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They have higher voter participation than the US and they risk their lives to go to the polls. What is your excuse why this is a bad thing?

If democracy "isn't meant for the Middle East" why do they risk their lives?

Maybe the world is bigger than your tiny minds and cold hearts can realize.

I have much respect for my fellow soldiers, but you know who is even braver? That 43 year-old housewife who walked across town to vote, after thugs told her they would kill her if they did.

Tell her that we should have left Saddam in place.

2006-06-25 06:16:36 · 13 answers · asked by ut78759 1 in Politics & Government Politics

your answer made no sense.
They "don't support it" by particpating in it/
You're an idiot.

2006-06-25 06:20:53 · update #1

FAHADK- Oh god, that is moronic. Does it include getting all the foreign jihadists out as well? Bet it doesn't.

2006-06-25 06:22:39 · update #2

BUNCHIK- Do you know how to talk or reason as a normal human being? Apparently not.

2006-06-25 06:24:21 · update #3

KNUCKLEHEAD- Americans went through hell in the Revolutionary war. Not just from the British, but from the rebels as well. They conscripted locals and even executed deserters.

No democracies have clean births. But would you rather live in America or Taliban-era Afghanistan?

2006-06-25 06:27:15 · update #4

PADDY- Ok, I'll bite. I'd love to de deployed to Rwanda or Darfur to stop the genocide. And I guarantee that once we get there. All I will hear is that we're there for diamonds or oil or land or something like that.

2006-06-25 06:32:04 · update #5

SPIRIT WALKER- You sound very young.

"Saddam should have been dealt with, but the way we went about it was totally wrong."

So you accept the gift but complain about how it was delivered.

"Our guys are fighting for Who's freedom?"

The Iraqis and Afghanis, who have democracy now thanks to us.

"All of our troops are spread all over the world, except here!"

Poss Comitatus- we aren't allowed to deplot troops here.
But I guess the citizens can defend the country provided they don't live in a state where firearms are prohibited.

"And you do realize of course, if by some ungodly accident Saddam is found NOT GUILTY, the United States is in for one Hell of a Lawsuit!!"

Hahahhahahahahahah, oh man that's funny. Will they take us to the People's Court?

2006-06-25 06:35:45 · update #6

DGRHM- You're all over the map. I guarantee if we went into Iran, you sould say we were being imperialistic. We left Saddam because Clinton decided to cut and run. 13 years later, it's still in chaos. Send me there fine.

Also, why are you sure that it will fail? It's like you want it to fail.

The insurgents are a small, mostly foreign minority. They are terrified of democracy in the Middle East, because they know it will spread.

2006-06-25 06:52:10 · update #7

RON O- Your statement isn't just liberal or anti-war, it's insane. You said "Had Bush wanted to instill democracy in Iraq, he could have done it through diplomatic efforts."

Goddamn man, do you even read your stuff before you hit "submit"?

2006-06-25 06:57:14 · update #8

RADIAL WAVE- Saddam did not "keep the peace." Ask the Kurds, the Kuwaits, Israel and Iran.

2006-06-25 07:10:21 · update #9

13 answers

Fear of the US government.

They don' support it.

2006-06-25 06:18:57 · answer #1 · answered by mymadsky 6 · 0 0

First of all, study geopolitics. Whether you liked him or not, Saddam was a great stabilizing force in the Mid-East. Whether you liked him or not, he kept the peace. True, it was sometimes at the end of a gun but that is sometimes the way the world works, whether we like it or not. Hey, it wasn’t so different in the United States in the days of the Wild West when justice was found at the end of a rope or a gun. Even today in the United States, approximately twenty thousand murders are committed annually. Thousands more are maimed or otherwise hurt. But I digress. Anyway, you removed that Mid-East stabilizing force (Saddam). There is a vacuum --- a power vacuum. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the United States just isn’t liked in many areas of the Mid-East, and I hear that is true in some other parts of the world. Is this news to you? Where have you been? Oh well, that’s life --- too bad, so sad. Anyway, when there is a power vacuum, there will be a natural fight to fill it. The United States wants the outcome to go “our way” with Democratic principals. Guess what? The players in the Mid-East want the power struggle to go “their way.” Hence, there is a certain amount of conflict. Whether you liked him or not, Saddam kept the peace and since he isn’t around anymore, there will naturally be a lot of instability and power struggles in the Region. We’ve got a tough job to do over there. Let’s all support our troops! Thank you for posting an excellent question.

2006-06-25 07:08:08 · answer #2 · answered by Radial Wave 1 · 0 0

Saddam should have been dealt with, but the way we went about it was totally wrong. Bin Laden Bombed NY, not Saddam.
Our guys are fighting for Who's freedom? All of our troops are spread all over the world, except here! But I guess the citizens can defend the country provided they don't live in a state where firearms are prohibited.
And you do realize of course, if by some ungodly accident Saddam is found NOT GUILTY, the United States is in for one Hell of a Lawsuit!!
It's like killing Pete because Paul was a friend, and Pete kicked Daddy's A**

2006-06-25 06:28:21 · answer #3 · answered by spiritwalker 6 · 0 0

If they support democracy so much, why is there an insurgency?

