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the pain is located in my right shoulder, deep in the muscle. as i rest my arm on an arm rest by the forearm the pain shoots all the way up my arm to my wrist. what could it possibly be. I did play tennis 5 days ago could this be the problem?

2006-06-19 07:26:05 · 8 answers · asked by Nout V 1 in Health General Health Care Injuries

8 answers

First I would go with tennis elbow, but that is tendinitis of the lateral epicondyle, and it usually doesn't go into the shoulder. I'd like to know which side of your forearm and hand are hurting. Is it the anterior or posterior side of your arm and is it the front or back and thumb or pinky side of your hand? You can answer this in additional comments.

2006-06-19 07:32:44 · answer #1 · answered by mrchinlersir 5 · 1 0

Sounds like something is pressing on your nerve endings in your back - hence the pain radiating down your arm. I have seen a chiropractor for almost 20 years and I have had similar stuff - which he has cleared up for me. It is possible you might have a rib out - which could be pressing on a nerve and when you move your arm - it hits the nerve and the pain radiates down to your wrist. I had this happen before - I put it out in my sleep (due to stress) if you can believe that? It took several chiropractic adjustments to clear up - but it has always been the only thing that has ever worked.

If you played tennis - I honestly doubt it's tennis elbow from the symptoms you describe - but something connected with your shoulder and nerves. Your doctor won't be able to necessarily diagnose the problem - but see him anyway. And see a good chiropractor if the problem persists. Studies show that people get back to work 14 times faster when they use them, and rate of being off the job is diminished dramatically. They do x-rays and a thorough exam (they have YEARS of medical school and training).

Talk to someone you know - a few people - do some research and find a good one - someone with lots of experience and a good reputation - don't go by ads alone. I would bet money on this - that this is probably what is going on.

2006-06-19 15:15:43 · answer #2 · answered by Lucy H 2 · 0 0

Sounds like epicondylitis or possible tennis elbow. If I remember, this can happen because when you lean onto your elbow, you are pressing on the "crazy bone" nerve. That nerve can produce pain up the arm, and down into the wrist or hand.
If you want to see a doctor, a neurologist would be the one I would see. A neurologist would do the tests to confirm or rule out a specific condition. IF you see a neurosurgeon, they will either refer you to see a neurologist anyway, or they will recommend surgery - something I would NOT do unless I had medical testing to confirm a diagnosis - something that would come from a neurologist.

2006-06-24 15:46:32 · answer #3 · answered by *??SnowShoer1??* 3 · 0 0

If it is the arm you used then yes. Ice the shoulder and take Motrin for the pain. Do gentle range of motion you don't want to stop using the shoulder all together but don't play again for a few days

2006-06-19 15:44:41 · answer #4 · answered by tracy b 2 · 0 0

How old are you and how healthy, you could have a form of pre arthritus. you might have pulled a muscle or ripped some tendons or ligaments. go to the emergency room if your doctor is not in. put some ice on it, wrap it up, and wear a sling if you have one.

2006-06-19 14:33:34 · answer #5 · answered by newischk 2 · 0 0

Here's what it could be.... It could be TIME TO SEE A DOCTOR!!! You could have anything from a pinched nerve to bursitis, to tennis elbow to a freaking heart attack.

2006-06-19 15:12:15 · answer #6 · answered by hazelbrwneyz 2 · 0 0

is it below your right shoulder blade? kind of in your back? if so then i'll tell you what i think. is it a sharp pain?

2006-06-19 15:48:12 · answer #7 · answered by dlnmllr 3 · 0 0

probably bursitis

2006-06-19 14:30:32 · answer #8 · answered by bad_bob_69 7 · 0 0

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