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2 answers

I've found a website for you
It's a workshop in Galicia where they handcraft musical instruments such as gaitas...
The prices kinda' scared me...I had no idea spanish bagpipes were so expensive!
I found another site, but it was in Galego, not even spanish... But The pipes were really beautiful (www.seivane.es)
I just found another site: www.asturshop.com This one is from Asturias, not Galicia, but runs similar in design and prices...

Maybe the Cornemeuse from Brittany might be less dear???
Afraid that's the best I can do!

2006-06-24 15:17:46 · answer #1 · answered by abuela Nany 6 · 0 0

dude, bagpipes are in sweden and germany.

2006-06-19 19:18:50 · answer #2 · answered by Emaleesha 2 · 0 0

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