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I am a horrible singer. My own mother tells me how bad it is. I love to sing though. I am not trying to get a record deal I just wanted to know if I take some voice lessons and learn how to hit a note if I could stop making dogs cry when I sing, or do you have to have some talent for that to work

2006-06-20 09:50:35 · 11 answers · asked by Big Daddy R 7 in Entertainment & Music Music

11 answers

Yes, believe it or not I heard that it could help... I am actually about to start taking vocal lessons too even though I can't sing worth anything... my mother used to be friends with a vocal instructer and she explained taht everyone could have beautifull good voices; it was just how it came out when you sang. For instance, I think that she said something about people who had bad voices usually weren't breathing the right way when they sang, or just weren't letting it some out loud enough... also Pink (the singers) mother used to be a horrible singer. But in a recent interview, Pink said that her mother had been taking vocal lessons and she said that she was so good she sang at her wedding...

hope this helps... if theres anything else click on my picture and it has how you can contact me on there....

dont listen to anyone until youve actually tried your hardest at these lessons ok? if you love doing it it'lll be worth it

2006-06-20 09:58:33 · answer #1 · answered by A Jah 3 · 3 2

Ok, first thing ..not all singers are "operatic" singers.

In fact, very few singers have any range at all. The very good ones do, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, etc.. but thats about 3 percent of the "pros".

What makes a good singer is stability, and working with music within your range. Stay close to your scale in your natural voice. Most singers use different voices when onstage, they flux their voice to achieve their "sound". Steven Tyler is a great example.
Axl Rose is another, I have seen him in concert on more than one occasion, one night he would sound like a cat in heat, the next night he would perform flawlessly.

The point is, take criticism with a grain of salt. Record your own voice, listen to it . Lessons would help, but can be costly, but initially it could help you just doing the voice exorcises.

Dont let anyone stop you from doing something you love.

2006-06-20 10:03:48 · answer #2 · answered by Mega_Dave 1 · 0 0

Do you have any hearing loss? If you don't, then voice lessons could help. Most of singing is hearing yourself and applying breathing mechanics. You have to be willing to practice - but I've seen some pretty "tone deaf" people at least be able to sing on key a little bit. It just takes time and practice. Make sure you find a good teacher, too. Good luck!!!

2006-06-20 09:54:43 · answer #3 · answered by headshrinker 3 · 0 0

Actually some people have hidden voices that need help coming out. Some people aren't born to know how to sing. A bunch of famous singers have been in choir for years as a child. It's like dancing you need to practice. Jessica Simpson sang in choir at her church. Alanis Morrisette didn't win on "star search" but became famous anyway. LeAnn Rimes was in choir for years.
As for voice lessons I would find a friend who was in choir and ask them what they have learned. When I was in choir my teacher showed us how to breathe properly and how to exercise our vocal cords. Then just practice and practice. Also plug one ear. That will sound how others hear you! Good Luck

2006-06-20 10:07:14 · answer #4 · answered by Maimee 5 · 0 0

It could, or it couldn't help. If you're just simply out of key then stuff like that can be helped, if you're tonedeaf, then it's going to be a lot harder.

But anything is possible with a bit of practice, it couldn't hurt to look into it. But research well, because voice lessons can cost from 30-100+ dollars per half hour.

2006-06-20 09:55:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well if your not trying to go famous with it then I say to keep your money because lessons are soooooooo expensive. I used to take drumset lessons and they went for $18 a WACK!! Also my brother took singing lessons and they were $20. So just keep singing to yourself and I'm sure you'll eventually be able to sing great.

2006-06-20 09:56:08 · answer #6 · answered by The Dude 1 · 0 0

If you are pronouncing that your voice sounds quite dull, then you definately have got to observe songs that differ with the tone so, apply a gradual deep vocal track, then work your way up to the better tone... I'd suggest vocal lessons, only if you are being serious and are inclined to pay for them.

2016-08-08 22:34:41 · answer #7 · answered by vanburen 4 · 0 0

honey, you're not a horrible singer, you just need some training. definitely try some voice lessons. my mom tells me that too, but i sing in musicals all the time xD

2006-06-20 09:56:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Look i say that if you want to be a singer then thats what you should do. Dont take voice lessons becuase do what your heart tells you not what the public thinks. Pratice always makes perfect. Good luck and font woory you will do it . =)

2006-06-20 09:55:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

in case you're putting forward that your voice sounds quite boring, then you absolutely desire to coach songs that regulate with the tone so, prepare a slow deep vocal music, then paintings your way as a lot because the better tone... i'd recommend vocal instructions, on condition that you're being severe and are prepared to pay for them.

2016-10-14 08:34:14 · answer #10 · answered by Erika 4 · 0 0

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