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my baby was 6 weeks early her milk has been change 5 times she is on Enfamil A.R as she has reflux she should be getting fed every 3-4 hours but she cant drink it then she crys for a few hours more she is 4 months old now is very windy wont sleep at night very long and is very bad with colic can anyone help out there!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-06-25 05:16:17 · 28 answers · asked by julie-ann t 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

28 answers

She will grow out of it. Sit in a hot tub of water with her. It will get her too sleep for a while.

2006-06-25 05:19:43 · answer #1 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

Make sure you are holding her when the is taking the bottle. She may need to be burped a couple times during a feeding (my daughter did).

Does she do better when swaddled? My daughter liked to be swaddled until she was about three months old. If your daughter was early, she may still want to be snugged up.

When does she cry -- when she's being held or laid down? If she is crying more when she is laid down, then get a sling and "wear" her. Being at an angle instead of flat on her back may help with the reflux. Or perhaps she's just needs to be held more (my son was like that).

Who is changing her formula? You or the doctor? The only formula my DD could handle was Carnation Good Start. The others made her cry and puke a lot.

Do you have any one to help you .... mom, an aunt, or another person .... perhaps an older lady from your neighborhood or church?

Good luck and talk to your doctor about your concerns ....

2006-06-25 05:32:25 · answer #2 · answered by Wisdomwoman 4 · 0 0

Same dealeo here...Our son was born at 27 weeks...he had bad apnea and reflux...

Is she on Regulin for the reflux? If not, ask about it...
Additionally, we've gone through several different bottle types..and breast feeding techniques...

According to the NICU nurses, every baby is different and requires a different set of solutions...

For the gas...ask for Mylacon..you can find it at your local pharmacy...If she truly has reflux...get her on Regulin..ASAP...

Also, breast feeding is just about the best way to relieve all of the above symptons...if she doesn't want to take the breast, try a nipple guard which helps slow the intake...

Our little boy is three months old and still eating every 2-3 hours..which is normal...the crying is probably a result of not getting enough to eat...which is important...

If you can...rent a Baby Weight scale ..(Medela makes a home unit) so you'll know how much she's getting, find a local nurse practioner or lactation consultant...your local Children's Hospital can help with this...many of them will come ot your home and do an evaluation...there are about 100 different nipples/bottles...keep trying till you find something she's comfortable with...Dr. Brown's is an excellent bottle for colic...

good luck with your little girl...our son Stephen is the best thing that's ever happened to us..and worth every waking minute..whether it's three in the afternoon or three in the morning..

2006-06-25 05:27:27 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh, honey I am so sorry for you this is a really stressful time. My son, grown now with his own newborn, had a really hard time feeding until they put him on a soy formula. Talk to your doctor and don't give up talking to him until you are satisfied that is what you pay him for it is easy especially for new moms to be intimidated by health professionals but you are THE advocate for your baby and you have a right to the best treatment available. You might have to change doctors. Most of all, get some help if you are unsettled she will be too. If you don't have any family members that could stay a few days or better yet nights with you do a little research in your community there is help out there for new moms. Good Luck and congratulations on your new addition.

2006-06-25 06:51:05 · answer #4 · answered by G-Mommy 3 · 0 0

hi, i have had 9 children- im not claiming to be an expert on children- far from it- they are all very different-
i had the seventh of my children,a girl, 7 weeks early,(i went into labour 1999-and had her 2000!).she weighed a healthy 6lb 10oz.
after i had my daughter i suffered postnatal depression-something i had never had before. i had never had a premature baby before and she scared the life out of me- i was far more aware of her feeding habits,if she cried i would be panic stricken-instantly thinking she was ill,or in pain-because i knew she was born too soon-i was a nervous wreck. i think my daughter could sense my own anxieties,she is now 6 yrs old,out of all of my children she is the least confident, sometimes quite panickyand most definetly the most difficult to settle at nights- i dont ever remember her sleeping a whole night-

try not to swap and change her formula milk too often- you may just have a child that cries alot more than you expected- if your baby has colic- it will pass- theres really no use pacing the room trying to settle her,i understand the overwhelming urge to want to comfort your child,but once you have changed fed and winded your baby,dim the lights and keep the mood subdued,and leave her to cry. this doesnt make you a bad parent. you have to accept that this is the way your baby will be for the first months.,
your maternal instincts will tell you if your baby is crying because she is poorly- good luck...px

2006-06-25 05:51:41 · answer #5 · answered by p.xx 3 · 0 0

Try to stick with one type of mil as long as you can, so that she can get used to it. Preemies are known for their bad eating habits. Believe me, she will drive you nuts before you master the art of feeding her :).

