No one--absolutely no one--can read this question on the internet and diagnose the cause of your vaginal discharge. Please don't take opinion polls when it comes to your health. See a physician who can evaluate you appropriately and treat you if necessary. Only after such an evaluation can your vaginal discharge be declared normal or abnormal.
2006-07-04 18:05:30
answer #1
answered by md_51900 2
Vaginal discharge is normal and varies during your menstrual cycle. Before ovulation (the release of the egg), there is A LOT of mucous produced, up to 30X more than after ovulation. It is also more watery and elastic during that phase of your cycle. You may want to wear panty liners during that time.
The things to be worried about include if the discharge has a yellow or green color, is clumpy like cottage cheese, or has a bad odor. If worried, see a doctor.
White: Thick, white discharge is common at the beginning and end of your cycle. Normal white discharge is not accompanied by itching. If itching is present, thick white discharge can indicate a yeast infection.
A normal vaginal discharge consists of about a teaspoon (4 ML) a day that is white or transparent, thick to thin, and odorless. This is formed by the normal bacteria and fluids the vaginal cells put off. The discharge can be more noticeable at different times of the month depending on ovulation, menstrual flow, sexual activity and birth control.
It is not uncommon for the normal discharge to be dark, brown or discolored a day or two following the menstrual period.
2006-06-21 12:51:42
answer #2
answered by melissa 6
Hun, you need to go to the doctor, you either have a yeast infection, or a bacterial infection, both can be cleared up w/meds in a couple of days... If it smells, and is itchy, it's yeast.. Bacterial infections are difficult, you really only know you have it if you have a lot of discharge.. sounds to me like a bacterial infection... Also are you sexually active?? If so you may have chlamydia, which is also treated w/ meds and will go away in a few days... Go see a doctor chica!!!
2006-06-29 10:44:44
answer #3
answered by amygirl9333 3
You may have a bacteria infection or yeast infection or even a STD. Only a doctor will know after a few test. Dont be embarresed it happens to all of us. Dont let any guys look down there they just wouldnt understand. Stop stalling and go see a doctor. It wil only take a couple of minutes for them to figure it out and treat it. If you are too embarresed to tell your parents go to a free clinic asap!
2006-06-21 12:58:56
answer #4
answered by SKEESE 1
Do not worry. As several indicated, only foul smelling discharge means bacterial vaginosis. Simple home remedy also exists if so. This kind of discharges even boys get (wet dreams, excess sexual thoughts). Discharge should be colourless. Yogurt like discharge means Candida Albicans infection. If so OTC suppositories available to treat. Even some herbal douches take care of that, but then md's have to survive!
2006-07-04 23:36:52
answer #5
answered by shirishbhate 4
Honey, your vagina is a mucous membrane and the whitish discharge is totally normal. Unless it's itchy and/or foul-smelling (in which case you could have a yeast infection or bacterial vaginitis) it's just part of being a woman.
2006-06-21 12:51:38
answer #6
answered by mockingbird 7
Kinda sounds like a yeast infection, see a doc and they will let you know what to do, but eating lots of yogurt helps it has a bacteria in it that prevents yeast infections. They get very uncomfortable, treat as soon as you can the better. I used to get them when I was pregnant its just a imbalance of yeast in your system.
2006-06-21 12:50:29
answer #7
answered by SummerLovin' 3
You can try an array of vaginal bacterial treatments over-the-counter. Visting a doctor would be the best thing. Getting an STD test would also help, might be a uncommon STD so you do not recognize the signs.
2006-06-21 12:51:27
answer #8
answered by ? 2
it could be a yeast infection if , it smells, is kinda greenish in color or if your vagina burns after intercourse,,, depending on how long you have had this "white stuff" you could just be ovulating. When you are fertal your body releases a white mucus to help the sperm reach the cervex easier.
2006-06-21 12:57:14
answer #9
answered by hey.goodlookin 2
Hi Michelle.....
You are perfectly normal....we all get that....but if youre really unsure go to your GP and have it checked.....
If you find this excessive during your monthly cycle, its due to ovulation and is the vagina and womb preparing for the ovum....
My advice to you is to shower daily and if youre finding it "nasty", invest in some feminine wipes and carry them in your bag.......
Best wishes
2006-06-21 12:52:29
answer #10
answered by Anonymous