Women do produce the pregnancy hormone at different rates. If you are a "low producer" it may take some time before you show up "pregnant" on a test. There have been women who haven't gotten positive results until 8-10 weeks along!
Try using a very sensitive brand, like First Response Early Response or Equate. And test when you first get up to pee in the morning...this is the best time, as the hormone is the most concentrated in your urine at that time as it's been sitting for 8 hours or so. It's been two weeks since you took a test, so you should probably try another one. (I know, not really what you want to hear but it really is one of the best ways to find out)
If it still comes up negative, get to your doc. Something has to be causing all those symptoms. If it's not pregnancy, your doc needs to find out what it is! As for how to tell your boyfriend...I can't advise you on that. You know him best, and how to best tell him, if you just think on it. Be warned that while it may be a complete shock to him at first, he may also get used to the idea. Best wishes!
2006-06-18 17:10:13
answer #1
answered by tigger062077 3
It is best to wait until you are at least a month past your first missed period before you get a positive test that can be accurate. But, a doctor’s office should be able to determine whether or not you are pregnant. I have missed periods due to stress and you could have the other symptoms because you are stressed out because of the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy. Go back to the doctor and have a test done again. Or go for real this time. If there is some medical reason you are missing your period, your doctor would need to know.
On the second issue of the unwanted pregnancy. It does not matter what he wants, if you are pregnant, you are pregnant and there is nothing he can do about it. An abortion will only make you feel unbelievably guilty later in life, trust me. If raising a child right now is out of the question, there are hundreds of couples out there looking for a child to raise. But, once you feel that life growing in you, you will not want to let it go. It might be easier to ditch the unwilling father. He was there, he took part. Birth control cannot be left only to the woman, sometimes, especially in times of stress, birth control does not work. I know. My oldest is a pill baby. He may not be ready, but you may be. Sometimes the creation of a life is in hands other than ours. That why it is so special, so fabulous, so much everything we want for our future. Consider that, and good luck.
2006-06-18 17:19:18
answer #2
answered by rlsongbird 2
Well Bella, I hate to tell you this but the urine tests are not always sensitive enough to pick up the HCG as you have discovered. When I was pregnant with my second child I took two doctors tests and one home test (all negative)...but I had been pregnant before so I insisted I was ..I asked for a blood test. It is much more accurate and can even tell when you are only a couple of days pregnant. Sure enough i was right. A woman knows her body..and I suspect you know the truth too.
Now after 12 years im pregnant again..and I knew before I took the test. And are my breasts ever tender..so yeah you may be too.
Go get the blood test. And as for your boyfriend....if he loves you he will support whatever you choose to do. If he doesnt ..he isnt worth it. Think for yourself. Good luck
2006-06-18 17:14:19
answer #3
answered by jennyjo 1
First things first Bella, calm down. The mind can do very real things to the body. If you think you are pregnant you can convince youself that you are and you will begin to show signs of it. The home pregnancy tests and especially the doctors test are pretty conclusive. Many factors can cause a missed period...some women are just irregular that way.
The bigger problem...your boyfriend. There needs to be a BIG conversation between the two of you. If you are having sex there is ALWAYS a chance of pregnancy. He needs to accept that fact and remember it. If you do become pregnant there is nothing that is going to change the fact that his will be the father. If he wants to continue sleeping with you then he needs to accept the concequences of his actions. To sum it up in one phrase...If he wants to be a man and have sex with you then he needs to be a man and stand by you. If he would run out on you when you needed him most then you don't need him in your life and count your lucky stars that you found out now and not after you were really pregnant.
2006-06-18 17:16:54
answer #4
answered by Rabbit Ritto 2
I think you should get another test that will tell you if you are pregnant or not. Perhaps you should skip take-home tests and go to the doctor and check it out for sure. Make an appointment, and go and see what he says.
Well, some would say abortion if you are okay with it and if it's legal in your state at this time.
Something I've heard people say is that to be ready for sex, you have to be ready for a baby. So that means that if you think you're ready for sex, then you have to make sure you are also ready for a kid, or able to have a kid.
But whatever, safe sex is always a safer bet. You must tell your boyfriend, just very relax, and tell him. He will find out sooner or later, either by rumors or by simply looking at you. You have to let him know that it's his responsibility and his fault, in a way, too. Because sometimes guys are quick to blame it on the girl, but just tell him that it's all going to be fine and that you're pregnant. That's it.
If he loves you then I think he will understand and assume a responsible role, even if he has made it clear that he wants no kids.
2006-06-18 17:13:10
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Go talk to your gyno and ask her/him if you think that you should do a blood test. If you are pregnant and it won't show up on a pee test, it should show up in bloodwork. I am thinking about having bloodwork done, too. I might be pregnant myself. Good luck, sweetie.
P.S. The best way to tell him that you are pregnant is to wait until you go to the DR first. see what they say. If you are pregnant, sit down with him and tell him the truth. if he freaks out and wants to leave you, he is not worth it at all, no matter how much you love him, or how badly you wanna be with him, you should be with someone who is on the same page as you in life. Again, good luck.
2006-06-18 17:31:36
answer #6
answered by Shan 2
See your doctor. If he says that you are not pregnant, you are not pregnant. If the hormone levels are what you are worried about, mention it to him.
As for the boyfriend...if he dosen't want children, he shouldn't be having sex, because sex makes babies. You need to dump him, because if you are pregnant, he might try to talk you into an abortion, and that will end up not only emotionally scarring you but physically scarring you as well. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but he is just using you to make himself feel good, and is proving that to you by telling you that he dosen't want babies but wants to have sex with you anyways. You can get through this, girls do every day. If you need help, there are many Catholic and ecumenical church groups that will help you. Look in the Yellow Pages under Abortion Alternatives. You can get through this, women and girls do every day. Good luck and God Bless.
2006-06-18 17:12:30
answer #7
answered by The Nag 5
Ask you Dr. to give you a blood test... If still comes up negative, maybe there is another explanation like cysts on your ovaries or something. If you are pregnant, let your boyfriend know, if you don't want children either, you can always give it up for adoption, there are plenty of people out there who want children but can't have them for themselves. If you do want children, then maybe this isn't the relationship you should be in permanently. Good luck. I hope everything works out okay.
2006-06-18 17:09:10
answer #8
answered by melonamc 3
I am a brand new daddy. my wife knew before we ever took the pee tests that she was pregnant. twice the tests said she was wrong, but it was the tests that were wrong. get the blood test!
As for the potential daddy ... I agree with the others. If he doesn't want kids he should have made sure you were protected.
first find out for sure. then you decide whats best for YOU and the baby. keep it, give it up for adoption, or abort. then tell mr irresponsible what YOU have decided.
2006-06-18 17:49:16
answer #9
answered by john c 1
why don't you go back to the doctors and ask for blood work. If you arn't pregnant, maybe they can figure out what is wrong. You usualy don't get any pregnancy signs like you are experiencing untill after the third month. I am pregnant and i have just started to xperience the "pains". Hope this helps!!
2006-06-18 17:08:31
answer #10
answered by jennifer m 1