Those are probably large pores. I would recomend that you keep your skin clean and moisturized daily. I like to use Clinique's 3 step facial cleansing system. It keeps my skin healthy and soft.
2006-06-21 13:56:27
answer #1
answered by Ready2Go 4
2016-05-26 15:21:50
answer #2
answered by ? 3
Take a cotton ball and dip it in some alcohol and rub you'll see the dirt. It will kill germs and dry out the oil on your nose that makes the blackheads. I started doing it in high school cuz I had a bad problem it worked and so I still do
2006-06-21 14:20:14
answer #3
answered by skhoury28nails 3
blackheads are pores clogged with oil from your skin. The "black" color is from the dirt that gets stuck on the oil. Use an exfoliating face wash and acne cream to prevent them. There are some peel-off strips you can buy for blackheads - I forget the brand name - but they work too
2006-06-21 13:59:00
answer #4
answered by Signilda 7
You can buy these face steamer things... My g/f has one...
If you don't wanna spend the money on one of them, get some peppermint oil (essential oil) boil some water, and put it in a large bowl.
Put 2/3 drops of the oil in, and put your head over the bowl with towl covering you.
Steam ya face for as long as ya can, about ten minutes... this will soften your skin and then go to mirror and get squeezing!
Enjoy... :)
2006-06-21 13:59:23
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Those are blackheads all right. They don't ooze anything black. They ooze fat sadly. To prevent that just wash your face everyday, morning and night plus get rid of those little black dots. Keep on squeezing. then again scars could occur but after squeezing them out apply some alchohol to prevent infection and later on scars.
2006-06-21 13:56:53
answer #6
answered by Ariele 2
The best way to get rid of them would be to exfoliate that area first and then use astringent. You could also use biore nose pore strips to get rid of them quicker but exfoliate too to prevent the oil from staying there later on.
2006-06-21 15:08:35
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Witch hazel is an inexpensive and natural astringent that you could try. Any grocery or drug store should have it. Clean you face as usual, at least once per day, dry, and apply by cosmetic puff or disc to your face, neck, behind ears. Dry and apply a nice moisturizer recommended for your skin type.
2006-06-21 13:58:36
answer #8
answered by wanderingjane 1
Nothing but cleaning your face. Don't over do the nose pinching it will cause scars later in life.
2006-06-21 13:56:50
answer #9
answered by R C 3
Well you can use biore strips to remove the ones you currently have. Then just practice consistant face washing and you should be fine.
2006-06-21 13:59:25
answer #10
answered by Chris 2