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I'm trying to lose like 20 pounds.

2006-06-19 05:15:36 · 23 answers · asked by mayris 2 in Beauty & Style Skin & Body

23 answers

eat a healthy breakfast , dont eat pass 6 pm and drink more milk and water..i lost 4 lbs a week ..remember lossing wieght slowly the better chance it will stay off

2006-06-19 05:19:17 · answer #1 · answered by tyedyestarz 6 · 1 0

I've tried many diets and couldn't make anything work. Since having my first child, I've been carrying around an extra 30 pounds. This diet just made sense and showed me that everything I was doing before was wrong and a waste of my time.

The plan was so refreshing and so simple to follow. I did everything plan said and lost 23 pounds in the first three weeks. I'm now starting the diet again to lose 7 more pounds. This plan has changed my life.

Get started today!

2016-05-18 02:39:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

WOW! Only 20. Drink a lot of water. At least one gallon or half a day. Go to the bathroom often. Cut the grass in you yard. or go dancing. Sweat alot. Stay away from sugar, grease. Eat salads with chicken in it. At night eat fruits if you are hungry. Drink one glass of water before each meal. Don't look at lossing weight as a bad thing. The results will be the rewards.

2006-06-19 05:33:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Of course, slow and steady is the healthy way to lose weight. However, if you need to lose weight fast (for a wedding or special event), go on a low carb diet (no sugar, bread, pasta, etc), drink LOTS of water, and don't eat after dinner (around 5:30 or 6:00pm).

2006-06-19 05:26:10 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

How fast are you trying to lose this weight? That's the big question! I know of this diet that is called the Hollywood diet that supposively able to make you lose 14 pounds in 2 days. You could try that!

2006-06-19 05:32:50 · answer #5 · answered by maward4881 2 · 0 1

Don't eat things your body consider waste products and limit what you eat to small portions thoughout the day. Follow the food guide. I am slender and people think its because I don't eat - nope. I eat, but I eat in small portions and I don't have cravings. I can coffee before I leave for work, then have yogurt and a bowl of whole wheat cereal with fruits, I snack on raisins and seeds or fruits. For lunch I eat vegetable or pea soups, tuna or turkey sandwiches and smoothies. For dinner i will eat a salad with rice and chicken or fish only. I drink water and smoothies throughout the day. I don't take in more than my body can handle, because I hate the feeling of being full.

You must eat to live so see food as that. Cut your cravings by snacking on healthy grains and fruits or vegies. I don't eat chocolates, pastries, fats and junk such as chips. Although I do like candy. I am not big on milk so I take vitamins and mineral pills specifically for women. Oh yeah and exercise...kickboxing

2006-06-19 05:30:47 · answer #6 · answered by moved 5 · 1 0

I tried the South Beach Diet twice, so did a few friends. It does work fast, but unfortunately weight does not stay off, unless you're constantly watching what you're eating and doing some regular exercise that combines cardio and toning. But, if you want a good fast start, you can lose ten to twenty on South Beach in a month.

2006-06-19 05:23:51 · answer #7 · answered by browneyedgirl 6 · 0 1

I have done a lot of reaserch on this and the best way to start losing is to lift weights to build more muscle, then your body is going to start burning calories quickly. Give yourself two weeks of lifting to start noticing weight loss and do it daily. Substitute one or two meals with a protein shake and don't let yourself get too hungry--you will sabotage your diet. Lots of fresh foods and watermelon is great--not alot of calories in it and its sweet.

2006-06-19 05:21:05 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I went to Jenny Craig. Lost 50 lbs. You buy their food. No need to think about it. Drink lots of water. Fill up on vegetables. Brisk walk for 1 hour everyday. Bike riding is even better. If I can do it anyone can do it.

2006-06-19 05:21:08 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First - Avoid Sugar and Gluten (wheat products)

Drink water, green vegatables, fish, chicken and exercise. Ride a bike to work, take the stairs, park your car in the corner of a parking lot to force yourself to walk.

2006-06-19 05:20:45 · answer #10 · answered by Mr Turkey 1 · 1 0

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