I was induced with my first child.
I have never been in full labor naturally though I did have early labor with her before the induction (all my others were c-section) so I do not know but I have heard that it hurts worse to be induced.
I think its all painful anyway LOL.
If you are open to medications make sure that you tell your doctor. In fact it is best to have a birth plan written up whether you want medications or not. But do not be afraid to change them in the middle of your labor!!!
Most people that I know that have been induced have gotten an epidural or their medication of choice early on in the induction.
Also if you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to ask your doctor. Remember no question is too silly or too paranoid etc. They have heard it all and that is what they get paid to do!
2006-06-19 06:08:49
answer #1
answered by foolnomore2games 6
Well, it really isn't that bad to be induced. I've had both an induction and a natural and there wasn't much difference, expect the way it's started.
More then likely, if you have high blood pressure, it's time for the baby to get here. High blood pressure can be bad for the baby and you, so it sounds like your doctor is erring on the side of caution.
Induction can be done a few different ways. They can start your contractions with pitocin (a synthetic hormone that works just like ocytocin that your body produces naturally to start contractions), they may use some cervadil, or a cervix ripener. They are either a tiny pill that they stick at the top of the cervix to help soften it, or a gel. Either one works the same. If they use that, you will be in bed and not able to get up and walk around. They may do a combination of one or two things. The doctor may break your water to start contractions and then use pitocin. It depends on the doctor.
I would suggest asking to get the epidural- if your going to use pain relief- as soon as they will let you. Pitocin can cause contractions to start harder and faster then in natural onset labor. So ask you doctor before you are even induced and make him aware of your wishes before the day.
Being induced isn't bad at all, and at least you know when your baby will get here!! Good luck!!
2006-06-19 13:15:45
answer #2
answered by odd duck 6
I have been induced 2 of my 4 preg. I prefer being induced. There are a couple ways for induction to be done. I have had both the IV and the cream the put on your cervix. I have been induced because my labors are REALLY short and my hubby didn't want to deliver the baby on the side of the road. My labors were the same whether I was induced or went into labor naturally. Don't worry, just be thankful your little one will be here soon. The biggest thing is most Dr's will make sure you deliver within 24 hrs of your water breaking. Relax and get a good nights sleep. It will be your last for a while.
2006-06-19 13:09:18
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Okay, I was induced with my first child. It is perfectly normal. My water broke, but I was not having contractions so it was necessary. Always listen to your doctor if they say it is necessay. Don't play around with your health or the health of your baby. On the other hand, I do not do well with pain, so it might be different for you if you have a higher pain threshold. It was absolutely excruciating for me because they had to increase the pitocin because I was not dilating. I did not start to dilate until I finally talked them into giving me my epideral at 3 cm., which I was supposed to wait until at least five cm. However, as soon as I received the epideral, my body relaxed from the pain and I went from 3 cm. to 9 cm. in 3 hours. I dilated extremely quickly after that. Good luck! When I was in labor with my second child, I didn't even know because the induced labor was so painful that by the time I realized that I might be in labor I was already 6 cm. Natural labor was alot less painful than the induced, but if you do well with pain and dilate like you should, it will be a breeze. I was just not a regular case study so learn from me. The more you can make your body relax, you should dilate normally. I DON'T do pain at all. Keep this in mind. Do what the doctor says for you and your baby. You'll be perfectly fine, and by the way, congratulations!
2006-06-19 13:17:07
answer #4
answered by Andi 2
Well let me say, I was not happy at first with the whole induction idea. Not to scare you honey! I went in on a Thursday morning at the crack of dawn, They first inserted a tiny pill (cant remeber the name of it sorry). It was to start the labor, It didn't work, after 8 hours or so, they put me on pitocin, that wasn't working either, next they inserted this balloon to help open my cevix, again Nada, Nothing was working, on Friday morning about 10:30 am. Im freaking tired. They keep checking me and decided to let me go home. As soon as the nurse says she's gonna get my discharge papers...Boom there goes my water breaking, they told me I wasn't going anywhere. Well I got high blood pressure and they put me on magnesum. Which Magnesum make you pee like a race horse, So they put a cathider in you for that. Do your self a favor and get an epidural. As soon as that water breaks, You'll be happy you did. My daughter was born at 2:16 that afternoon. ( Vaginally ) Yeah it's all painful but it's worth it when you're all done. I was high risk and have type 2 diabetes, I took very good care of myself and did everything the doc said, I was released from the hospital 3 days later. My lil girl had to stay another day because she was jaundice. She's now 7 months old and happy. Congrats and good luck to you.
