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I'm thinking of going to Greece for a month or so on my own. I'm female 21 yrs old.
Do you think its agood idea?

2006-06-23 03:12:10 · 22 answers · asked by Milky 1 in Travel Europe (Continental) Greece

22 answers

I think it is a good idea and you will have a really nice time. I have never traveled alone but for the last six months I live alone in a foreign country and I can tell you it is a really nice experience.

I can tell you many things about Greece since I am Greek.

I saw that everybody is concerned about your security. It is true that you should take extra precautions for your safety if you are alone. Your main concern in Greece should be pick pockets in touristic places. Except that danger I do not think you have anything else to worry about. Greece has one of the lowest crime rates globally. There are one or two places that you should avoid during the night because of illegal prostitution and drug trafficking. Also Greece is a country that never sleeps and there are people on the streets all night so you will feel safe to walk in the streets even if it is really late at night.

Since you will be a tourist you can call the Greek Tourist police if you need any assistance. It is a special department of the Greek police that its job is to help tourists and give them information if they need to. Its phone number is 171 and the police officers speak for sure English and most of them one more foreign language. They are always in contact with all the Embasies.

Also Greece has the second largest population in the EU that speak at least one foreign language. All the sings are translated to English and the same goes for the public transportation.

Alterchix reffered to Bali but Bali is not even close to Greece or Europe or maybe I did not understand correctly. If you do not know it allready Greece is one of the oldest members of the EU (almost 30 years now) and also belongs to the Euro zone. In other words you can expect to meet a European country with European levels of behaviour and services.

Finally Greece has a realy good tourist infrastracture. There are many companies that organize day trips, crouses or excursions. You also have many different choises for accomodation and transport. There are many palces to visit in the mainland with great interest. You can also just visit as many islands as you and there will be more to visit.

Have a nice time

2006-06-23 06:13:24 · answer #1 · answered by Gke 3 · 1 1

Totally awesome idea. Absolutely Yes. Go for it.

Be friendly and you will meet and party with the most fantastic people. If you travel with someone or in a group you very seldom hook up with and meet new people. Being on your own, you can choose exactly what you want to do and where you want to be, every day. Island hopping in Greece is fantastic fun and relatively easy - ferries from Athens. Try and spend some time in Turkey too - spectacularly beautiful and friendly. Once you're there, you'll be sorry you didn't plan for stay 2 months!

Just be cautious and sensible too - use the same common-sense you would apply at home. Also rely on your instincts - if something or somewhere feels unsafe or someone seems dodgy don't go there or don't do it.

(I traveled through Europe, Asia and SE Asia for seven years - mostly on my own. Did Greece twice and Turkey four times entirely on my own.)

2006-06-23 03:27:01 · answer #2 · answered by Mandy L 2 · 0 0

To be honest, I don't think it is a good idea.
But if you want to do it, be sure you are prepared and be ready to be tough if you need to be.
Don't feel you have to be nice to people - unscrupulous people will take advantage of that.
Be smart about your safety, don't go out alone after dark, and don't strike up conversations with random men.
It would be a really good idea to carry a personal alarm in your pocket at all times.
There are probably lots of websites that can give you some good Greece-centred advice, but the one below is a general travel advice site for women that you may find helpful.

2006-06-23 03:33:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It depends how you feel, to go alone or with a friend.Greece is like traveling in any other european country. More that you tavel in the land of myth, history, culture. natural beauty...
Greece has all, and offer all to a quite walk in the beach, to a noisy night in an island, is the country that compines the old with the new, and people are like in other places of the world, or more friendly. But normally dont trust strange people, thing that happens and whenever you go.
As for the food, you will taste great souvlaki!, salads and deserts, dont forget that the mediterannean food is the more healthy nutrition.
So along or with friends, anjoy the trip!.

2006-06-24 05:43:53 · answer #4 · answered by lintagr 2 · 0 0

Life is a voyage that we take alone!
You know that most of the goals accomplished by you they were achieved because you knew that YOU had to do them, not someone else! Thus, if it is possible to resolve difficult case, take important decisions and achieve great goals, then you can start it alone in the most beautiful place on Earth, enjoy as you wish and should you find the proper other half, you decide and proceed in whatever relation you are ready for, wish and need!
You are 21! Perfect! You can bring the moon down, if you wish, so you can start this vacation with high expectations, free spirit and ready for anything good that might come! Enjoy!

2006-06-23 13:19:48 · answer #5 · answered by soubassakis 6 · 0 0

Please undertake a deep study about places of visit and mode of transport facilities available etc. Check the safety of travelling alone at EACH of the place. Check up whether any site seeing tours are arranged after arrival there so that you can go in a group. You can even check up from the tourists information centre what are their recommendations
Always tell some one at the hotel as to your plan for that day. Keep your cell phone with you and keep contact with some one.
Be careful with you cash wallet Pass port and your crdeit card.
Never show these out Keep extra cash deep inside pockets
Remember that snatch and run cases are also there and so never have any valuables in hand bags.
Plan well Decide what to see when to see where to stay etc.

2006-06-23 03:41:14 · answer #6 · answered by THATHA75 6 · 0 0

Yes, a very good idea. Most places in the world are safe even for lone women. But do keep your wits about you. Take any normal precautions (don't walk in poorly lit areas, keep valuables hidden away) and make sure you know about your destinations before you go. Then you will know which places are risky and which ones are safe.

I have travelled all round the world and have met girls your age travelling alone. None of them have had any trouble. Chances are, you will have a great time too.

2006-06-23 05:20:59 · answer #7 · answered by The Global Geezer 7 · 0 0

I know of loads of female travellers who go alone - and to places like India and South America. Greece should not be a problem it just depends if you want to go alone. I went travelling alone last year and made friends easily and had a great time and was glad I went alone.

2006-06-23 03:17:46 · answer #8 · answered by Mclaren 3 · 0 0

Believe me.. you will be hounded by guys outside your hotel and you would have to learn to NOT look at them a second time or that would mean you are interested. You MUST learn to be aware of your surroundings and keep a camera from dangling from your neck and not go dark streets where no one is walking and preferably (only because you are female/21/traveling alone)in a hotel that has a little class

2006-06-25 12:03:06 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Greece is the country that fits for everyone! Being in the land of gods, you will have the opportunity to enjoy, learn, have excitement, visit places, get energy, .....
You can and you will enjoy it!
Make some friends quick, so you will share the times of excellence and let the breeze of the Aegean replace all worries with joy and experience!

2006-06-23 10:55:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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