It is absolutely possible, though if you got your last period on June 8th, you probably wouldn't have ovulated until about the 20th or 24th, but if you tend to ovulate at around the 11th day as I do, and sperm can live in your bosy for up to 3 days or so, then yes, you could be. If you are, don't panic...doctors do recommend waiting 2-3 cycles with an early miscariage, but mostly so that you get one or two normal periods which helps them better determine your due date. If you had an early m/c, like before 8 weeks without a D/C, one cycle should be sufficient for your bosdy to rebuild, if you had a later m/c or had to have D/C, it is better to wait 3 months or so since you lose more of oyur uterine lining. Don't worry!! Keep in mind, too that you are much more fertile the few months following a miscarriage...
2006-06-22 01:46:07
answer #1
answered by lauren0531 3
it is absolutely possible, I have a friend who got pregnant, had a miscarriage,lost the baby after only about a month and a pregnant again shortly thereafter and unfortunately had another miscarriage because she got pregnant so soon after the first miscarriage. She is pregnant right now and seems to be doing good with her pregnancy she is due in September now and she waited about 6 months before trying to get pregnant again....If you should find out that your not pregnant, don't try to or have unprotected sex for at least 6 months to a year....give your body time to heal....then if and only if you are ready..preferably if you are married....try to conceive....good luck
2006-06-22 11:01:59
answer #2
answered by MELISSA&ERIC 4
Unprotected sex is not an accident. You very well might be pregnant. Take a test and find out for sure. In the future, follow your doctors advice. It's really best.
2006-06-22 16:52:50
answer #3
answered by eehco 6
It's entirely possible. You should have waited until your cycles returned to normal, but it won't have hurt. However the chances of you displaying any symptoms of pregnancy this early on are quite slim. Wait another week or two, and take a test.
If you're trying - good luck!
2006-06-22 09:40:18
answer #4
answered by K38 4
It seems nice that you still got pregnant after your first miscarriage ..
There is high possibility that you got pregnant during sex ..
Doctors advised not to do sex is because of your health and to develop your embryo and other muscles as well ..
2006-06-22 08:46:05
answer #5
answered by Sara 2
hi there yeah its quite possible to become pregnant so soon after a miscarriage me myself had a miscarriage back in 1997 i had a d+c as my body didnt want to get rid of the dead child i bled from that obviously then i missed the month after and thinking the pregnancy hormoan was still in my body after the miscarriage i consulted my doctor who told me i,d most likely to be pregant oh joy :-) contact your doctor :-)
2006-06-22 16:42:09
answer #6
answered by moonpup35 2
It's possible, of course. But do not beat yourself up about this now. Wait until you know. And if it has happened, well, then maybe it was meant to be. Ask your doctor for advice...
And all the best, too!
2006-06-22 08:53:15
answer #7
answered by hystoriker 3
it could be poss dont stress about it the best thing to do is wait a while 3 maybe 4 weeks & go to a family planning clinic or go & buy test but if your not you want to think about contreception seriously as otherwise you could find yourself in trouble...hope everything goes ok..goodluck
2006-06-22 11:06:45
answer #8
answered by kathy h 1
Anything is possible! You need to go to your doctor and ask for a pregnancy test, to check.
2006-06-22 08:48:05
answer #9
answered by deb_the_manc 1
Do a test and put your mind at rest.
2006-06-22 08:43:40
answer #10
answered by Anonymous