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14 answers

Liberals -vs- Conservative only applies to those who are in the position to make decisions. The masses who use this rhetoric are simply building up some false bravado to feel less impotent than they know they are - politically of course.

The focus that people who are not in control, who are being controlled, like us, should first be understanding what power is all about.

The distinctions we should realize are obvious. There is no "Liberal" or "Conservative" bias in the Media, the Media responds to those who control things. The Media is designed to present an image of the world that represents the wishes and desires of the elite who own the Media.

No greater example of this could be found than the way venezuela is being portrayed now. It is a complete hoax, by writers who are on the oppostion parties payroll. This is occuring in the US press because after a failed repression by force, a failed coup, a failed election, a failed referendum on legitimacy of the democratic election, a failed drive to upset the nation to rise against thier chosen leader, the oppostion has gone abroad to drum up international dissent against the democratically elected president of Venezuela. Is that "Conservative" or "Liberal" no, it represents Power.

The distinction we people should make is - does this policy or political opinion agree with OUR needs, wants, desires, OUR concept of freedom and liberty? Or is it part of this new takeover by the power-elite who could care less what we think, no matter how much people want tp prop thmeselves up as Young Republicans or Anarchists and all in between.

This mentality has been lost, this is one aspect of unionization, the union hall, where people could talk to people about people's issues, that has been attacked, and drummed completely out of our heads.

As a result, we cannabalize eachother with meaningless distinctions like "Libs" or "Repuglicans" in doing so we are capitulating to the needs, wants and desires of those who run the show, just as planned.

Freedom starts with you, your soul, and your mind... if you can't break free from this psychological warfare then you will lose to it.

best wishes.

2006-06-25 05:20:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

You'll always hear whining, the 'cons' are becoming so vocal because they have twin consistency and veracity deficits....in other words, they're 'factually impaired', they rode the short bus to civics class, and they've never quite overcome that disadvantage...they can't do math either, which is why their 'help' has put this country 3 trillion further in the red. Debt is not our friend, and some of these people seem to have interests that don't even lie within our borders....spank their pee-pees, and take the Big Magic Checkbook away....

2006-06-25 05:21:19 · answer #2 · answered by gokart121 6 · 0 0

I'll use the words Conservative or Republican, thank you. The only whining I hear is from liberals, and maybe it's a lack of ideology that causes it!!!! I don't know does the truth hurt??? Liberal Ideology is all over the map.

2006-06-25 07:07:41 · answer #3 · answered by rosi l 5 · 0 0

Very nice big words you have used. The Neocons as you call them are only trying to catch up on all the whining that the Liberals have been doing. compared to them the Neocons as you call them are beginners.

2006-06-25 05:33:56 · answer #4 · answered by dave s 1 · 0 0

First, permit's agree that there is a important difference between what the Republican party USE to be & what it rather is advance into as we communicate. definite, i will agree that neoconservatives have taken it over, because it rather is been made obtrusive interior the previous quite a few years & shown in the process the RNC convention. And, definite, i will agree that neoconservatives tend to be very judgmental & oppressive whilst it contains their very own ideals, actually to the factor of pushing their ideals on others. yet i'll additionally say there are individuals of the some distance left that are merely as the two risky, in terms of passing judgements & "silencing" voices of opposition. in terms of violence & statements born out of lack of expertise & hate, I ought to concede i've got observed almost all of those acts coming from the some distance good. what's aggravating is they do no longer seem to comprehend their movements are what haven painted our u . s . a . in this variety of dim easy. And as a substitute of being grownup sufficient to confirm the full image, they call names & make threats. it rather is advance right into a pretend experience of righteousness they accuse liberals of having, purely they have voiced the willingness to spill blood as a substitute of looking uncomplicated floor. And for whilst violence is committed, neoconservatives compliment the act as a substitute of condemning it. as a consequence, you notice genuine conservatives at odds with neoconservatives, which in impression has began splintering the Republican party. in my view, i detect the some distance good resembling non secular extremist on an identical time as the some distance left look some distance too timid for his or her very own stable. in this actual election, it rather is incredibly a lesser of two evils. issues will in all probability worsen until now they get greater effective. the answer is interior the middle someplace, & I doubt we are going to see it in our lifetime. The movements of the left against the Tea party, & the movements of the final against OWS, is sparkling that neither section is prepared to hearken to the different.

2016-10-31 11:14:25 · answer #5 · answered by shea 4 · 0 0

Liberals and truth? Truth seems to be antithetical to all things liberal, IMO. And nothing I've ever seen, read, heard has ever proven this to not be so. Liberal ideology is based more on wishful thinking and emotion than truth, facts or evidence.

2006-06-25 05:40:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You tell them my fellow commie.

What can they possibly be whining about that is new. We have no ideology except take from the rich and give to the poor and bury our head in the sand with regard to foreign policy like we always have. Nothings new.

2006-06-25 05:23:39 · answer #7 · answered by never_touched_her 2 · 0 0

What ideology is that anyway? That government oughta have more of my hard-earned money, because they know how to spend it better than I do? That we should only defend ourselves from evil if the UN says it's ok? Save the baby animals, kill the baby humans? I'm sorry, you'll have to be a bit more specific...

2006-06-25 05:33:42 · answer #8 · answered by Chris S 5 · 0 0

you'll never stop hearing the whining from these neocon chickenhawks they are just mad that increasing numbers of people in this country are beginning to understand the ******* mess they have put us in tith th whole 3 trillion dollars of debt and further disturbing the middle east . i cant believe we have to put up with two more years of this incompetence

2006-06-25 05:30:10 · answer #9 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

I believe that you may have mixed up the terms NEOCON and liberal. You might want to correct that.

2006-06-25 08:42:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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