If her reflux is really bad and is stoppin her from drinking, try to feed her less more often. We went through a stage where we fed my son (born at 29 weeks) one ounce every half hour. I thought i was going to lose my cool, but with some help from my huband, we managed.

Also, find out how much is the least she should drink. Dont ask the nurses - ask the doctor. We were astonished to find out that we totally overfed my son - and a lot of reflux is caused by that.

Make sure that she eats slowly. Get her a nipple with a very small hole, and burp her often. Hold her upright for a while after each bottle, and keep her upright for alot of the day.

You can also find out about other options - thickeners etc. Be careful with them, as this is road you should go down as a last option, and it is oftion hard to come back out.... Always check with the doctor before you give her anything other than her regular bottles.

Bet of luck!

2006-06-25 22:26:23 · answer #6 · answered by Leah S 3 · 0 0

my kids especailly my son was really bad with colic the usual over the counter remedies didnt help, i went to a herbalist and they gave me crystals i think they were called colicynth and a small salt spoon on the tongue did wonders, if baby was a bit older gripe water would help. what teets for the bottles are you using or dummy? you can get teets especially for colic babys, my son brought every 2nd feed back up i was distraught so i know what you are going through. it will get better i promise as for feeding every 3-4 hours try just when hungry an old wifes tale states a sleep is as good as a feed. i followed this and he is now a strapping young 13 year old,

oh you could also try a little boiled water b4 a feed to settle the tummy but make sure the water is only wrist warm same temp as milk feed good luck and let me know how you get on xx

p.s dyoralite is for dehydration (great hang over cure)

2006-06-25 05:26:16 · answer #7 · answered by T 3 · 0 0

My son as the same way when he was born we changed his milk as well as trying to breastfeed and all he would do is cry finally the doctor put him on Enfamil Nutramgin it works wonders for babies with colic and other milk allergies. Ask your doctor if they think this would work..Also the milk is very expensive. But it is worth it.

2006-06-25 15:45:55 · answer #8 · answered by lilbit6996 2 · 0 0

First things first - talk to your health visitor / doctor / midwife and take professional advice.

Why has her milk been changed 5 times? this continual change in formula will upset a delicate stomach on it's own. Choose a formula and stick to it - I recommend Cow and Gate Omneo Comfort as this is specially designed to be gentle on little tummy's like your daughters.

You can also try backing this up with a few drops of 'Infacol' before each feed. This gets wind up quicker. It takes several days to really start working properly so don't give up if you don't see immediate results.

Add to this plenty of winding and warm baths and I hope this will help, but please do get advice from the experts as I don't know if your daughter has any particular conditions / allergies.

Good Luck!!!!

2006-06-25 05:33:10 · answer #9 · answered by The Wandering Blade 4 · 0 0

I don't know about the milk but colic I know. My doughter liked to be held under her arms and gentle shook up and down. That was hard on the arms but once she was quieted i would gently massage her tummy with my thumb at the solarplex. All this in a rocking chair, I movements move the gas until they go away.
Worth a try !

ps You will survive this my baby is 22 years old now

2006-06-25 05:23:44 · answer #10 · answered by Brenda O 1 · 0 0

2 of my 3 boys had colic. there isn't too much to do for it. a friend recommended something called "gripe Water" . we could only get it at a jamaican grocery store here in atlanta,georgia where we live. we would just put a few drops in each bottle. it seemed to soothe them. also using avent bottles and products helped with my third one. it is very difficult dealling with colic and every baby is different. my first son had reflux and the pediatrician put him on special medicine..... but the gripe water worked best. good luck

2006-06-25 09:16:26 · answer #11 · answered by LeAnne H 2 · 0 0

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