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I just read a question, about Londoners are rude, and it's an awful place to visit, nothing much to see, bad weather, and bad public transport system. Oppposite from what I have read about London so far, and I thought the Tube is really good to get around.

Hope I can get some assuring answers here, cos I am thinking of visiting London, and alone at that. So if all that is true, then I am afraid to go.

2006-06-20 02:52:20 · 18 answers · asked by Dane 2 in Travel United Kingdom London

18 answers

Take all the negative opinions and TURN THEM RIGHT AROUND. Then you will have some idea of what the REAL LONDON is like. I live quite nearby, visit London often, and I love the city!! There is plenty to see and do there. You will need at least a full week to get most tourist things done. Maybe even allow yourself a couple of extra days for daytrips and uncovering its many HIDDEN TREASURES.

A lot is made about London weather, but the truth is, it is never really extreme (like New York). It just changes quite quickly. Often, a yukky morning can turn into a lovely afternoon, especially in summer. If you are dissatisfied with London weather...just wait a few minutes. It will have changed! early September is a good time to come. Not too hot, not too cold, not too crowded and often sunny too.

Public transport in London is excellent. The underground is on the whole, far-reaching, clean, safe, better protected than a year ago and the trains are very punctual and plentiful. Buses are of the same ilk, and when things have shut down for the night, there is a comprehensive system of night buses to take you where you want to go. Taxi drivers too are among the most honest and good-natured you will find anywhere.

As for Londoners being rude, I would say that is true for ONLY about 5%, the same as any major city. From my experience, Londoners tend to be jolly, friendly, quick-witted, extrovert, helpful and generally interested about people from other parts of the world.

Safety shouldn't really be too much of a problem either, just take the precautions you would normally take in any large city in the world. Stick to well-lit areas, keep valuables close by (especially in crowded areas and on the tube, maybe invest in a money belt) and make sure you know where you are going before you set off. Most areas are safe at night, and the tourist areas have a visible police presence and CCTV cameras around. If you need any help or advice, don't hesitate to ask a police officer or enquire to a passer by. They will help you.

Best advice of all is to discard any negative expectations and horror stories, and come with an open mind. Tourists flood into London all year round. There must be a reason for this. Enjoy your trip when you do come here.

2006-06-20 05:45:41 · answer #1 · answered by The Global Geezer 7 · 3 0

I am American, born and raised here, but used to live in Italy for one year. Since flights from Italy to London were inexpensive, I flew up there often. I absolutely LOVE London !!! I could not wait to get back there - and someday I hope to live there for a while. Londoners are not rude at all (in general). Yes, there are some that may appear that way, but there are those in every city in the world. The weather is sometimes dreary, but I never let that affect my trips. I knew what it was going to be like before I got there, so it wasn't a shock. I will say, however, that 95% of the time I was there the weather was very nice and enjoyable. I think it all depends on your attitude as well - if you're going to London to enjoy yourself, why would some rain or it being overcast spoil your trip?

As far as the public transport system (The Tube) - it's wonderful! You can get anywhere you want, it's reliable, easy, inexpensive and quick to learn.

I would highly recommend going to London if you have the opportunity. There is something there for everyone !!!

2006-06-20 03:26:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's a shame this board isn't moderated because there are some really immature and misleading answers.

There are some great places to visit in London- historical buildings such as the Tower, St Pauls and The Houses of Parliament. Galleries and museums such as The Tate Modern, V&A and Science musuem. Wonderful parks - Green Park, Richmond Park, Regents Park, Hampstead Heath, Primrose Hill and Greenwich. Plus the London Eye, which is a must-do.

The transport network is very extensive (which is the reason it isn't perhaps as clean or efficient as say, the Paris metro, which covers a much smaller area). But you can get virtually anywhere in north London by tube, and south by buses, trams and black cabs.

It's not the cheapest city in the world, but like anywhere with a little insider knowledge, you can have an affordable trip - get a copy of Time Out for helpful info and pointers to what's free.

As for rudeness etc - it's a city of 7 million people so not everyone is going to be an angel! Like anywhere else in the world you will find nice helpful people, as well as those lacking manners. Also, unless you venture onto some dodgy housing estate the chances of being involved in knife crime/mugging are pretty remote - the UK is one of the safer countries around the world to visit.

Please don't let some of the idiotic responses put you off visiting what is an amazing city - I live there, I should know!

2006-06-20 03:13:30 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It rains quite frequently yet there is soo much to do!! I've been there twice and want soooo badly to move there, I'm in the process of getting my family to visit. The transit system is sooo much better than here in the Nation's capital, you can bring your bike, luggage, food on the Tube!! and you can find a Tube station almost anywhere. No needing to walk miles and miles to find things, when you can just hop on the tube and do sections. It is great (yet I've also been to Japan which is all based on there metro and train systems.) The reason why some visitors may have a negative connotation with Londoners is because, Americans are louder than the British especially when walking in a street, You can tell a group of Americans in a heartbeat! Many Londoners of them are polite and courteous, if you treat people the way you'd like to be treated than you'll be treated that way. We get frustrated with tourists too, so why can't they also?? It's the same no matter where you go. They're asking questions because they are trusting us to help them, because we're from there and they have no clue!! London is a place that you must visit not once but twice or more during your life because there is just too much to try to cram into one trip. I will by the time I die, visit London at least five times.

