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i am personally blessed with curves, however the catwalk is filled with tiny women of size six. Should this be allowed, or should a real womans figure be up there?

2006-06-19 05:05:13 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Skin & Body

42 answers

u sooooooo right with the size 6 ,,,,,and i don't think that's even looking great ,,, same as beeing fat ,,,,real curves ,,,real woman and I'm sure guys love it 2

2006-06-19 05:16:55 · answer #1 · answered by yyaliceyy 3 · 1 0

I am personally blessed with a curvy and slim body type from my very, very mixed origins. It's okay to be like this, as long as it's natural I think. Most of those catwalk models are totally sick-looking from being anorexic and all... so yeah, it would be nice to see some changes in the women they use for catwalks instead of the usual skeleton freaks. Heck, slightly overweight women on a catwalk would be a relief!

2006-06-19 05:15:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Like yourself, I am blessed with curves and a bust. Women on the catwalk look like they need a good pan of scouse down them instead of a lettuce leaf! Real women like ourselfs do model for the fuller size lady's but sadly it's thrown in our faces to be a size 8 or less. As my husband says "give me a woman that I can hold onto without snapping her in 2". Bless him!

2006-06-19 05:15:12 · answer #3 · answered by bingolil 4 · 0 0

obviously curves, women on the catwalk are anorexic and look as if they are dying. Curves are a real womans figure and not fake. This catwalk image gives a bad example to younger girls and women.

2006-06-19 05:09:17 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ignore the girls on the catwalks. I do think a real woman needs to be up there. Look at Jenifer Lopez. She is gorgeous with her curves. I think it looks better. I would love to have some curves.

2006-06-20 01:29:52 · answer #5 · answered by S. 1 · 0 0

Hey! that's uncool - don't knock me till you've tried being me.

I look hot just the same, at least that's what all the boys in my yard say. Being a mom of two didn't give me major curves, so I am enjoying my slight curves just the same - it suits me.

I am glad you got curves but most women don't have curves, some have flat butts, big butts, flat chest, big chest, some have no waist but the majority have a waist line. So you and I are at extreme ends of the pole.

Besides models are suppose to be walking coat racks for designers to showcase their clothes. When was the last time you saw a curvy coat rack that wasn't bent out of shape.

2006-06-19 05:11:42 · answer #6 · answered by moved 5 · 0 0

I'm curvy too, so curves all the way! My theory is that most of the designers that have models on catwalks tend to be gay males - so of course their ideal body type is a teenage boy, all gangly with not an ounce of body fat. It's sad how many women want to replicate this body type, that's not what we are supposed to look like!! Since when are bones more sexy than bosoms?

2006-06-19 05:14:46 · answer #7 · answered by qtee 2 · 0 0

curves are making a come out of sorts with the dove soap commercials. I too am blessed with curves like a big part of the country but for some reason they want us to all be something we're not. Curves I feel are more natural. I say Curves.

2006-06-19 05:09:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Okay those girls on catwalks are NOT normal people. I personally think they look like walking skeletons.

You should be happy with your curves, because that's what most guys like, and you're probably a LOT healthier than those women.

And yes, I do think real women should be on the catwalk.

2006-06-19 05:08:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm curvy, but I once was the "skinny girl". There are plus size models (if you call 10 plus size!) but they never seem to get the attention of the bony Kate Moss types. I do wish clothing designers would create some cute stuff that looks fab on more than size 0 or 2. I heard somewhere the average American woman is size 14.

2006-06-19 05:13:45 · answer #10 · answered by Empress ~of~Roam 4 · 0 0

Give me a woman with curves anytime. I think those that are chosen for the catwalk are chosen because the designers are gay and want to see a "man-like" figure up there.

2006-06-19 05:09:28 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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