2006-06-19 14:28:57
answer #5
answered by saraidan 3
I had a induction with my second. About an hour after the iv with Pitocin I started feeling the contractions. I couldn't believe how painful they became. I wasn't able to get the epidural until 4 cm. But I did go fast. We went into the hosipital at 11 pm and be 4:44 am our son was born.
Just try to relax as much as possible. If you want anything at all make sure to ask. Oh, don't forget to breath LOL
For this baby, due end of July, I will just wait and hopefully he comes. I want to experience my water breaking without the dr having to do it.
2006-06-19 13:30:34
answer #6
answered by sassy79_420 3
I was induced and it was a long wait. I had gestational diabetes which complicated things but it only meant that they watched me very carefully just as they are going to watch you.
Just keep yourself relaxed and don't do anything or eat anything that will make your pressure and whatever else you have elevate.
Should your pressure rise during the process, they may do a C-section because you and your baby will need the help. This is not the end of the world and you and your baby will be safe. Also, they will give you "safe" drugs for the pain (which are safe for breastfeeding - and go to all the classes they offer you during your stay at the hospital.
2006-06-19 13:14:37
answer #7
answered by nan 1
I went in for my 40-week OB visit, and they said I had a high blood pressure and protein in my urine, so they induced me the next morning. It was scary! They started me on Magneseum first, then started my Pitocin. I started having contractions really quickly (I was already 3-cm when I went in). In less than an hour, I went from 3 to 7-cm. It did hurt, but I ended up with no epidural. I went through labor and delivery in 4 hours. If you have questions, be sure to ask your OB and the nurses. There is no such thing as a stupid question.....Good luck with you and your little one! Congratulations!!
2006-06-19 13:37:52
answer #8
answered by geminiparody4 2
I was scheduled to be induced (medicinally) with my first baby, but when I got to the hospital, I was already 3 cm dilated, so they skipped the drugs and just broke my water. It was smooth sailing from there. I'm glad they did it this way because I understand when they induce your labor with drugs, it's very painful.
When is your induction scheduled? If it's not for a few more days, hopefully your body will do it's job and dilate you another cm or two, so the doctors can just break your water and not have to give you the pitocin or whatever drugs they normally use in your area.
2006-06-19 13:16:32
answer #9
answered by brevejunkie 7
I was induced with my first child, and it turned out to be a disaster. The Pitocin caused painful contractions (which I did not know about beforehand), and of course I received an epidural. I couldn't feel anything, and became swollen when I had to start pushing. My daughter became somewhat traumatized, and they had to insert a monitor into her head (while she was still inside me), and they ended up vaccumming her out. I also ended up with a 4th degree episiotomy which took WEEKS to heal. The doctors and nurses never explained the side effects of the epidural or the Pitocin on me or my child (in hindsight, I should have asked).
For my second child, I chose to go all natural. I used a midwife, and went past my due date. I decided to induce myself, and used a concoction of castor oil, orange juice and baking soda I got from a book called "The Birth Partner" by Penny Simkin (I also verified with my midwife that this was a safe way to induce, and she told me it was). I also know 2 other women who used this method successfully. It worked like a charm, and within 2 hours I was in labor. My son weighed 9 lbs. and I did NOT have an episiotomy. I was up and walking around 10 minutes after I gave birth.
You may want to look into the castor oil concoction, but definitely check with your OB/GYN or midwife before proceeding. Also, before allowing yourself to be induced with any type of drug, find out what the potential side effects are for you and your baby.
Good luck!
2006-06-19 15:56:04
answer #10
answered by kh_telco_mom 3