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The reason that I asked this question is b/c I hate when people at my school be like, "Oh, look at that Mexican!" when they dont even know whether or not he/she is Mexican. Then I say, "How do you know that he/she is Mexican or not?" Then they go, "Well, it aint no difference!!!!" Then Im like, "Yes it is. If you are Mexican, you're not Puerto Rican, (OR) If you are Latino, you are not Puerto Rican!" B/c there IS a difference, right? Well, I know that there's a difference, but WHAT is the difference?

2006-06-21 13:06:53 · 3 answers · asked by JMiyah B 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

3 answers

Im mexican, I dont really look it so I dont get confused very often.. but here is what you need to know.. central america was pretty much all one culture before the spanish came.. from yucatan (mexico ) to panama.. there were the mayans.. in central mexico there were aztecs and similar cultures.

People who live in these places can tell you the others are sooo different, and the way they talk.. soo different.. but in a way is the same difference as americans say west and east coast people are so different..

But to offend people by calling them mexicans when they are from guatemala is not because of their culture.. its because their national pride

2006-06-21 15:19:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What I can tell you is not only has it happened to me but my sister as well.We go to Mexico every year . Not that we have family their . When coming back through canadian customs I am always hassled . They see my passport and as it says SOuth America ...I get the third degree on what family members do I vist there.Sometimes they don't even look at my passport . Once their were two girls visiting canada on the plan ( we knew as the pilot had annouced it to welcome them to canada) when I went through customs they did not even glance at my passport to see I am canadian but advised me immediate how long I can stay in the country !!!!!????? I was so iritated as I have lived in canada since I was 2 yrs old . My husband also kept telling me I was wrong when we were vacationing in Mexico he told me Mexico was in SOuth America ! I love Mexico ! But for me as the previous person said it is my cultural pride !

2006-06-21 23:14:41 · answer #2 · answered by HAPA CHIC 6 · 0 0

There is a subculture there. The same thing with Asians don't call a Chinese a Korean. Big mistake I learned the hard way.

2006-06-21 21:31:29 · answer #3 · answered by caitie 6 · 0 0

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