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it doesn't happen when i get into fights with my mom tho.
but with them, my whole body just starts shaking and i can't stop it and it doesn't stop for a couple of hours.
why does this happen??

2006-06-19 04:23:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Skin & Body

5 answers

Could be because you fear them or are that much more intimidated by them. Or it could be b/c they are that much more infuriating to you b/c you cannot communicate as well with them as you do with your mother. I have found personally that the times I shake after an argument are when I have gotten so angry but been unable to make any of the points I wanted to make, where the other person has refused to listen to or respect me, where I have felt impotent or powerless. This just happened to me at Best Buy, as a matter of fact where they took horrible advantage of me and then basicallly told me to put my Ipod where the sun doesn't shine, that they didn't care if I was unhappy b/c there are literally billions of other customers out there. I was so helplessly enraged, disrespected, and all that I shook with the force of it all for at least an hour after, and cried tears of rage.

I think for whatever reason, you are bottling up your emotions and your tension and you are like a guitar where the strings are tuned too tightly so you vibrate. You need to figure out why you are out of tune around the men of your family.

Read my answer to your other important question, too. I think you need someone unrelated to you to talk to, someone non-judgmental, someone educated in family dynamics. I feel like you are bearing the burden of the entire family relationship yourself.

2006-06-19 04:27:06 · answer #1 · answered by desperatehw 7 · 3 0

Better to do Pranayam(kapalbhati and Anulom-Vilom)< Meditation and yoga.You will never fight ,means you will forget to fight and your life will change.See Astha TV channel of India and see program of swami Ramdev on it at 6 to 8 AM and 8 to 9 pm IST.GO thro the web site < http://www.divyayoga.com> for detail.

2006-06-19 04:39:42 · answer #2 · answered by Jai_Guru 1 · 0 0

Rage. I've seen that with some people. Be careful. It's hard to control and you will end up saying and/or doing something that you may regret.

2006-06-19 04:28:16 · answer #3 · answered by Halo 5 · 0 0

this is a symptom of anxiety, i would go to the doctor, i have had that and he gave me medicine and i am completely calm and relaxed now.. you might have GAD (general anxiety disorder) look it up on yahoo health

2006-06-19 04:27:46 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

could b you are veyr mad need 2 control it

2006-06-19 04:28:04 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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