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Be creative and I don't want to hear facts, I already know alot about them so you'll just be telling me things I already know, just tell me your opinion.

2006-06-20 11:46:36 · 6 answers · asked by marvelfan@verizon.net 2 in Entertainment & Music Comics & Animation

6 answers

Sinister poses no threat. He would never be able to conjure a threat big enough to handle Earth's Sorcerer Supreme. Besides, even if Sinister sent in others, the Defenders with Namor, Silver Surfer, and the friggin Hulk would be waiting. Even if soem lame Phoenix avatar shows up, it just gets teleported to the land on the nameless ones and Strange pops open a brew.

2006-06-20 15:44:05 · answer #1 · answered by Kurse 3 · 0 0

OK people, Mr Sinister would kick the sh!t out of Dr. Strange. Hello! This is the same man the cloned Jean Grey and got Madelyn Prior who also wielded the Phoenix Force. All he'd do is make a little phoenix force army. In all the comics I've read he hasn't done any real fighting, his lackeys do it for him. I'm sure he wouldn't change his style now.

2006-06-20 14:36:49 · answer #2 · answered by darkphoenix278 2 · 0 2

Mr. Sinister may have a wide range of abilities, but it is no match for the deus ex machina magic of Dr. Strange.

2006-06-20 14:18:40 · answer #3 · answered by =_= 5 · 1 0

Dr. Strange. He has many mystical artefacts to his advantage. Just with the Eye of Agamotto, he'll be able to see any of Mr. Sinister's weekness. Dr. Strange has also been confronted one on one by some top entities (i.e. Death).

2006-06-20 13:41:39 · answer #4 · answered by doitall 3 · 1 0

Dr. Strange for one very simple reason: Magic is more powerful then science(in the comic book universe, that is), and all Sinister's got is science.

2006-06-20 12:04:48 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 1 0

mr sinister...duh

2006-06-20 11:51:55 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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