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She takes showers and spray her self. What can there be?

2006-06-21 08:02:59 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Skin & Body

32 answers

I would suggest you take a moment and sit down with your friend to let her know about this odor.
If she tells you that she doesn't know what it can be or she can't smell it herself..
Suggest she see a doctor. Maybe she has glandular issues or a vaginal infection.
Just remember to be sensetive and deliver it honestly as a friend.

2006-06-21 08:45:06 · answer #1 · answered by Danielle J 2 · 6 1

Ok, does her whole body smell like fish? Or does that area smell like fish but its really strong that you can smell it? This is a hard question. I had a friend that once smelled like a mix of onions, armpits and spices. It was really nasty. I never told her though. I didn't want to hurt her feelings. On your case though, this may be something different. She may have some type of infection or there may be something wrong with her and she needs to see a OBGYN soon. You said that she showers and sprays so you know its not that. She might be unhealthy. When you tell her, say it in the nicest way.

2006-06-21 08:07:51 · answer #2 · answered by Pinky 3 · 0 0

You need to tell your friend that she smells bad. Maybe not in those exact words, but as politely as possible. Offer her some other solutions to her problem. If she smells like fish there are several personal cleansers that you can find in the feminine hygeine aisles at walmart or other stores. Some can be taken along in your purse even! Brands include vagisil, playtex and even durex has come out with a purse kit!
Your friend will appreciate your honesty in the long run when guys aren't running away from her holding their noses. And you will appreciate yourself for telling her properly as well. Good luck.

2006-06-21 08:05:14 · answer #3 · answered by SquirrelBait 5 · 0 0

Everyone has their own "body odor". alot of it has to do with what we eat, how much we prespire, stresses we are under, etc. If someone has a real unusual body odor, it could be a sign that something is not right with their metabolism, or they have some sort of an infection that is going on, especially in one of the layers of their skin or the layer of fat that we all have. You friend might want to see a doctor, either a dermatologist, or an endocronologist. also, make sure this is not a dietary thing, like she is taking omega-3 fish oil as a dietary supplement. remember, what ever goes into ones body, can come out through the skins poures as prespiration.

2006-06-21 08:11:55 · answer #4 · answered by polarbear94019 2 · 0 0

Maybe she lives on a Tuna boat or something. If you are a friend you will be honest and tell her, "Girl, either your dating a fish mung-er or you need to wash something something awe full". Just be perfectly honest and tell her it is not the smell so much but the burning of your eyes that is really annoying .

2006-06-21 08:09:20 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

something is very wrong . It sounds like a yeast infection , she needs to go to the Dr but I know you can buy it over the counter at all drug stores. I would try that first. Yeast is not a clean thing , you can get it from a wet bathing suit too. Also tight jeans. Tell her , does it itch ????? Good luck , she should be able to smell it too.

2006-06-21 08:31:02 · answer #6 · answered by Cindy G 3 · 0 0

tell her: you smell like fish
and go doctor with her i think it is a health problem ..i had one friend in that situation she went doctor and took some pills for a long time the problem was about her skin ...
the best thing is talking in a clear way..dont worry about making her sad because her health is more important than her sadness for a while

2006-06-21 08:11:44 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A fishy smell is a sign of bacterial vaginosis (bv), which is a simple vaginal infection, not usually transmitted sexually.

She needs to see a gynecologist.

Oh yeah...despite what people may say, a fishy smell coming from the vaginal area is NOT normal.

2006-06-21 08:56:38 · answer #8 · answered by soulestada 4 · 0 0

1. Approach friend in a private place.
2. Explain to friend that he/she has body odor.
3. Ask Firend what he/she has tried doing. Suggest he/she see a doctor if normal bathing and hygenic practices have not helped.


* Do not give your friend "gifts" of perfume, deodorant, etc.
* Don't try to do this in a cute or subtle way. You want to help your friend solve a problem.

2006-06-21 08:07:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Is she a islander or Japanese? Do you live in area where seafoods are very popular? If so then she probably eat a lot of fish.

Do she have lot of fish tanks? If so tell her to ask whoever take care of the fish tanks to fix the problem.

Do she wear lot of make up? This is very slim but some make up have fish scale in it so if she smear it all over herself like lotion, then that is probably the problem.

2006-06-21 08:07:02 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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