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And why are they chipping away at the conerstone of this wonderful country? Why in the heck can't normal educated people see this? It is just a crying shame.

2006-06-25 00:55:36 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

19 answers

First off, I will tell you why the liberals are crushing the country into smoldering ashes of corruption. I will also tell you who else is trying to destroy the country as well.

To begin with, my good and honorable friends, liberals are NOT good in their own sense. Liberalism + America = CORRUPTION. Why do I say that? Okay, let's talk about the conservatives on the political level. You say the conservatives are destroying America and the world. You may think they're extremist religious nuts bent on imposing strict laws that say no to liberalism. For one, they may be destroyng the country but they are also looking at the widening gap of seperation of nation from God. For this, men and women, NO NATION can survive without God. Explain to me why Africa is rife with turmoil and warfare? Explain to me why the Belkan slave trade is alive and well? Explain to me why other countries force their politics on citizens and restrict their rights? Explain to me why the world is SO unstable right now? Can you really do that? This would, heck, take years and years of explaining. Just a fiery speech washed down a filthy drain all because nobody cares to look at the reality. Conservatives are trying to tell you to be mindful of God but are you? The majority of Americans are offended by the conservatives more than the liberals.

Secondly, why did I say Liberalism + America = CORRUPTION? It's an excellent equation to speak of liberalism. Look up the definition of liberalism. Then get back here and read what I will say. Liberalism is based on the intellectual right to do whatever you want without arbitrary government. That it is based on the goodness of the individual. Hmm... getting immoral every minute. Why? Okay, take an example. Pornography is a problem in this country that chip away at America through sin. All of the content visited by men, women, or young children are sexually oriented. Now think of the equation I put here: Liberalism + America = CORRUPTION. Now, if the conservatives or "religious nuts" as you call it, are bent on banning pornography, premarital sex, and advocating marriage before sex, think of liberalism as the other way around. No man can be good without God in their lives. No one can be a good individual, drink away alcohol, have sex with other women or men, or look at porn, and still be a good individual. Now, with liberalism and pornography a bad equation, if it ever becomes that in reality, child pornography will become available to everyone, and every bad stuff that is banned will be readily available thanks to liberalism. Think of the religious nuts having an agenda to oppose sensitive matters that relate to sex, crime, hate, homosexuality, etc. and liberalism the other way around. Yes, liberalism would be BEING DESENSITIZED AND ACCEPTING THE BAD STUFF AS GOOD!

Thirdly, having said what would happen if liberalism had its field day, I will tell you who else is destroying this once glorious country FOUNDED under God. Atheists, liberal activists, homosexual activists, polygamist activists, ecumenism, pornography, alcohol, guns, you name it! Yes, I am making everyone mad by saying this but this is really true if you open your eyes to it. Does it really make sense if you had two homosexual fathers, a teacher would explain to you that one of them is your father and the other is your mother? What a bunch of crock. They're two sickly men who think they love each other when they actually are blindsided into lust and worse perversion unto their eyes. Are celebrities in love? No. They're in lust, in full red-hot forbidden passion that God abhorred. And after what I said, this is true.

I'm telling you, men and women, LIBERALISM DOES NOT EQUATE GOOD. LIBERALISM EQUATES GOOD/BAD STUFF ALL MIXED UP IN THE WORLD AND ACCEPTED AT FULL VALUE. Don't believe me? Heck, try your hand at politics and tell Bush to pass liberal laws about alcohol, guns, pornography, marriage, etc. and you'll see just HOW REALLY BAD it will be.

NO NATION CAN SURVIVE WITHOUT GOD. PERIOD. Now, I must state my conclusion that liberalism is not good and while I don't approve some of the things the "religious nuts" do, I know that if you seperate America from God, you will know which one is angry. Hint: It's not America. It would be the Big Guy upstairs.

Have fun getting mad all over this but I've stated what I've said.

2006-06-25 03:02:53 · answer #1 · answered by IFBaptist_KJV1611 3 · 7 3

Why are conservatives such hypocrites and liars?

Bush places the hand on the Bible he supposedly loves and worships so much and swears to uphold the Constitution. But then he makes warrantless searches legal which is in direct violation of the 4th Amendment.

Whenever a "liberal" complains about the 2nd Amendment being outdated because the founding fathers couldn't have envisioned fully automatic weapons. The right wingers say "tough luck, it's in there so I can carry a weapon if I want to." But when it comes to warrnetless searches and the 4th Amendment they say that the founding fathers could never have envisioned terrorists.

Bush claims he's a man of God and follows the teachings of the Bible and Jesus. But while he was Governor of Texas he allowed more executions than any state at any time. Seems like he's ignoring what Jesus said when he said to "turn the other cheek" and to "pray for those who tresspass against us".

The right wing says they are for the "little man" because they give them tax breaks. But why is it the rich get incredibly richer whenever a Republican is in office?

Bush claims that no one could have forseen the levees of New Orleans being breeched. But there was video evidence of people informing him that there was concerns that the storm surge would ruin the levees.

Bush claimed to know nothing of Dick Cheney's shooting accident. But Karl Rove's people were on record of having informed Bush of what happened hours after the incident.