You watch how fast that area of the world would devolve into anarchy if the US left.

Secondly, and more importantly, what business is it of the US's to interefere with a soveriegn nation that was

a) not a threat to US national security


b) had nothing to do with the war on terrorism?

No one is disputing that Saddam was a major league @sshole. However, there are many more major league @ssholes in the world leading and running corrupt and brutal regimes. Some of which the US supports. (Case in point, Musharraf in Pakistan. He wasn't elected to be president, he took it by military force.)

The war in Iraq is a war of imperialism. It's not the duty of the US to be empire and make decisions of which dicator should remain and which should not?

Case in point, why aren't we in Somalia right now stopping the genocide? Why aren't we in Iran toppling the cleric dominated government. Iran is a major supporter of terrorism. Why aren't we overthrowing the Saudi royal family and putting democracy there? They're major funders of terrorist groups too. Hell, why haven't we taken Castro out yet? Or for that matter, why do we even talk to China. They're major league bastards in regard to human rights. They put Saddam to shame.

Did you forget 9/11? It was terrorists that attacked us. 19 were from Saudi Arabia. The others were from Egypt and the UAE. Not one of them was from Iraq. Not a single one.

Remember the UAE? Bush wanted to hand our port security over to that country. Remember? Hello, McFly! The UAE, one of only two nations that supported the Taliban lead Afghan government. The other was Saudi Arabia. Remember the Taliban? They were bad guys. They're still around in Afghanistan. We haven't removed that threat.

The war in Iraq is not about fighting terrorists. It's not about installing democracy. The US will not be happy with any president that wants us out. In fact, their PM wants us out. He's giving amnesty to those fighting US soldiers. Do you favor that too?

So, I guess you favor American imperialism as long as we have good intentions, right? You know what the road to hell is paved with, don't you?

It's not our duty as Americans to tell other nations how to live. We need to lead by example not at the barrel of a gun. You can't install democracy when people are pointing M-16's at your face, can you? True peace is earned with the presence of justice, not from the barrel of a gun.

Also, it's pretty small minded to think that a democracy is viable in a region of the world that has ethnic hatreds and divisions that have been in place for thousands of years. Some might say it's arrogant to assume what the Iraqi's want.

It's too late to get out now. We can't leave and we can't stay. It's like the old Clash song, "If I stay there will be trouble. If I go there will be double."

Bush made a bad call. He made the wrong call. We'll have to pay for it for generations. It was arrogant, short-sighted, and just plain ignorant to go in to Iraq. He's too proud to do the right thing and make plans for eventual American withdrawal. The Republicans are still very sore about being the party that pulled troops out of Vietnam. They don't want to be the party that pulled troops out of Iraq too.

(The GOP's inability to take a stand and demand that Bush provides a basic timetable for American troop withdrawal is clearly a weak position. Congress's job is to hold the president accountable for any military effort. They've basically given Bush carte blanche on anything he wants to do. Including things that violate the Constitution and the basic American principles of liberty. Congress is not supposed to be a lap dog to the president. Weak leadership has put us in the bad spot we're in. At least the Dems are making some stink about it.)

Bush has distorted the war against terrorists into an imperial ambition.

That's bad. That's undemocratic. It's also un-American.

Hope that helps give your big brain some perspective.

2006-06-25 06:48:49 · answer #4 · answered by dgrhm 5 · 0 0

I don't support the War in Iraq, but neither do I think democracy isn't meant for the Middle East. Bush and co. kept changing the reasons why we went there. I don't trust that they want to be there to spread democracy. There are plenty of other countries where democracy does not truly exist or is at risk and we didn't go there. Why Iraq? I think we should support all those brave Iraqi voters, but we went in full of ourselves and have helped to put the common Iraqi through hell.

2006-06-25 06:25:07 · answer #5 · answered by Knucklehead McSpazatron 2 · 0 0

First of all our intentions in Iraq were never for democracy. If anyone can remember far enough back to when this all started, we originally went there to find " weapons of mass destruction" when we couldnt find any of those, the headline was that Iraq was harboring Al Queda members, but that was quickly disputed and then the story was changed to we are spreading democracy.

Im not saying that i dont support newfound democracy or our soldiers, but if you think we went to Iraq solely for the spread of democracy then you are the blind one with the tiny mind.

If you dont believe me, take this example. MORE PEOPLE DIED IN RWANDA THEN IN THE HOLOCAUST way more, but we didnt care to help them, because honestly there was nothing in it for us. So if you really think freedom is all we worry about look at all the countries in turmoil around the world and ask yourself why Iraq?

and really so much for democracy they dont even allow the Iraqui's the right to bear arms. Shows you what our leaders think of our own amendment rights.

