking at the past. I will go on the way I am and treat everyone the same, to treat everyone the way i would like to be treated. I may not as an individual have a history of lesbians being raped, pilaged and murdered or in slavery but I do know we have had to have just as much judgement. I dont look like a lesbian (your version of dark skinned... not sure how to write that everything is meant to be so politically correct... I am not meaning offence at all) ... you see im constantly treading on egg shells is this really how you want to live yo

2014-09-29 10:07:05 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

ch about getting apologies from them. All through the world's history slavery has been very much a 'par-for-the course' activity. The Chinese took slaves, so did the Indians, the Persians, the Greeks, the Romans, the English were virtual slaves to the Normans for over 100 years. The African nations, before colonisation, took slaves from each other. Arab slave traders were still taking slaves from East Africa as late as the 1960's. So tell me please, who has got to apologise to who?
It should also be remembered that Britain was the first country in the world to abolish slavery within it's Imperial bounds, long before the UN or the Human Rights legislation were ever thought of. Slavery is a terrible and degrading condition, but please remember that nearly every nation on Earth has been subjected to it at some time or other, not only Black Africa.

2014-09-28 11:04:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

(I think I covered the spectrum again just to be fair lol) people.
I do actually feel the suffering of my ancestors and I THINK that's why people who don't share the experience can act as if they are dismissing the effects of slavery. I truly believe that those who don't share the experience do NOT intend to dismiss the current suffering, but that they don't understand how a competent black man/woman can suffer now because of what happened then. I truly believe that we are suffering and that our children as a whole are suffering in significant ways that can't be dismissed IF you understand what's TRULY happening (for instance.....it is a fact that black children between the ages of 2-14 are killed as pedestrians by cars at an alarming rate of over six times that of other cultures...right now...today!). It isn't the act of slavery that's being felt now, but the effects. We are still in the time of the aftershock. But as a person in the midwest can't feel the aftermath of 911 or the great San Fran earthquake OR hurricane Katrina....so it is today. However, to hate is to ...well, it's to hate. Meaning that it does absolutely no good to hate another person or entire group of people because we are suffering. We must look into

2014-10-28 00:51:09 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The slave owners had never seen a black person before. They thought of them as African animals. But they soon realized that they were intelligent.
I do not believ that all slave owner abuse their slave any more than farmers abuse their animals.
This was a low point in American history. The industrial revelution chaanged the value of the slaves.
I feel that America should have returned them to their homes.
How ould you like to be grabbed and taken to Africa, slave a few years then be released into the jungle with someone saying you are free now.
The racial slur "******" came from the fact that most slaves came from Nigeria. Niger means black in Latin. Add the southern accent and you get a word that sounds bad because of their reputation. Most slave owner did not use is as a racial slur.
When the slaves went north it became racial because the ex-slaves were taking white mens jobs.
The racism was caused by "couch-potatoes" who used the black man as an excuse not to work.
The same thing is happening right now.

2006-06-25 08:59:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

White people cannot be forgiven they weren't there every type of people have been slaves in Africa slavery still goes on today as long as you keep that attitude you are a very bitter person i 'm black i move on you just have to be the best you can be respect all people and pray to God you can't do anything about what happened yeaterday live in the NOW

2006-06-25 22:34:10 · answer #9 · answered by janey 1 · 2 0

around lots of hate for a whole race! Why don't you help campaign against racism etc...? That would help and be a more positive thing rather than just hating white people for what their ancestors did years and years ago. Yes it is disgusting, and I am ashamed, but I should not take the blame for something I did not do. I treat black people the same as I do white, slavery happened years ago, it is time to move on and stop blaming this generation, as it is not our fault. Hate people who are racist now, not those who had ancestors who were years and years ago hun.

2014-10-04 11:44:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

, but instead turn it into something positive rather than carrying around lots of hate for a whole race! Why don't you help campaign against racism etc...? That would help and be a more positive thing rather than just hating white people for what their ancestors did years and years ago. Yes it is disgusting, and I am ashamed, but I should not take the blame for something I did not do. I treat black people the same as I do white, slavery happened years ago, it is time to move on and stop blaming this generation, as it is not our fault. Hate people who are racist now, not those who had ancestors who were years and years ago hun.

2014-10-03 07:39:20 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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