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7 answers

use witch hazel occasionally. it looks like rubbing alcohol. put it on cotton pads and wipe ur face. this should keep the pores clean. remember not too often because natural oils are healthy for your skin!

2006-06-21 08:00:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I use a personalizer from Arbonne. you apply this oil absorbing convenient powder before moisturizer to keep your matte finish intact day or night. Trace minerals from oat and wheat dust off
unwanted shine and a light green tint helps balance oily redness. Carry the compact with you for quick touch-ups. It is a mixture of five key botanicals – ivy, mallow, melissa, sea kelp, and watercress. These natural ingredients are precisely blended in a technologically-advanced formula that purifies, soothes,
moisturizes, and stimulates skin.

Also you could wash your face but always remember bathing daily cleanses the skin, but it also can dry it out, causing it to look dull, but most importantly, it may cause irritation and remove the natural emolients your body produces to keep it healthy. When you bathe, always use a moisture-rich cleanser, and always pamper your skin with a daily moisturizer.

2006-06-21 15:13:17 · answer #2 · answered by shoppinggirl90 4 · 0 0

Witch Hazel which is very inexpensive and easily found. Just pour some on a cotton ball and wipe your face down when it starts to feel oily. Also keep tissue to blot if you are some where that you cannot use Witch Hazel.

2006-06-21 15:01:52 · answer #3 · answered by sarah92037 1 · 0 0

Keep it clean, use astringent and light face powder. Be thankful. Oily skin is better than dry skin and less aging.

2006-06-21 14:57:53 · answer #4 · answered by teamkimme 6 · 0 0

keep on splashing water...and try not 2 use soap more than twice a day, coz soap causes more oil to be secreted...use an astringent or rose water to clean ur face twice a day (cucumber juice is a natural astringent)...keep ur hair and hands off ur face as much as u can help, coz it further aggravates the problem...

2006-06-21 15:00:48 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yes it does i personaly have senstive skin and oily skin

2006-06-21 14:57:24 · answer #6 · answered by chichi3985s 4 · 0 0

you need proper skin care

2006-06-21 15:04:17 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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