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I am planing to breast feed and bottle feed but what did you do or what do you do. and wnat do you think of breast feeding

2006-06-20 14:59:32 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I am having triplets so it will be hard breast feeding that is why i will also be bottle feeding

2006-06-20 15:07:53 · update #1

15 answers

Breast feeding is an awesome experience if you are able to do it, I was not able to do my first becasue she was born with a birth defect, but I did do my other three kids for at least six months and the third one for almost 15 monts. I can understand how with triplets it will be a little harder, but this is what I would do if I was faced with three at once (God bless you by the way, how awesome) Ok---breast feeding is all about supply and demand so I would have a pump on hand too. but you dont have to exhaust your self by trying to breast feed all three at the same time I would breast feed one at one feeding and pump and allow the other two the have bottles and switch off like that, one gets breast and the other two have bottles, this way someone else like daddy or grandma can help with the feeding and you can have some rest. It make take some time for the babes to learn breast feeding doing it this way, I would definatly try nursing them in the hospital before they have an chance to try a bottle so all thre of them get a feel for it. once you get going on the feeding and the pumping schedule you should be able to have some in reserve too so that the two that are not getting the breast at that feeding may have breast milk to drink. when I pumped i was able to store at least one bottle a feeding so there was some on hand for a night out after baby was older. Dont feel bad if it takes some time for all of you to adjust to nursing, it is not always the easiest thing to do..Bottle feeding is not anything to be ashamed of My oldest had about six weeks of breast milk(I pumped for her) and the rest formula and she turned out fine. Take you time and do what feels right for you and for the babies, your body will let you aknow what is right and so will the babies. Again God Bless good luck and congratulations...

2006-06-20 15:48:41 · answer #1 · answered by casey_sar 3 · 2 0

Congratulations on the triplets!! I didn't breastfeed my son for many many many reasons, and he thrived off formula. He was never sick while on the formula, and grew into a healthy and robust little boy. If you can manage to breastfeed triplets, you are a champ, but don't let other ppl make you feel bad if you feel that you are unable to cope with it. Three is alot to handle at once, and you only have two boobs. Plenty of mothers with multiples breastfeed one (or two or whatever) while feeding the other with formula, then swap around the next day. That way all of the babies are getting the same amount of breastmilk and formula. If you intend on doing some formula feeding, I suggest you buy a podee bottle...if you haven't heard of one..they are a bottle that has a long straw attached to the teat that joins it to the bottle that goes right down to the bottom of the bottle. It's great because you don't have to be holding the baby if your hands are full (which yours will be) and they can still feed from a bottle safely without having to prop the bottle up on something. They are also great because the way the straw is positioned, it can reduce air bubbles going through the teat which means less gas for baby. Ebay usually sells brand new ones. So I would definately keep formula and bottles handy...Good luck!!

2006-06-21 01:29:23 · answer #2 · answered by bubba boo 2 · 1 0

First let me say congratulations and WOW! If you can breastfeed triplets you are amazing! I couldn't begin to imagine. I breastfed my first until he was almost two. I always knew I wanted to breastfeed and I loved it. However, my second didn't take to it very well. After about 3 1/2 to 4 weeks I finally switched her to just the bottle. I wish things had gone differently but it's okay. Bottle-feeding is not a bad thing. I could go on and on about the pros and cons of breast feeding and bottle feeding but you'd get pretty bored. :-) I prefer breast feeding over bottle feeding but that's just me. There really isn't anything wrong with either one. Good luck in whatever you chose and again CONGRATS!!

2006-06-21 00:35:49 · answer #3 · answered by karebear8147 2 · 1 0

I breast fed both of my kids. It was a wonderful experience. I would let your child get used to breast feeding first and introduce the bottle only when you are comfortable with breastfeeding. And have several different kids of nipples on hand for the bottles. I went through about 6 different kinds before I found one my daughter liked, she just would not take the others. Then I used the same with my son and he took to it right off the bat. I think I bottle fed them at 3 months, but started with breast milk. I did utilize formula after a while, but it was because I returned to work and my milk production decreased. Good luck!!

2006-06-20 22:04:53 · answer #4 · answered by oman396 4 · 0 0

I am a breastfeeding mother. It has been a wonderful and rewarding experience. It has deepened the bond between my daughter and I. It is also very convenient because it is immediately available. And of course, it is the best start you can give your children because there are so many health benefits.

I would recommend taking a breastfeeding class, if there is one available. Gather contact information for a local lactation consultant and/or support group, in advance. Breastfeeding is natural, but it doesn't always come easy. It is best to be prepared because you may need a little help and support - especially with three little ones to care for!

Congratulations and good luck!

2006-06-20 22:27:52 · answer #5 · answered by Mommy 2 · 0 0

Breastfeeding is of course better for the baby in so many ways. It's also better for you. I think it's great that you plan to even knowing the difficulties that can come with multiples. My son is breastfed, he is now 22 mos and still loves to nurse to sleep. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding at least a year and then as long as both mother and baby want. The World Health Organization recommends at least two years. It is sad that in the states it is looked down upon and sometimes considered "gross" to do whats best for your child.
Congratulations and good luck!

2006-06-21 00:35:52 · answer #6 · answered by seraphim0517 1 · 0 0

Breastfeeding is best. I breastfed my older two for a year and my youngest for 15 months. No matter what anyone says nothing can compare to breastmilk. I suggest you find someone who can help you get breastfeeding off to a good start. I would also attend a La Leche League meeting prior to your babies being born. Get all the info you possibly can. With proper help and support you can feed all three of your babies. God bless you!!

2006-06-20 22:11:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Sadly, I was unable to breast feed. I didn't make enough milk to feed either of my babies, and my older son had a horrible time latching on. My OB and I tried everything...medicines, massage techniques, calling the lactation consultant (many times!) at the hospital for advice, calling LaLeche League (OMG...fanatics...they're creepy)...you name it, I tried it. Both of my boys were formula fed, and didn't suffer because of it. :)

2006-06-20 22:36:10 · answer #8 · answered by ewells1014 2 · 0 0

breastfeeding is the best thing you can do for your kid and it costs much less as well. The baby gets much more from you than he/she would from any formula. I breastfeed and pump/bottle feed my baby and it is completely rewarding to think she hasn't had anything but what nature intended.

2006-06-20 22:05:05 · answer #9 · answered by sarahnsquirt 2 · 0 0

Doctors say that you are supposed to breast feed your babies until they are one year old, then you can use other methods of feeding.

2006-06-20 22:16:09 · answer #10 · answered by Lonetree 3 · 0 0

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