Why do you feel it is important to shave? Is it because you want to fit into a societal "norm" or because you are self concious of your body/looks?
If you mother is telling you no at this time, it means you do not need to shave. While you may feel you do, another perspective other then your own & seperated from your own feelings is probably much more accurate.
Age has nothing to do with it. Some people need to shave or use hair removal, others do not. Shaving should be delayed as long as possible & avoided if possible; opt for a hair removal cream over shaving.
Once you shave, there is no turning back. The hair grows in faster, darker, coarser. While you may think you need to shave, instead opt the WAIT & SEE attitude & listen to Mom.
I at a young age resisted the urge & conformity to be like others & opted to wait & see. Some 25 years later, because of that wise decision, I still only have to shave/remove hair once or twice a YEAR! My legs have always been soft, smooth, loved by men, & the envy of most women that have to shave every other day. My armpits have the same 1/2 dozen to a dozen hairs total that they always have, very light, & natural, and if I ever felt they got too long, I would just cut them back, again NO shaving.
My eldest daughter's are going through the exact same phase right now. And I assure them, they are normal, beautiful, & not to be too concerned into fitting into some kind of "norm" of the now & present, rather think what is really best for them, & their bodies in the long term.
Again, some women do need to shave, & there is nothing wrong with that, but I will re-iterate hair removal cream is always a better option.
The bottom line, is Mom has said NO at this time, so give her the benefit of her wisdom & knowledge, & you may very well end of with a low maintainence body that is soft, sexy, natural.
2006-06-22 06:49:18
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I'm not sure what it is you want to shave, but it is your body. You should decide when it's right for you to start shaving. Try calmly explaining to your mom why you want to shave. For me, it was because a boy at school made a mean comment to me in sixth grade, and I started shaving my legs then. If your mom still doesn't come around, just do it. You're in charge of your body. She might not even notice. Good luck!!
2006-06-22 06:24:23
answer #2
answered by Reve 2
Ask her if you can bleach the hair with plain peroxide. It is hard when all you want is smooth legs. I sympathize. But you do need to get her ok on this especially if you want to have a good relationship with her. Sometimes you learn the best lessons when you cannot do what you want to do. I had to wait until I was 13 to shave and my dad had a fit even then. Trouble is, once you shave, you have to shave every day!!!
2006-06-22 06:31:41
answer #3
answered by Barbara 3
What would you like to shave? to make it not noticeable do it in stages or increments. Shave a small part or lenght of it in increments, the longer or more gradually you shave the better it will not be notice by anyone. Its like growing old we change gradually that we dont notice how much we change. think first if you really like to shave sometimes our mom knows best.
2006-06-22 06:39:36
answer #4
answered by j.r. 1
Well how old r u? If you need to shave then shave. I started shaving my legs in like 2nd or 3rd grade. But it also depends on WHERE u want to shave. If she won't let you then i would do it anyways... that is if you know how. She most likely won't even notice.
2006-06-22 06:29:10
answer #5
answered by citie_chick 3
How old are you? Do you want to shave under your arms and/or your legs? Or is someone giving you a stupid idea about shaving elsewhere? And why won't your Mom let you? What reason did she give?
2006-06-22 06:23:44
answer #6
answered by kja63 7
Well, it depends on how old you are. If your around 12 or older, then it's probably time. Just show her. And then maybe she will realize. But don't get into a big rush in everything, because wance you shaved, you can't turn back.
2006-06-22 06:27:50
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Find your old doll. Cut it's hair. Then have the hair hanging out the sides of your bikini bottoms. And go to the pool with your Mom. Walk around. She'll change her mind very quickly.
2006-06-22 07:58:13
answer #8
answered by Cat Woman 1
depending on how old you are but i started in 8th grade but only then becuse i was on the swim team! depending on how stubbon your mother is just keep bringing it up like say "my legs are getting so harry it is embarrising" or "(my friend) looks so good now that she is shaving" or "(someone) has been shaving for (time) now why can't i?"
2006-06-22 06:25:56
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
go ahead and shave. A teenage girl with a beard looks funny.
2006-06-22 06:24:48
answer #10
answered by ? 6