2006-06-25 06:27:51 · answer #6 · answered by paddy 1 · 0 0

Anyone who says democracy isn't meant for the Middle East is an unabashed fool. Notice how the people who say this tend to live in democracies themselves? If the people of the Middle East don't want democracy, then why aren't they allowed to vote on it? If they truly didn't want it, then they would vote against it.

The people of Iraq have been freed from torture, rape, and mass murder. Anyone who objects to that is truly not a friend of the human race.

2006-06-25 06:23:28 · answer #7 · answered by Farly the Seer 5 · 0 0

Liberals don't care about lives, just politics and hate for Bush.

Think of this, Saddam murdered thousands and terrorist continue to kill not only our troops but Iraqi's too. Yet, the only lives Liberals care about are the ones that they might have a chance to degrade a soldier over. The same soldiers that protect our lives and freedom.

If you are a soldier, which it sounds like you may be, I thank you.

Liberals disgust me.

2006-06-25 06:21:28 · answer #8 · answered by Boob 3 · 0 0

When the US government was talking about Syrian troops in Lebanon, they said no vote in Lebanon could be authentic with foreign troops in the country. Apply that same logic to Iraq. No vote in Iraq can be real until all foreign troops are out.

2006-06-25 06:21:11 · answer #9 · answered by fahadk99 2 · 0 0

Saddam Hussein was a brutal dictator. People are followers, and can naturally be led to anything that they might perceive as better (that's why American voters can be easily led to believe that Democrats are better when Republicans are in office, and vice-versa).

Still, George Bush invaded another sovereign nation that had not provoked or attacked us. It was an illegal, unconsitutional war. Had Bush wanted to instill democracy in Iraq, he could have done it through diplomatic efforts. There are only TWO reasons we're in Iraq: 1) Bush wanted to 'get even' with Hussein for humiliating his daddy during Desert Storm, and 2) Big Dick Cheney wants all that oil swimming under Iraq's sands for his Halliburton buddies.

Why do we not invade other dictatorships and try to force them into democratic countries? Because they have no OIL! So, we allow genocide to continue under those regimes, sometimes even providing financial aid.

Check out a new 'blog book': BUSHWACKER!

Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld are the most corrupt, evil, incompetent cockroaches ever to occupy the White House. The sitting U.S. Congress is the most incompetent, corrupt, evil body ever to occupy the Capitol Building in our nation's history. All of them should be impeached, or tried for high treason, and - if convicted, shoudl face a public firing squad.

George Bush and hsi cowardly cronies have:
1. Massacred tens of thousands of Iraqi citizens (more than Hussein did during his reign of terror);
2. Tarnished America's image as a global peacekeeper and world leader;
3. Forced this country trillions of dollars into debt because of a paranoia over a "war on terrorism" that Bush' failed policies only exacerbates;
4. Tortured prisoners, in total disregard for the Geneva Convention, and who shouldn't be incarcerated to begin with;
5. Initiated failed economic policies that will create more unemployment, destroy U.S. citizens' financial stability, and ruin millions of families' futures;
6. Neglected the needs of the poor, the sick, the disabled, the elderly, the hungry, the homeless, and the disadvantaged;
7. Favored the wealthy elitists, lobbyists, special interest groups, and corporations - all of whom can make generous (if not illegal) contributions to ensure the GOP stays in power;
8. Caused smaller nations to mistrust us and view the U.S. as a bully who will try to overtake their country; which, in turn, only causes them to consider building their own nuclear weapons of mass destruction with which to defend themselves from the greatest "evil empire" on the planet, the USA;
9. Created a police state wherein U.S. citizens are presumed guilty until proven innocent;
10. Disregarded environmental and ecologoical issues that will almost certainly destroy the Earth as we know it today, and will result in a lower quality of life for future genertions of this world.

There will be NO WITHDRAWAL of American troops until Dick Cheney has a rock-solid, iron-clad arrangement to acquire all of Iraq's oil for his rich oil-soaked corporate buddies.

Thomas Jefferson once said: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." That time is way overdue. We need a new American Revolution. Voting doesn't work in our democracy anymore because we only choose from the lesser of two evils. Politicians don't want us to vote; the more people that vote, the less chance they have of being re-elected. If they really wanted us to vote, they'd streamline the election process. If all the Republican crooks were thrown out of office today, they'd only be replaced by crooked Democrats. The political system needs to be taken away from the power brokers and returned to "We the People......"


2006-06-25 06:52:23 · answer #10 · answered by -RKO- 7 · 0 0

So IF Bush is so Democracy prone...

Yes, Iraqis feel so much better getting killed
by Bush's constant dropping of BOMBS for over
3 years than to fight their regime...

But, hey thats ok with the Repugliscums!

2006-06-25 06:23:10 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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