Try this product, it works well and even keeps them out of the eyes (ise it for my my own horses)
2006-06-23 00:16:59
answer #1
answered by iceni 7
In part it depends on the individual situation. A several point approach is best. After working (when breaking a sweat) rinse the horse off thoroughly - doesn't need a soap bath but rinse the sweat and dirt off. In areas in the south where it's been very hot rinse the horse daily whether worked or not.
The "spot on" products you apply once every 2 weeks help. A good fly spray, fly masks, rabon fly blocks (yes horses can eat them).
Around the barn and paddocks put up fly bait traps and (if out of reach of ALL animals) fly bait. Keep barns clean and pick manure out of the paddocks daily. Clean water buckets/troughs at least once a week.
Just fly spray and a mask won't make a difference if there's other things attracting flies.
2006-06-23 18:40:43
answer #2
answered by Jan H 5
If your horses are out in the pasture build them a smudge fire. Use damp leaves, straw, twigs what ever as long as it's damp and light it. Make sure it's wet enough to just smoke and not start a blaze.The horses will stand around the smudge and the smoke
will help keep the flies away. I used this on my quarter horse ranch in Manitoba Canada where there is a major black fly problem. Hosing them down and wiping there eyes with a wet cloth helps too because the flies are attracted to the sweat on the animals...and it's refreshing for the horses. A light cotton blanket and hood will help as well.
2006-06-23 05:09:14
answer #3
answered by jimminycricket 4
There are a number of good fly repellants for horses out there depending on the area in which you and your horse live. Maybe ask the local feed mill or TSC what is selling good for horses in your area? Also check out for products like fly predators - little bugs that eat fly larvae. They have helped around here but are not an immediate quick fix. Do look into fly masks or even fly sheets, they have leg wraps for fly protection, too. A fan in your horse's stall or shed may help as well, it can deter the flies from landing on your horse and they seem to like darker places like an unlit stall. Hope this helps and good luck!
2006-06-23 05:09:34
answer #4
answered by Giovanni 3
Sprays work for a while, but remember that most will become ineffective if the horse sweats or gets wet, and some are also deactivated by sunlight. Fly sheets and masks are a good solution if your horse will tolerate them without tearing them up. In the barn, fans are a great repellent. You can also try something called fly predators. Its an insect you release (doesn't bother horses or people) that kills the fly larvae in manure piles.
2006-06-23 16:02:41
answer #5
answered by flyer82 3
There are a number of sprays made specifically for use on horses to help repel flies. Other owners advocate the use of "fly hoods" which are made of a fine mesh that keeps the flies out of the eyes, nostrils, etc.
2006-06-23 04:35:42
answer #6
answered by Robin M 1
There ae many topical fly sparay for horses.
I like Tri-Tec it works well and will work for up to 14 days.
My horse does not mind the spray it does not burn and it holds up even through sweat.
I also am using feed thru fly control called Simpl-Fly
you feed them the pellets evey day and the flys can not hatch in the poo. It is working well and there areless flys here this year than last.
We also use the fly bags to hang in problem areas. They work well on some types of flys but no all.
2006-06-23 10:03:18
answer #7
answered by tlctreecare 7
I recommend Endure also, it is great and lasts a long time, also fly mask your horse preferably get one with ears, a horse that has fly problems around the ears will develop a sensitivity to handling the ears etc. You can walk through my barn and tell who uses Endure, a lot of fly repellents work for a few hours but this one lasts!
2006-06-23 10:00:48
answer #8
answered by bmybabytoday 2
buy some fly spray. the best i have found is Endure. it killed the flies on my horses rite on the spot. it lasts for 14 days, and it is water, and sweat proof. besides that u could get a fly mask, it helps keep them off of their face. there are fly sheets, just like blankets, but a lot thinner. u can also get some fly strips, and hang them around ur barn. hope this helps. good luck!
2006-06-23 09:48:36
answer #9
answered by <*Dani*> 2
It's been years but we use to buy a spray made for horses, sorry I can't remember the name. I would ask other owners what they use.
2006-06-23 04:30:16
answer #10
answered by OU812 3
the cheapest way in the long term, is to buy a fly rug with a neck and belly and also a fly mask, put a fly repel cream around teats/sheath area.
2006-06-25 13:22:31
answer #11
answered by Anonymous