That is a little to serious for a 13 year old but boys are very immature - need to make sure he is not saying that just have sex... maybe he is a puppy love stage.
2006-06-22 08:57:20
answer #1
answered by jessica 4
RED FLAG! Phooey on his feelings, he'll get over it. You need to find some time when you can talk to him, with no distractions, but in a relatively public place, like Mickey D's or the mall or on the front porch - before dark.
Tell him you are pleased that he wants to be your boyfriend and get married when you grow up, but you are not ready or willing to make that commitment to him. If he has a problem, let him know that you are ready to break up with him if he wants more from you than you want to give.
You may need to write this stuff down, so you don't forget what you need to say to him when he starts getting all romantical, and so he knows you are serious not just repeating stuff you heard. If he, or any other male, tries to get you to do something you don't want to do, or that you feel is wrong, you must tell an adult, hopefully your parents. If you don't, you will be scarred/bruised for life.
2006-06-22 09:04:35
answer #2
answered by im_a_fun_nut 4
Please stop!!! You are too young to even think about getting married and having kids. He is probably saying that just to get you to do more than you're willing sexually. Or maybe he's saying it to keep you on lock down and make sure you're not going anywhere. You say you don't want to hurt his feelings but you have to think of yourself first. As a young lady have to protect yourself physically (your body is temple) by using protection and getting regular check ups. Secondly, you have to protect yourself emotionally.... Sex does not equal love. Talk is simply that... Talk. Let a guy show you how he feels about you by him respecting you and treating you like the princess I know you are. Think about this, you have FIVE more years before you graduate high school; NINE more years before you graduate college; and then you'll probably have a few jobs before you finally decide on a career or find work that you love. Just focus on who you are right now and who you want to be in the future... Never put all your hope, faith and trust in a man because you are you're own best ally.
2006-06-22 09:03:55
answer #3
answered by treasures320 3
Yeah 6 months? 6 months isn't sufficient time to understand someone. in case you do not believe get married and in six years at the same time as he's spending more effective time with the boys or he seems uninterested in issues after the wonder of the feeling is lengthy gone'll comprehend for particular. yet he perchance Mr precise in simple terms comprehend there is in no way a hurry to make any such dedication previously God. today you do not comprehend if he has the present of duty yet ..will he comprehend after the dedication that love isn't a feeling. in simple terms be affected human being as far as having a sad previous .. many have ..yet verify your operating to be an finished human being so that you'll comprehend an finished human being once you spot him. the most important relationship killer is over depending.
2016-11-15 03:16:21
answer #4
answered by ? 4
Uh, didn't you say you were 13? Unless he's ten years older than you(and I hope not), then tell him his fantasies might come true---when he can do the following:
6.Drive a car
5.Get into a R-rated movie
3.Enter contests without having a parent signature
2.Graduates high school and makes something of himself.
1.Puts in at least a solid ten years into the relationship before talking about marriage.
*The illnovelist*
2006-06-22 09:12:16
answer #5
answered by illnovelist 3
Honey, way too fast!!! You got a lotta time for marriage and kids. Now you should concentrate on school, studies, sports, etc. Take you time growing up and enjoy it. Once you make the move to marriage and kids your life is forever changed. They become your first priority, sometimes to the point of sacrificing yourself and your desires just to make your family happy. Get rid of him NOW!!!
2006-06-22 09:01:11
answer #6
answered by stacy 4
Yep, that is way too fast. Just tell him that you like him but you don't plan on getting married till after you graduate from high school at the earliest so there is no use talking about it now.
2006-06-22 09:00:33
answer #7
answered by rkrell 7
Yes, he is moving too fast! Don't worry about hurting his feelings, you need to be honest with him. I am glad he is totally into you and I hope he treats you right, but alot can happen during high school and college as far as you and he maturing.
2006-06-22 09:00:43
answer #8
answered by R3Kidz 1
Just smile and say sweetly, "I really like you too, and I enjoy our relationship as it is now. When we're much older we can discuss those things but for right now, we don't need to think of them." If he has a problem with this and gets mad, there's your answer...and it means RUN as fast as you can away from him. It's good your recognize that you're far too young to think of marriage and children. Good for you!
2006-06-22 08:58:36
answer #9
answered by SuperJenn 4
Ugh, another teenager asking a relationship question.
These are TEMPORARY little starter relationships that you can't take so seriously. BE FRIENDS ONLY. All this BF/GF stuff is too confusing for you and leads to other things.
Wait until you are older and can have more mature committed relationships.
2006-06-22 08:57:52
answer #10
answered by drsteve362005 6