Find the nearest beauty college near you and you can get a facial by a student under teaching supervision for as little as 15-20 bucks..... and you'd be helping them get closer to their goal of how many hours they need according to state guide lines.
2006-06-19 05:39:19
answer #1
answered by hlaslie 2
It depends on the place and what kind you get. Where I worked a European facial was 65. But we are in a small town, some places charge up to 100. You really shouldn't pay more the 70 though.
2006-06-19 12:26:51
answer #2
answered by Krn 4
It depends on where you live if you live in California expect to pay a few hundred for a facial, if you live in Colorado you can get one for fifty or sixty dollars, if you live on the coast it is going to cast you more, and live in some where like Michigan or Organ then it will not cost you as much. It all depends on the location!
2006-06-19 12:38:46
answer #3
answered by princeessintraning 4
It could be up to $80 depending on where you live. I suggest you find a college where they give you discounted facials at about $20 --they use the same good stuff and most students are great.
2006-06-19 12:25:14
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
We found these great products and my husband is so happy with me because I do not have to go out for facials. Your could do this in your own house. These products are botanically based and work just great. They have this new technology called nanospheres and they deliver what your skin needs (it is for all skin types) they have a hydrating wash, a balancing toner, facial serum, eye cream, day cream, night cream and a lift, they also have scrubs and masques for a deep pore cleansing action. Their line is just great and benneficial. check out their web:, and what is great is that you lear lots of things about your skin which we would never know unless we become professionals.
2006-06-19 12:43:41
answer #5
answered by shoppinggirl90 4
You can probably expect to pay at least $35! I was checking around where I live and the cheapest one I could find was $45, and you have to think your going to get what you pay for!
2006-06-19 12:25:08
answer #6
answered by maward4881 2
just ask a guy to give u a facial
2006-06-19 12:24:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
In major cities, 80 to 100, plus tip.
2006-06-19 12:27:55
answer #8
answered by browneyedgirl 6
I'll give you a free facial
2006-06-19 12:33:18
answer #9
answered by thekoolestcat 3
It depends where you go. Some are up to $90.
2006-06-19 12:26:09
answer #10
answered by Anonymous