They cant read a picture file. It will still be loaded and viewable and readable providing you made the image big enough. I use this method on websites all the time. Reason being, if you have written text in a particular font some systems wont have that font in their font directory and will default to the windows default font.
2006-06-23 10:07:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Not directly.
You can use a descriptive title like "triassic_insects.jpg" rather than someting like "img3221.jpg".
Also use the alt and title tags which are indexed by some engines (you should use the alt tag anyway).
The other way is to do two columns of actual text in a table or with div tags.
2006-06-23 10:05:02
answer #2
answered by sheeple_rancher 5
Nope, the spiders have no OCR capability. You can use meta data or a hidden field though with the text in it. Nobody will be able to copy and paste the text if it's converted to a jpg. What I'd suggest instead is to put the columns into a table.
2006-06-23 10:02:28
answer #3
answered by draciron 7
No it can't because seach engines generally check for text between html tags and cannot check for text within image files. It is conceivable that a search engine may consider the name of your image file. Have you considered CSS for your layout problems?
2006-06-23 10:02:21
answer #4
answered by Vixen 1
Kinda sorta. You can try to put tags in the image file for the description. Instead of dealing with tags in images, make sure that your
has keywords that in relevant to your website.
2006-06-23 10:03:53
answer #5
answered by osubuckeye 3
If you want 2 columns of text then create a 2 column table
First column of text
Second column of text
2006-06-23 12:08:44
answer #6
answered by AnalProgrammer 7
yes you can , need only to rename your file to detail of this text and in 'alt' tag of img set to description of text.

and then search engin can cravel it soon
2006-06-23 21:20:54
answer #7
answered by Spitrabergâ?¢ 4