An appraiser develops an opinion of value on a property.
Licensing requires at least 90 hours of education. It's a difficult field, and the classes are not fun. You then have to intern for 2 years in order to get the required 2400 hours of experience. Then you can sit for the test.
2006-06-26 20:50:16
answer #1
answered by Sunny Christian 4
Appraise real estate. Depends on the state. In Oregon you need a degree in Business Administration or have qualifying experience , have to pass a test and take some classes.
2006-06-23 06:07:18
answer #2
answered by Superstar 5
He tries to get the value of the home for his client! Yes there are schools but after school then you have apprentice with an appraiser for about 1 year before you can get full certification
2006-06-23 06:06:11
answer #3
answered by golferwhoworks 7
An appraiser determines a properties worth (basically) yes, you must go to school but the hard part is doing your apprenticeship. Good Luck!
2006-06-23 06:04:32
answer #4
answered by Cat 5
Assuming it is Real Estate you intend to appraise. This is a license from the stat and most Real Estate Schools offer training courses for preparation of the test.
2006-06-23 06:04:08
answer #5
answered by yes_its_me 7
they take the local area fair market value of your home. they estimate your house and give you a "rough" idea what you can get for it. when it comes to other items like jewelry or collectibles they use guides and trends to price things. plus what the rate is for certiain things. they are market specialist in their particlular field.
while there is no formal education required for some states, some places u need a license and some reputation
2006-06-23 06:06:59
answer #6
answered by futurehero5200 5
tell you how much your house is worth.
2006-06-23 06:03:59
answer #7
answered by slugworm88 5