Don't worry. I am older too, but it is just that time in your life. We can't always be up and excited. Sometimes are bodies just need a break.
Pamper yourself and don't worry. Take a break, and tell hubby you love him a whole lot and mention you need to take more time for yourself.
In time things get back in the saddle.Up the vitamins and go easy on any 'white' foods--rice, potatoes--can 'down-time' your body.
luv Ava
2006-06-21 12:25:34
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Possibly part is hormonal. Get a saliva test for hormones. You may be able to figure it out from that, without needing shots, pills, etc.
Regarding privacy, can all the other people go away for 4 hours maybe once a month - all at the same time - except the hubby. It is either that or a deadbolt on the bedroom door, and a lot of smirking by the family.
2006-06-21 19:25:03
answer #2
answered by Pegasus90 6
You are not alone,this is happening to alot of women.Try to schedule a real date with your hubby at least once a month,it doesn't have to be to an expensive place try a nice picnic and a long walk and talk afterwards,communication is the key to successful relationships.Tell him exactly what you are experiencing and he will probably be a bigger help than you think he may be.Also, RELAX! Life is too short to be stressed out all the time,but formost be sure you are not ill,then LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST!Good Luck to you and Hubby!
2006-06-21 19:31:28
answer #3
answered by Christine C 2
If you want to maintain a good relationship, clear out the house once in a while (even just a couple of hours) for time alone, it can explode later if you don't and what is good now could be lost. Try replaying the love scenes in your mind. It could bring the desire back!
2006-06-21 19:27:38
answer #4
answered by Madeamove 3
I would see a doctor.
Also, find a local hotel or motel and instead of going out ona date to the movies or dinner, just head there for a few hours. It will give you time alone without the family around!
2006-06-21 19:24:05
answer #5
answered by rrhiannon99 2
lock your doors, pretend your not home, and spend time with your husband, you said big family, do your children still live with you?
i really don't have your worries, but i would suggest you might go to your doctor to get on some hormone meds.
2006-06-21 19:27:35
answer #6
answered by GLORIA M 3
Check out ( ) there is a lot of great articles and expert advice on the subject there.
2006-06-21 23:19:32
answer #7
answered by marketingexpert 6
you need to go to a physician and ask for hormone shots. it will get u feeling like a teenage boy
2006-06-21 19:22:52
answer #8
answered by Jackawoose2002 1