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2006-06-20 00:45:13 · 9 answers · asked by chiku 1 in Beauty & Style Skin & Body

9 answers

Try a fiber chewable like fiber-con or a taste free powder that you can mix in your foods if you are in need of quick relief (at least a day). Immediate relief, try a vegetable laxative. They are safe and effective in about 24 hours or less and generally do not cause cramping. Senokot is a good one. Read the label, it will say it is a vegetable laxative. Things like x-lax are not as good for your body to use, but will give immediate relief (like less than 6 hours).
Otherwise, eat more roughage...read labels. You should consume no less than 21g of soluble fiber per day. A fiber tablet or powder can help when used regularly, to supplement, if you are not eating enough or you require more than the 21g of fiber recommended. Some people simply need more because of slower metabolism.

2006-06-20 00:56:40 · answer #1 · answered by 0000000 3 · 0 0

Do not take laxatives. Eat what you can digest. Have green leafy vegetables, drink lot of water have lunch / Dinner at fixed time as far as possible an avoid junk food.. Avoid Smoking, Drinking and Drugs. Regular exercise is a must.

2006-06-20 00:51:05 · answer #2 · answered by nicefriend 4 · 0 0

If pills don't work after three days, go to the hospital and have the stool removed by a doctor. If you are constipated too long, the bile goes into your blood stream and will kill you.

2006-06-20 00:49:57 · answer #3 · answered by tonyintoronto@rogers.com 4 · 0 0

In the morning, take 1 tsp. of olive oil mixed with lemon juice on an empty stomach. Or try an emema made from 5 oz of olive oil in 20 oz of boiling water, cooled to lukewarm.

2006-06-20 05:32:02 · answer #4 · answered by massminni77 2 · 0 0

Eat FOOD containg lot of fibre and take lot of water. Do some exercises.Don't sit idle. Most important , forget about constipation.

2006-06-20 01:13:43 · answer #5 · answered by sa 7 · 0 0

Eat more roughages (fibres, vegetables, fruits (notably oranges)
Drink more water.
Schedule free time to go to toilet and wait for defaecation.
Consult a doctor if the situation is serious.

2006-06-20 00:48:43 · answer #6 · answered by changmw 6 · 0 0

eat roughage I mean vegetables and fruits

2006-06-20 00:50:35 · answer #7 · answered by ng4791 2 · 0 0

drink loads of water

2006-06-20 01:24:13 · answer #8 · answered by :..: 3 · 0 0

eat lots of fiber, drink lots of water, and be patient

2006-06-20 00:48:51 · answer #9 · answered by pca9f 1 · 0 0

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