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I see people all the time that say that God made them gay. I really don't see where they got that from. It clearly says in the bible that homosexuality is wrong. But, lets explore this a little further. Now, God made Adam and Eve in His own image, correct? A & E were perfect, until they got tempted and ate from the tree. And ever since then we all have been born with the sin nature. But, since we all were created in God's image I would like to know is God gay? Is God an adulterer? Is He a thief, a child molester? The list goes on and the answer is a big fat NO!!!! God is God, we were born in His own image and we all have free will. And we exercise that free will. That means that anyone who is gay has exercised that free will to be gay. If you steal, or cheat on your spouse, no matter what you do, you are exercising that free will. God would not have made anyone in His own image, gay.

2006-06-25 03:51:48 · 30 answers · asked by proudmatriarch 4 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

read 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

2006-06-25 04:01:35 · update #1

30 answers

You said it sister!! I agree fully. Unfortunately, people will always say they were born that way. I am pleased to see that you know the difference!!

God Bless

You sure got folks stirred up!! I see that most people want to justify their choices in life to meet their personal needs. When in fact if they would quit asking people to show them what the Bible says and just sit and read it for a change they may find that the information therein is accurate and true. I choose to be a christian and follow Gods law as the Bible tells me.

Again God bless

2006-06-25 03:56:58 · answer #1 · answered by BetsyF 4 · 1 5

I don't have a problem with homosexuals as long as they don't hurt anyone else or impose their lifestyle on other people. But hasn't anyone considered the fact that if it was natural to be gay, the human race would become extinct? If women sleep with women and men sleep with men, human beings cannot reproduce. We are placed on the planet to make sure that our species survives and multiplies. If everyone was gay, then how could we ever multiply? We would be wiped off the face of the Earth. I know gay people can adopt, but that's not really reproducing.
Those are just my random thoughts anyway. About the whole "God made me gay" thing, I really have no idea what to say because I'm not gay. Therefore I can't know what it's like to be gay and I can't say if it's a choice or a condition.

2006-06-25 06:59:14 · answer #2 · answered by flying.daggers 3 · 0 0

Now let me argue the other side of the 'God made me gay' statement. And the main point to that argument is that, why would we choose to be gay. There is so much hatred, violence and ignorance in the world, why would we choose to have that aimed at us. So my question to you is, did you choose to be straight? And can you choose who you are attracted too? The answer is no!!

And comparing an adulterer, a murderer, a thief or a child molester to someone who is gay is just an insult. We are not hurting anybody and these people clearly chose to do those things. The difference is that all those other people have no self control and they give in to those temptations.

2006-06-25 04:09:02 · answer #3 · answered by phantom_phan_2005 3 · 0 0

Although that is an interesting perspective, that is all is.... your perspective.
When talking about the bible and referencing it in such a callus way to prove a fickle point, shows your nature and your sense of belief. You are using religion and the Bible to fight a battle here, you're using it as a weapon against others to prove your point which quite frankly is arrogant and completely disrespectful.
By doing so you feel you are worthy of being some kind of disciple of the good word and must be under the illusion that you are of sufficient character, which from what you have written i believe not to be so..
The Bible is, is an interpretation of events meant to give you a moral code to live by. It gave people stucture and a way of living that would benefit not only themselves but mankind as a whole. What we as people need to take into account is human nature, and the reach it has. In every murderer and rapist, In every preist or doctor, we see the extent of our collective nature. Because When we look upon these people we see oursleves, because you haven't done what they have, doesn't mean to say that you don't have the capacity... it would do you well to remember that fact.
It is cowardly persuit to use religion to try and segregate ANY section of society. God said love thy neighbour... He didn't say if your neighbour is gay then don't..... there were no exceptions. And on that note. It is up to God to judge, not you or anyone else. Your religion and your faith is for you, it's a relationship betweem you and God. It is not your place to tell others what God meant when he said this nor is it your place to tell people what God is to them. You can interpret it in any way you see fit. Don't be so presumptious as to assume you speak for everyone and certainly not for God.
God is compassionate, understanding and forgiving and on the day of my judgement, I as an individual will be held accountable for my actions in life as will you. I would rather stand before God knowing i had been good in this life...That i had been fair and careful especially when dealing with the judgement of others.
Religion is supposed to enchance life and make it better, not ditract and destroy... It is by it's very nature forgiving... Maybe you should stop concerning yourself with the judgement of others and get back to basics... Maybe it's time for you to rethink your last statement...

