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Grrrrrrrrrrrr that fricken woman down below me i wanna wring her out and slap her a bit and say wake up its the 21st century
what is wrong with these people?
how she can be proud of herself is beyond me

2006-06-25 04:23:35 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender


2006-06-25 04:29:13 · update #1

27 answers

I thought your reply to her was great! I know it can be frustrating when you see such intolerance towards gays, but violence is not the answer. Such people really missed the, "Judge not, or you too will be judged" lesson in Sunday school. (That's Matthew 7:1, the NIV translation.) About pride: Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. --Proverbs 16:18

Such people are like mosquitoes--bothersome and they will feed off you if you let them. Just put on your bug spray and you'll be fine. ; )

2006-06-25 05:02:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 7 4

Um, how old are you and what the grits would you know about the 21 century or any other for that matter. I know you. You think popular is proud and proud is popular. You are uneducated and you are wrong. So if anyone does anything for any reason that you don't agree with, they don't have any pride, a byproduct of proud? You should bother to read a little, and not bother with what any botherers are bothering with. You might find you could use a little pride yourself.

I hope this answer just changed a life. Peace.

2006-06-25 04:33:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm not sure what you mean by God bothers so I'm assuming you're speaking of a person immersed in a religion and sounds as if she's a fanatic. There is an area of the brain that scientist have been studying called the GOD SPOT or GOD MODULE. The people who's god spot is very active tend to be religious fanatics. There's really nothing any one can do because her beliefs are as real to her as yours are to you.

2006-06-25 04:32:26 · answer #3 · answered by Spy y 1 · 0 0

What is wrong with who? God? It's a dilemma that you have to accept. Although God is infallible, His creations, the people, are not. If we are infallible, then we are all God. So, to balance the world, where everyone is God, we, the Gods, must create a fallible "Man" - that's makes the Man infallible Himself because He is the only One. Just chill a little bit. Have a 2 ounce shot of wheat grass from Jamba Juice www.jambajuice.com. Ask for Strawberry Nirvana with immunity boost.

2006-06-25 04:40:05 · answer #4 · answered by speechlessneanderthal 2 · 0 0

I live in Tulsa, OK, which is called by some the "bible belt" of America. Our town is filled with fundamentalist religious zealots who at times are no different than those who are terrorizing our world. I found a great bumper sticker that sums it up..."The Religious Right Isn't". A great come back for those types is to say, "You know, I'll be praying that you see the true light." Good luck.

2006-06-25 04:30:06 · answer #5 · answered by Chainsawmom 5 · 0 0

I think if we are honest with ourselves, we can admit being mad with God for various reasons. Some times we think he should move faster on certain request. On other issues we ask why did you let this happen. Personally I wanted him to make me straight so that I could fit in. I went to church and join bible studies. I even fasted and prayed. Its still beyond my scope of reasoning why I'm the way I am; but trusting him that all will work out.

With the lady downstairs; just attempt to open her mind to being more neighborly and less dramatic.

2006-06-25 06:58:46 · answer #6 · answered by Swordfish 6 · 0 0

Don't let hate consume you. I will pray for your inner peace. I believe in the bible and that homosexuality is wrong. I don't hate homosexuals, I work with alot and find them to be good people too, just misguided. I truely care for these persons. Even if you don't look at a religious viewpoints; I still have a disagreement about homosexuality. Human beings would not survive without male and female for procreation.

2006-06-25 04:48:09 · answer #7 · answered by peace finder 2 · 0 0

So, you don't take this fricken woman seriously, and knowing that we are in the 21st century clearly indicates that she, and others like her are wrong? What are you talking about? Does she disapprove of you in some way, or what is the matter?

2006-06-25 04:28:20 · answer #8 · answered by Seosamh 3 · 0 0

Are you saying "God" is bothering you? Is it virgin Mary who bothers you. Well, I know one female God or is she not? You gotta be proud of yourself, you are the chosen one. God create everything including herself, so she better knows it is the 21st century, and she is not a person, she is a god. You cannot slap her because you can never touch her, she exists only in our imagination. God gotta be proud of herself. If you are mad at her, she will curse you. I answer all your questions. Now give me 10 bucks, I charge cheaply.

2006-06-25 04:52:21 · answer #9 · answered by 2feEThigh 5 · 0 0

Don't bother about anyone, its 21st century. How frustrating it is when u feel like doing something which u can never do. Its not difficult to be practical, why to get influenced and become a reason of worry for ourselves.

2006-06-25 04:28:39 · answer #10 · answered by iforeveryone 4 · 0 0

yes i do, from the bottom of my heart!

but i guess( I'm not trying to defend her but to provide some other explanation on why they are so fixated) after 9/11, people need a higher force to "believe" in. because the most powerful force in the world was attacked and us mere mortals do not have to answer to explain why. so we "logically" deduced that there is a higher force involved. that everything is a warning from God to listen and to obey him.

well to those kinds of Christians, i respect your choice in blinding believing and being led by the noses via the church, but you guys need to start respecting us too. we do NOT want to be "saved" (according to your standards)

but you know, some of us from the gay community helps them with their case. ie: those who 'were" gay but were "saved" and they are now not gay.... either they are lying about their tendencies or we are all just idiots that we do not understand that its NOT genetics.... they swear that God have removed their cravings for the same sex...... its higly doubtful, but then again, ive been known to be a sceptic. so you be the judge please.....


2006-06-25 05:26:18 · answer #11 · answered by Rainbow nation 3 · 0 0

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