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please also give me your age and your political affliation. I'm just trying to get an unbiased view of his presidency.(something you can't get in the press, it's all their opnions!!!)

2006-06-25 06:42:25 · 18 answers · asked by Dan W 1 in Politics & Government Politics

18 answers

I was going to give a smartass comment but your further comments enlightened me to honesty.

I am a 36 year non affiliated Libertarian leaning male in Miami FL.

I feel it is very hard to give a simple 1-10 on the job as a whole. HOWEVER I would say 4 overall.

Here's why...
-Lead the world in aid to poor African peoples.
-Has expanded protected marine wildlife habbitat.
-Has supported a anti oil energy policy.
-Has appointed more minorities and women to high powered positions.
-Has acted on the immegration issue.
-Has acted as a very moderate President.

-Entered into the Iraq war based on poor intelligence and pure ignorance (to discount the findings of the British's "Rockingham Project" and put ALL of his trust in Ahmed Chalabi was STUPID)
-Has NOT acted on social welfare reform
-Has not acted on campaign finance reform
-Has not curtailed spending and the massive growth of the federal government.
-Has not vetoed ANY bill brought before him..even those that are loaded with pork.
-Has not created ANY exit plan for Iraq NOR any occupation plan.
-Education plan is short sighted and poorly funded.

2006-06-25 06:57:31 · answer #1 · answered by mymadsky 6 · 0 0

36 democrat

I give him a 6. He just had some major bad luck being in charge when the 9/11 attacks happened and the bad hurricane season.

I very much disagree with some of his policies (NAFTA, cutting taxes in time of war, the ports deal) agree with others (I like what he has done with energy as far as research funds and tax incentives on hybrids, a retaliation had to be done after 9/11, I have a conservative moral stance and he has stood up for that).

Overall he has tried to do what he campaigned on so that is a plus in his favor. I might not agree with it, but cannot fault him for doing what he said he would do. His biggest problem is his comunication. If he had more press conferences and gave more information as to what is going on in the country, I think his aproval ratings would be higher. The Dubai ports deal is a prime example, he said he was for it then pretty much dissappeared.

2006-06-25 14:05:52 · answer #2 · answered by JFra472449 6 · 0 0

I am 18 (3 moths to 19). I don't live in the US, but I follow the events there. I think i'm a liberal/centrist.

I think he deserves a 4 or 5. Not the worse US president, but not the best either.

2006-06-25 13:46:44 · answer #3 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

I am a republican.
I am 37 years old.
I give GW a rating of about 7. I don't like his loose stand on the borders and immigration.
I do like the fact that he called a reporter an "a$$h0le"! It's the main reason I decided to vote for him the first time!

2006-06-25 14:00:24 · answer #4 · answered by kelly24592 5 · 0 0

He gets a 1 from me. I was going to rate him lower but realized you were serious and breaking the scale would be trolling. ;)

I'm 39, a male, I vote Green when I can, Democrat when I absolutely must. My politics are left of center but not as far left as you might think--I'm only a Greenie because the Dems are *not* liberal by any stretch anymore, I really don't get any sense that their politics differ in any meaningful way where it counts (on the environment, on their relationship with Big Business, on their exploitative attitude when it comes to serious social problems).

On social issues, I tend to be more liberal than most--In a nation that sells itself as "a free country" people should NOT feel unsafe to openly be who they are.

On economic issues I am more conservative than most--I really REALLY think Big Business is out of control, has been out of control for decades now, and that Big Oil in particular needs to be hung high for treason against us...

On environmental issues, I am moderately conservative--meaning on the one hand, yes, I am aware of Peak Oil, and that on a planetary level we *have* no lifeboats...but I am not a PETA/vegan supremacist either, I don't believe folks should be attacked for wearing leather shoes, or having a bit of animal protein in their diet, that just speaks too much of an evangelical fundamentalism to me...

On moral and ethical issues....I tend to be liberal. Meaning I believe *reason* AND NOT outdated traditions or faiths strictly applied to the point of overkill (and nonsense) should be what guides society. And I am not a relativist, ok? I know there is right and wrong....but too many people use their so-called morality as an excuse to attack and condemn others for entirely arbitrary and oppressive reasons, and it has to stop.

We aren't sheep in a flock, nor are we ants in an anthill. We are individuals, with more than half a brain usually, for a REASON, and it is high time we acknowledged that and *paid that fact due respect* instead of insulting the intelligent and non-conformist among us.

Too Much Info? I know, sorry for the overkill, but I just thought I'd make clear, I don't really fit into any neat pigeonholes, ok? I think my personal politics is too complicated for this nation sometimes, but really...life is complicated. We aren't an agrarian society of 13 colonies anymore (libertarians, are you listening?) of one predominant ethnicity or faith...we have hundreds of millions of people living here in 50 States in what *should* rightfully be the 21st century, and almost as many ways to be free....

But yeah, there it is, sorry if it is ranty or overkill.

2006-06-25 14:08:16 · answer #5 · answered by Bradley P 7 · 0 0

-10 46, Independent.

2006-06-25 14:03:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

3, not the worst but no where near the best.
26/no political affiliation.
I hate politics with a passion!


2006-06-25 13:48:53 · answer #7 · answered by jewel of the nile 3 · 0 0

Specify Country.Sports,Company,Etc. President of what ?Just give him passing marks if he is selected by board member 4/10
Indian 52

2006-06-25 13:55:19 · answer #8 · answered by Pat wang52 3 · 0 0

You aren't going to get what you are looking for here either. I am 56, Republican and he's a 10.

2006-06-25 14:20:51 · answer #9 · answered by rosi l 5 · 0 0

3-, 19, independent

2006-06-25 14:19:22 · answer #10 · answered by tikiboy 4 · 0 0

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