2006-06-26 02:24:26 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First of all, the Bible is not an authority on what God did or does. In fact, the Bible is a book of fairy tales concocted to deceive weak-minded people and enslave them. Nature and genetics determines what a person is and how they behave. Also, environment plays a small role. A truly gay or lesbian person is clearly born that way. They have "feelings" about being somewhat "different" long before they even comprehend what sex is. Your "reasoning" is absurd.

2006-06-25 04:10:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Everybody Loves Chris -- Man you hit the nail right dead on the head. Religious pundits are so quick to just use that one verse. If we are going to use that one verse to live by the LAW --because that what the Book of Leviticus is full of LAWS --then we must live by all the 600+ laws that are written there and throughout the Old Testament. As Christians we no longer live under the Law, however, we are saved by Grace.

Read Psalms 139 and pay extra attentiong to verses 13-18.
Another scripture you may want to read:
Psalm 100:3 (King James Version)
"Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture."

The bible is supposed to be used to spread the good news, aka the "gospel" and not to be used to judge people and try to tear people down. As a clergy person, this is where I take issue with the Jerry Falwells, Pat Robertson, Willie Wilsons, and Farrakhans of the world.

2006-06-25 04:38:44 · answer #6 · answered by cajun7_girl 2 · 0 0

Gay, is not ok for the following reasons, not because they are

Now may kids were molested at a young age and turned gay
How many kids were pressured to turn gay at a young age
How many kid will have to go through this in the future
So at that time where was there free will and the choice

so that's why is wrong, anything that does not come natural must be taught and thought they were

2006-06-25 04:00:29 · answer #7 · answered by man of ape 6 · 0 0

I do not know the answer to that and neither do you, since we both have not chatted to God about it. My idea of how God is would be that he loves everyone whether you are black / white / Gay / smart / stupid etc. I doubt God has made rules as to what we have to be before he will love us. Now the bible has been passed on down the ages and translated (it may not be totally accurate), it is full of contradictions and sometimes we take from it different things. I am not very religious but I try to be fair.

2006-06-25 04:56:11 · answer #8 · answered by Sam k 4 · 0 0

People have excuses for everything. It's just an excuse they use to justify their feelings, but it's not the real reason. I suppose if you took any species of animal there will be a certain percentage who are mis-wired sexually. It is just a form of mutation. Errors do happen in the DNA sequencing and most likely homosexual tendencies are cause by short-circuits in the genes. The reason why more people are not gay is that gays usually do not reproduce, they adopt, so their defective genes die with them.

All the hoo-haw about God is just an excuse, and is meaningless, without form, and void.

2006-06-25 04:06:40 · answer #9 · answered by Kokopelli 7 · 0 0

Whether the cause of homosexuality is nature or nurture or both is debatable as neither has been fully agreed upon in scientific studies.

However, as a gay man I can attest to the fact, yes I said fact, that I did not make a conscious choice to be attracted to men. In fact, when I first realized I was, I tried everything not to be. I tried to think about girls and not boys, I tried prayer, I spent many sleepless nights trying to convince myself that it was just a phase. I even considered suicide. I suffered in silence for about ten years.

Then in junior year of high school, I was outed in front of a group of people i had just met. I expected the worst but they didn't judge me or tell me it was wrong, they didn't even make a big deal about it. Those people became some of my best friends. They helped me accept myself for who I am and helped me understand that there isn't anything wrong with me.

Yes, it is true that I can choose not to sleep or have relationships with men, I can choose to stay in the closet and marry a women without really loving her and, I could choose to lie to people I love about who I really am but in doing so, I would be choosing to sacrifice my happiness.

There are some things that are beyond free will. We are not all powerful, we can't control everything. Not even our own hearts.

2006-06-25 09:19:57 · answer #10 · answered by Mad Hatter 6 · 0 0

dont take the bible so literaly.... everybody has diferent beliefs. do u really believe in the story of adam and eve and the snake? hu thats interesting
and dont u think that there is a little bit of god in everyone? why do u have to exclude ppl, thats against ur own beliefs! and isnt exactly what u are doing?!
would god, or jesus fritize ppl for being the way they are? NO. so hey why dont u follow their lead and become a nicer person! a bit more tolerant. im sooooo tied of ppl like u!
wow that got a bit heated

2006-06-25 07:08:20 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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