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3 answers

No. 8mm and VHS-C are different sizes. the 8mm wont fit in the adapter properly.

2006-06-23 06:22:30 · answer #1 · answered by thunder2sys 7 · 0 0

definite, all however the 8 tracks and the 8 music participant~ I sent it to the donate pile, 15 years or extra in the past. I somewhat have a traveling typewriter~ the type that includes a guard~for elementary donning. One VCR/DVD participant~ for all the VCR tapes ie.Walt Disney video clips and different video clips on VCR, in the previous DVDs got here approximately. the tape recorders~ yep! those have been my 2 daughters whilst they have been growing to be up. I undergo in techniques them sitting their recorders head to head so as that they'd checklist the songs off the radio- from their radio/recorders~ OMG!! reproduction genuine rules in simple terms went out the window~ LOL I somewhat have a Philco television that became into my mum and dad whilst i became into little ~ somewhat! the type that had the rotating/movable television tube. consistently, Ladyitch

2017-01-02 06:02:57 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No way. They are different sizes and different formats.

2006-06-23 07:35:32 · answer #3 · answered by smgray99 7 · 0 0

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