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2006-06-19 04:31:23 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Skin & Body

22 answers

It might be that you're shy or too quiet. It's the attitude that counts with guys.

2006-06-19 04:35:18 · answer #1 · answered by Micia 2 · 2 0

Do you feel beautiful? Do you act beautiful? Are you overweight? Do you make yourself presentable? These are questions that you should ask yourself! If you are overweight go on a diet and exercise program and stick to it! If you smoke quit it will make you look healthier and prettier. Put on a little bit of make up and were cloths that flatter your body not ones that make it look dreadful, and be careful what you were you do not want to look like a slut. Thou men will take a slut home to bang there not the kind of women that men want to wind up with in the end. Make yourself beautiful, graceful, smart, and an extent catch. Go back to school or if you are in school get better grades. Do something for your community. Be the person that you want to be and than everything else will fall into place. Find a place in god's heart, and do something good for yourself. Also quit complaining it is not attractive to anyone!!!

2006-06-19 04:43:03 · answer #2 · answered by princeessintraning 4 · 0 0

Guys never ask me out (and neither do girls). In all honesty, it doesn't bother me, I am to busy to mess with all of the drama. Of course, I'm still in High school and I don't know your age, but in case you didn't know, you are allowed to ask guys out as well. If you are thinking of someone specific, they could be shy and not know you are interested. Or maybe you spend time around guys who haven't come out of the closet yet ;)

2006-06-19 04:35:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Maybe your not ugly u need somebody that likes you for the person that you are those kinda people are hard to find good luck

2006-06-19 04:42:11 · answer #4 · answered by freddygarcia5606@sbcglobal.net 1 · 0 0

i don't think that will be the issue, probably you expect the wrong to ask you out, you should just be yourself and dont woory why nobody asks you out you just wait for the right guy that does not feel shy around you, you need a guy that has feelings and it will be able to see the true beautnyness that lies within you!

2006-06-19 04:36:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Every one is beautiful if she/he has a kind heart and cheerful personality.

In the Beginning God created heavens and earth.
God gives you air to breathe and sunshine to enjoy.
God gives you water to drink and food to eat.
God gives you a wonderful body and sound mind, to live.
God loves you, and you are precious to Him.
Son of God died on the Cross to save us from condemnation.
Jesus’ love is boundless and everlasting.
We have the hope of Heaven through Jesus.
Life therefore has fantastic and glorious future!

2006-06-19 04:41:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, most likely the guys maybe shy. Or they arn't mature yet. Most guys take a while to mature. So you're probalby not ugy. And mature guys also like girls with good personality.

2006-06-19 04:36:08 · answer #7 · answered by beangirl99 1 · 0 0

maybe because you are too quiet? or maybe u don't seem very approachable due to the characteristic you protray to others?
perhaps you should speak up abit more and join in the fun.... or try going out in groups of guys and girls, then you will feel the fun and make you look very sociable~ then more guys will like you... i think guys will feel more comforable with girls who like to play with them, as in more outgoing? not sure also.....
oh, or perhaps you are too pretty that no guys dare to ask you out''Pp

2006-06-19 04:38:13 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

nope i no i'm not ugly cause guys tell me all the time i'm hot but no one seems to ask me out either

2006-06-19 04:35:16 · answer #9 · answered by HOT LINN 2 · 0 0

Try asking yourself the opposite of that question, i.e. "am I attractive?" Maybe that will shed some more light on your dilemma (or lack there of).

2006-06-19 04:36:04 · answer #10 · answered by greek 1 · 0 1

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