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i asked my boyfriend how he feels about me like 3 times and he still hasn't answered. i know that maybe he's scared to share his feelings, but i don't know. i need help and i need to know how he feels so i won't have more feelings for him than he has for me.

2006-06-21 09:45:47 · 22 answers · asked by Dimples 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

22 answers

He does love you, he just has the same "problem" like most guys have: He has difficulty of sharing his feelings with anyone. Men grew up knowing that sharing their feelings and emotions means to open up your heart and let someone in, and in their mind's eye it is at times considered to be a weakness. It's like going to war without an armor, the warrior won't live long enough on the battlefield. They don't tell it openly to anyone and are more often than afraid of the fact that the one their talking to is going to think either badly of them or will assume he doesn't mean. Even though he doesn't say it out loud, he hopes you can see it through his actions: the way he cares for you and treats you.

Give him some time, and let him sort out everything on his own. He knows that you love him and gives him enough security of starting to open up his heart and let you in. Just like anyone else, he's just afraid of getting hurt and since he's not saying it outloud doesn't mean that he's either not afraid or is not capable of having feelings for anyone, especially you. He can feel the same way about you (maybe even more than you can imagine) and even though it is a completely new feeling for him and it'll take time, he will be able to say it outloud to you and tell you how much he trully cares for you. Just be patient with him and let him got through this one step at a time :) He'll be greatfull to you for your kindness, loving and caring understanding of what he's going through.

2006-06-21 09:55:35 · answer #1 · answered by tiger_pisces7483 4 · 1 1

There is no right answer to this question. I have learnt there are languages of love. Some people act out love and some can articulate their feelings. If he is one of those, "observe and know you are loved people" you will not get an answer from him. On the other hand if he can speak about everything else and becomes a mute when it comes to your love questions, then he might be telling you that he infact does not love you. What I would do is ask via email. There is time to think and respond and there will be no excuses, since I am assuming you tried it live! If there is no answer, please pack up and move on there is no relationship there.

2006-06-21 09:53:14 · answer #2 · answered by Natural 1 · 0 0

Guys have a hard time sharing feelings and the more you pressue him the less he may want to share. If he still won't answer, give him some time and if that doesn't help then maybe you need to decide how much that bothers you and if you want to stay with him.

2006-06-21 09:50:12 · answer #3 · answered by Ashley S 2 · 0 0

if he really love you, he tell you.and you don't have to ask him bout that.
but if you already asked 3 times and he didn't answered, looks like he had a problem with his feelings. Maybe he just don't know his feelings or he doesn't have any feelings at all.
FYI, guys have an obligation to answer that kind of question, whatever the answer is. That's some kind of 'code of honor' for guys.

2006-06-21 10:12:08 · answer #4 · answered by wongzx3 2 · 0 0

Many guys find it very difficult to share their feelings when it comes to relationships of this nature. They can talk about cars, tv shows and their jobs, etc. with other guys.,,,,maybe because it is safe territory; the subjects AND the fact they are talking to other guys. When it comes to US, it's not so easy for them. Without meaning to sound condescending, in time I think many guys learn from us. If we are open and honest with them and if we don't go ballistic when they say something that we don't like, MAYBE they will feel safer about opening up to us. I hope so. For your sake, and for all of our sakes. Good luck, friend.

2006-06-21 09:53:43 · answer #5 · answered by I am Sunshine 6 · 0 0

Maybe he feels pressured and doesn't know what to say. Most people tend to say the things they think the other person wants to hear. If you really love him then you would be secure and not need him to explain how he feels. How does he treat you? If it's good, then give it time. Good luck.

2006-06-21 09:49:01 · answer #6 · answered by heidielizabeth69 7 · 0 0

Girl, leave the poor guy alone for God's Sake!!! Men always have trouble putting feelings into words and I can see that your bf can't get a word in edgewise! Just be good to him and maybe date other guys; he'll come around when he's ready. Why would you want to "MAKE" him say something he is not feeling? Are you that needy" Please, leave him alone and get a puppy, honey.

2006-06-21 09:48:48 · answer #7 · answered by Sassy OLD Broad 7 · 0 0

You can't stop a heart, and you can't make a man tell you how he feels. Especially when you bug him all day about it. The more you ask the more he crawls into his shell. Leave him be, he will peek out of his shell when he is ready. But if you keep pushing he is liable to push you away.

2006-06-21 09:50:19 · answer #8 · answered by smile4tonya 1 · 0 0

My man never tell me how he feel ,but he show me how he feel about me.He make me feel so special,so i enjoy the great things that he do for me. He is a very good man. so don't pressure your man,think about the good things that he do for you.

2014-07-16 12:56:04 · answer #9 · answered by cookie 1 · 0 0

He's a guy. For some reason we're all like that. We have trouble saying what we feel, especially to girls,. It's like we're trying to hide any weaknesses.We can try to change, but more than likely it won't work. Just give him time.

2006-06-21 09:51:56 · answer #10 · answered by Monty Python 3 · 0 0

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