2006-06-22 08:19:23 · answer #4 · answered by innocentanglreow 1 · 0 0

London is a fabulous place to visit, although expensive. Like any big city, it is very fast paced people are in a rush. I have been there five times and I didn't find the people in be particularly rude. As far as rudeness and travel, often rudeness is in response to "the ugly american" syndrome, loud talking and braggadocio about US.

There is so much to see and do -- The Tower of London, Bristish Musuem, the funky Camden Town Flea Market, St. Pauls, etc. Abbey Road Studios, Hyde Park, so mush history. Easyt side trips to Windsor Castle, Hampton Court Palace.

It also a great walking city. I keep myself entertained for hours walking around looking at all the different architecture, statues etc.

Also, they have the best theatre in the world and it is cheaper and more fun than seeing a show in New York. Also, tons of great music of all kinds,

AND the Old Pubs very cool cozier and friendly for the most part.

The tube is kinda old but is a great way to get around. And they speak english, though as an american to have be patient and make and effort to try to understand the different accent.

Any one who says London is a terrible place to visit is probably the type who likes to sit on a beach all day, is ubnadventurous with no appreciation for history, Art , Architecture, Theatre, etc. or maybe they just are imtimidated by big cities.

I have been lucky and have had great weather most of the time I have been there.

I am from New York City, and London is one of the top five places I have been to.

2006-06-20 03:48:26 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yeah, f*ck off, you're not welcome here so stay where you are, we don't want the likes of you here!

Is that what you wanted to hear? I've heard so many insults about Londoners and I am offended!

I can promise you that if you were to bump into me I would not be rude to you for no apparent reason! I think the 'rudeness' may stem from public transport at rush hour, you will get shoved around without an apology but I'm assuming that is the case everywhere?!

Anyways, if you do visit, I hope you have a wonderful time, London attracts many tourists and it is a nice city, it has its bad points, but you show me a place that doesn't and I'll call it heaven!!!!

The tube is a quick way of getting around, just avoid it in the rush hour ....

2006-06-20 06:03:55 · answer #6 · answered by LONDONER © 6 · 1 0

Truth is that we are all polite and helpful to complete strangers. However, as a Londoner I know perfectly well that another Londoner can give me an earful if the mood takes. What we do mostly here in London is say, "sorry" if we bump into someone or even if they bump into us. It's a crowded city so we have to have rules about looking out for each other. As for the French in general, I've always found them helpful - I expect they're just glad not to be Germans, but as we Brits live on a bunch of islands, we tend on the whole to think that everyone is foreign, a potential terrorist, or worse. No, it's not that bad honest. Even streetwise Londoners like to smile occasionally, but not too often.

2016-05-20 04:38:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Gosh, I've visited London at least three times and I really like it except for the expense! I think the people are all really nice and the tube a GREAT way to get around. Also, many of the interesting things to see are pretty close together so you can walk as well. It does rain some so carry one of those little pocket umbrellas. You can also take a train about an hour out-ot-town and see Stonehenge. I'm female and have never had any problems there. But it is REALLY expensive, at least I think so.

2006-06-20 02:58:11 · answer #8 · answered by Terry 3 · 0 0

As i have lived in london all my life, was born in london UK I feel i can give an honest answer -

London is one of the most vibrant cities on earth, it has the most diverse range of people you can imagine and is open 24 hours a day in most places.

The weather is changeable today it could be so sunny you can burn in a few hours, then thunder tonight.
The people are some of the rudest ignorant and self centered on the planet, in a queue you can be pushed from behind, shoved, have your taxi stolen, crime is by kids, knife crime is almost at a record high.

That is my own opinion, it also has some great people, but they live north of england which is far friendlier and the weather more stable.

Avoid london it really is where hell should be marked on the map.

2006-06-20 02:59:58 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I disagree that londoners are rude and arrogant. Disagree entirely. I suppose every country has people in it who are but as a whole English people are very friendly, helpful and they love to have fun.

The Tube is one of the better public transport systems I have been on in my travels. Even after the bombings last year the delays were minor and there was plenty of options provided to get where you were going if the tube was unavailable.

There is plenty to see, art galleries (modern and traditional) museums, pubs and clubs, beautiful parks, so many plays (and you can always get cheap tickets in leicester square) and if you like shopping Oxford street and Camden markets are the best places.

Don't judge london on someone else's opinion you have to experience it for yourself

2006-06-20 11:41:24 · answer #10 · answered by tyger_willow 2 · 0 0

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