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i'm a white guy and gets very affended by this i love her what do i make of this. she's still around.

2006-06-24 07:09:39 · 5 answers · asked by Jason G 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

5 answers

Your girlfriend is saying that ultimately she don't see herself settling (get married) with someone outside of her race. You must decide if you are willing to tolerate someone with such views, AND if you must judge her level of seriousness about the topic and whether she can be swayed to look beyond your skin tone.

Regardless of how much we love someone it is important to realize that there is nothing that we can do if they are not willing to work at making the relationship last.

2006-06-24 07:20:47 · answer #1 · answered by dscot399 3 · 1 0

Go find a black woman, they are better in bed ( well look better in bed ) plus they are more loyal than Spanish women and don't act crazy like white women. oh yea, tell her to hit the road and call her a Mexican. that will really piss her off, but who cares.

2006-06-24 13:16:14 · answer #2 · answered by BORED AT WORK 5 · 0 1

I think you should break up with her *** right away no offense she is sounding really stupid right son you can do better why in the hell would she be telling you this **** She just made me made Break up with her *** ASAP. it sound like she doesn't want you or she is just with you for something. Every thing fine ain't the finest.

2006-06-24 07:30:02 · answer #3 · answered by Jess 2 · 0 0

three years?? after 3 yrs she tells you this? then Go.............. and move on. you can love her, but if she can tell you this after spending 3 years with you then she's not happy and maybe she does want to be in her own culture. to bad she took up three years of your life to realize it. move on and find your true love.

2006-06-24 07:16:23 · answer #4 · answered by jenna 2 · 0 0

send the biatch packin it's an empty threat if she isn't gone she isn't going anywhere so call her bluff

2006-06-24 07:16:11 · answer #5 · answered by Amy M 5 · 0 0

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