Bush claimed to have evidence of WMD's and links to Osama in Iraq. Both have proven to be false.

Bush promised during his re-election campaign to make our country safer from future terrorist attacks. But the Pentagon and Congressional reports indicate that we are no more safer now than we were before 9/11.

Bush said that he is capable of uniting both parties. But it's obvious that Republicans and Democrats have never been at more odds.

Hypocricy and lies much?

2006-06-25 01:17:41 · answer #2 · answered by St. Jimmy 3 · 1 2

Never in this Countries history has our Government ever been bigger. Never has our debt been higher. Never has other countries owned most of America as under Republicans. never has any President lost a whole City and never has any President failed to protect Americans on Sept. 11th and before. Also no President in History has taken more vacation time than GW Bu$h, None.
You really need to read more and turn off Rush and FOX.
Liberals will also pay the $2 trillion cost of war in Iraq while Conservatives make more on oil stock tax free. Also never in History has the Constitution and Bill of Rights been trashed more than under Republicans. read tort reform under Republicans.

2006-06-25 14:45:27 · answer #3 · answered by jl_jack09 6 · 0 3

As much as I generally don't like the viewpoints of liberals, I don't seriously think they are literally trying to destroy the country. In their mind, they are trying to do good, just as we are. We just don't agree on how to do it.

The simple truth is that if this was simple, we would have figured it out a long time ago and 'solved' all the problems known to Mankind. Obviously, since we have not, it isn't as simple as like to think it is.

Just my .02 worth.

Reading some of the replies above and below me... wow... such liberal crap. I can see that just about everyone of them is in their 20's or early 30's at most. Too young and stupid to open their minds and understand how the Democratic/liberal ideals are what is wrong with our government - that true concervatism is what is needed for fiscal responsiblity and smaller government.

PS. Swagga - check this out:
(WMDs in Iraq WERE found... you really need to watch the news from time to time... that would be FoxNews... not CNN)


And remember the old saying:
Those in their 20's that don't vote Democratic, don't have a heart.
Those in their 40's that don't vote Republican, don't have a brain.

'nuff said.

2006-06-25 01:01:09 · answer #4 · answered by anymouse.navy 2 · 0 1

because conservatives are in power right now. Just give it until the Libs are back in control. The conservatives will be the ones "chipping away" It's just part of the American Process. I guess that is why alot of people vote Dem. when they are younger. It takes getting involved in the political process through a few changes in parties to get the hang of it. I was in my 40's before I was completely disillusioned.

2006-06-25 02:08:52 · answer #5 · answered by Stand 4 somthing Please! 6 · 0 1

Is this supposed to be a fun argument? Why do Conservatives constantly feel the need to bait others in to having this debate. NO TRUE AMERICAN IS TRYING TO DESTROY THIS COUNTRY. People have different views on what would make it better. I don't agree with you and you don't agree with me but...
We should be debating about the specific differences that we have. That's what NORMAL EDUCATED PEOPLE DO!! Lets not waste time belittling each other for being different. This is just as bad as Racism. I think it needs a new term to define it...How about POLITISM or IDEALISTISM.?

2006-06-25 01:26:06 · answer #6 · answered by irartist 3 · 0 1

...what country are you talking about, dude? Uhhh, there's about 194 different independent countries to talk about, and many of them have wonderful cornerstones being chipped away by thieves, looters, and/or politicians. Education is an issue, or you wouldn't assume that only Americans participate on this website. Take a number... and quit crying.

2006-06-25 01:03:11 · answer #7 · answered by magnamamma 5 · 0 0

It would be impossible for a liberal to destroy our country, the repuglicans have been working on that for the last 6 years. You need to do some reading.

Liberalism is an ideology, philosophy, and political tradition that holds liberty as the primary political value.[1] Broadly speaking, liberalism seeks a society characterized by freedom of thought for individuals, limitations on power, especially of government and religion, the rule of law, the free exchange of ideas, a market economy that supports relatively free private enterprise, and a transparent system of government in which the rights of minorities are guaranteed. In modern society, liberals favour a liberal democracy with open and fair elections, where all citizens have equal rights by law and an equal opportunity to succeed[2]. Liberalism rejected many foundational assumptions which dominated most earlier theories of government, such as the Divine Right of Kings, hereditary status, and established religion. Fundamental human rights that all liberals support include the right to life, liberty, and property. In many countries, "modern" liberalism differs from classical liberalism by asserting that government provision of some minimal level of material well-being takes priority over freedom from taxation. Liberalism has its roots in the Western Enlightenment, but the term now encompasses a diversity of political thought, with adherents spanning a large part of the political spectrum, from left to right. In the context of economics, the term "liberalism" refers to economic liberalism, which is associated with the political ideology of liberalism itself.

2006-06-25 01:03:39 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Why are Conservatives bent on destroying this country. It's a crying shame.

2006-06-25 01:00:14 · answer #9 · answered by Zacko 3 · 0 1

You got this all *** backwards, I think. It's the so-called conservatives who have expanded government beyond all reason, got the whole world hating and fearing us, got us more debt than all previous presidents, robbed the poor to make the rich richer, broke every provision in the Constitution.

2006-06-25 01:01:09 · answer #10 · answered by Pandak 5 · 0 1

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