yes it is perfectly normal.
dont you worry
2006-06-25 06:26:15
answer #1
answered by supernova 1
It depends on how much there is, what color, and where at. If it's always been there and hasn't changed, then it is normal and fine. But if it recently showed up or had a changed in color and thickness, it could be a sign of breast cancer. If you're going through menopause, it could be from the decrease in estrogen.
Here are other signs:
Change in the size or shape of the breast
Lump or thickening of tissue in the breast or armpit
Dimpled or pulling of the skin over the breast
Nipple discharge
Retraction of the nipple
Scaliness of the nipple
Pain or Tenderness
Abnormality on a mammogram
2006-06-24 09:29:21
answer #2
answered by Kristina 3
yes you can get hair anywhere. Its just lots of women get a full body wax so you don't know. Womens hair isn't as thick and long as mens so its not as noticeable. Don't shave it though or else it will end up like a man's chest. Waxing does hurt but it reduces the growth of the hair so to start with you'll go every 4- 6 weeks to get it removed and then as time goes on you may just go once a year.
2006-06-25 03:26:09
answer #3
answered by Crackpot 2
Yes it is. I recently learned that the hair growth can become worse when entering and going through menopause. Many places that do the laser hair removal technique perform breast hair removal also.
2006-06-24 09:26:48
answer #4
answered by Moonmaiden 2
Do you have some weight you just can't shed? Facial hair? Acne? Irregular/no period? Infertility? Unwanted hair can be caused by excess testosterone, which can be a symptom of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) which can lead to infertility, ovarian cancer, and diabetes. Check out this website for more info.
2006-06-24 09:24:23
answer #5
answered by Crys H. 4
Yes it's normal. People are mammals and have hair all over their body except for the palms and soles of the feet.
If it is very noticeable and bothers YOU, remove it.
If anyone else makes a remark about it, remove THEM.
2006-06-24 11:15:40
answer #6
answered by Trish D 5
Are you talking about a few hairs round your nipples? Then don't worry about it. If you are talking about an actual hairy chest you should go and see you doctor, it might be a hormone problem.
2006-06-24 10:42:38
answer #7
answered by Rotifer 5
You can get hair on almost any part of your body; that's why there is such a booming business for scissors, razors and depilatories.
2006-06-24 09:22:11
answer #8
answered by darkdiva 6
it depends on what type of hair it is. fine and thin hair is very normal. if you have several course and thick hairs its pcos. polysistic ovarian syndrome. it causes weight gain, hair growth and infertility. main symptom is very irregular periods.
2006-06-24 09:28:07
answer #9
answered by wtrdraco29 1
yes its normal
2006-06-24 09:23:27
answer #10
answered by azulj 1
a llitle hair but not like a man, just as your arms
2006-06-24 09:26:14
answer #11
answered by T Burr 22 2