**** Ashanti has some sideburns man & she still a pretty girl !!
dont be ashamed
2006-07-06 03:56:17
answer #1
answered by (( B!TCH )) 2
That was an outstanding description of Jess. Ummm! She sounds so beautiful. I actually like a woman who has a little side burn. Now, with that being said. I don't mean sideburns thicker and longer than mind, but nice gentle sideburns are sexy on a female. Also Jess should believe she is beautiful just for the fact that every female is. I would like the end this with a poem to Jess.
Spread your wings!
You are a beautiful being
Maybe the most beautiful being
The World has ever seen
Enlighten your brain
Think sun instead of rain
Happiness over sadness
Erase all your pains
Think of yourself high
Like a beautiful butterfly
With wonderful wings
That are made to fly
copyrighted work of 2le2reDerrell
2006-06-22 13:55:55
answer #2
answered by derrellpoetry 1
We sometimes are our own enemy. Tell Jess to be her own best friend. We all have our blessings and curses. They tend to keep us in balance. So ask Jess to straighten out her attitude. Nobody is perfect.
As a male i look at a woman in totality not just her side burns. Her face is the index of her mind. If her mind is beautiful, then small deficiencies in the body or face are ignored by men.
2006-07-06 10:51:42
answer #3
answered by StraightDrive 6
i am assuning she is hipanic, or middle eastern or maybe black.
I know exactly what you are talking about.
Those are the small things people blow way out of proportion when nobody else even notices or thinks about. You probley have something about you that sits in the front of your mind 24/7 and nobody knows why you fret about it too.
your friend can wax them if she is that worried about it. 100 bucks I would be way attracted to your friend just from your description sideburns and all.
Get over it Jess.
2006-06-22 13:48:48
answer #4
answered by frontmann2004 3
THUJA 10M just one dose will get rid of unwanted hair on ladies face. Its a Homeopathic remedy. Available at all Herbal Stores and on Homeopathic sites on line !
Take Care and God Bless
2006-07-02 04:13:46
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
i know you said boys only but as a girl i think that she is embarrassed because she thinks her side burns are kind of manly or she might think there ugly i think you should just tell her that her side burns are unique and make her stand out as a person
2006-06-22 13:46:43
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Tell her that everyone has something about them that they don't like...it's those things that make us stand out and be seen by others. The things I don't like about myself may be the exact things that make someone like me. Best wishes
2006-06-22 13:44:57
answer #7
answered by colorist 6
Tell her that as a girl we always feel imsecure about something but will get over it.
2006-07-05 14:01:42
answer #8
answered by Cute 7Diva 2
tell her what i say to my cuzin cuz she dose the same thing tell her you dont want to hear it and that she needs to shut up that i wish i was her and shes to pretty to say that
2006-07-06 03:11:42
answer #9
answered by jay b 1
looks don't mean anything it is there personality tell her to think bettter of herself
2006-06-22 14:05:31
answer #10
answered by Derek G 2