You asked for some good online sites; I recommend you do a Yahoo search for "designer inspired handbags" or "designer replica handbags." You should get several hits. Though I cannot recommend any particular site, I would strongly encourage you to go by instinct. If the site looks too cheesy or fake, don't buy anything from it. Make sure the site has a customer service hotline, a return/replacement policy, and they are encrypted (protects credit card purchasing).
True, you could find replica handbags for sale on Ebay or auction sites, but the sellers usually try to pretend their bags are "genuine." So just remember, Buyer Beware.
2006-06-19 10:22:10
answer #1
answered by bobaa 3
Stop following the fashion styles so closely, and make your own fashion statements. If you buy knock-offs, and people notice that they are knock-offs, then you will be ridiculed or ostracized. The best thing to do is just have your own personal style. Buy bags that you think will look good and still look good in a few years. You can get those types of bags at very cheap prices at Sears or other department stores instead of wasting money on Gucci or fake Gucci. Those bags also have very good quality and would be the logical choice.
If you do want knock-offs, which will probably break within a few months to a year, go to eBay like many users have said. Or you could get them imported from China, Taiwan, or India (they may have imports in Chinatown).
2006-06-19 10:13:01
answer #2
answered by King Yellow 4
Check ebay--you can usually find a used real designer handbag for a decent price or you can also find knock-offs for cheaper than most online stores.
2006-06-19 10:12:25
answer #3
answered by Hula Girl 4
Chinatown, Canal St., New York City.
Check the phone book online and find some importers that have a Canal st address.
2006-06-19 10:14:09
answer #4
answered by creskin 4
GO TO NEW YORK CITY!!! That is the absolute best place to get knock offs!!! Especially in ChinaTown. I went there and bought about 15 knock offs
2006-06-19 16:51:41
answer #5
answered by I L♥VE You 2
down here in the south you can get great knock offs at the flea market or the local Iranian store
2006-06-19 10:17:01
answer #6
answered by svv42 4
When I was in Korea, you could get Gucci, Louis Vuiton, Fendi, what ever your heart desired, and all for under 30 bucks.
2006-06-19 10:20:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You pay a monthly membership and you can "borrow" thousands of bags. You send them beck when your done with them and you'll get a new one. They're real, too, so it's not a goofy looking. Kinda like netflix for designer purses.
2006-06-19 10:16:06
answer #8
answered by allie <3 2
Canal Street in NYC.
2006-06-19 10:12:27
answer #9
answered by Bamski 3
the streets on NYC
2006-06-19 10:13:46
answer #10
answered by Emily! 4