Is very hard and horrible to hear that a woman participated in a rape, I hope she gets as much time in jail as the actual man that did the rape. For your information, rapists are motivated by the desire to dominate, humiliate and overpower another person. It has NOTHING to do with sexual desire.
Causes of Rape:
The question we all ask ourselves is what causes a man to rape a woman?
Rape is viewed as a crime of violence and power. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to tell if a person is a potential rapist. Some of the following are causes of rape incidents.
Deep - seated Aggressive Feelings Towards Women
It appears that men who, for some reason have deep hatred for women, tend to express these feelings through rape.
Socialisation and Sex-role Attitudes
Men are sometimes trained to be aggressive toward women, and tend to believe that they are superior. Such men are more likely to use physical force than verbal force against women in order to get what they want.
Inappropriate Communication
Lack of communication between the two parties is another cause of rape. The man may believe that the woman wants to have intercourse when she does not. Usually, the communication problem is coupled with another serious problem such as prior abuse and alcohol (discussed below).
Prior Abuse
Prior sexual and physical abuse affect both victims and rapists. Research indicates that women who have a history of sexual abuse are twice as likely to experience it again than women without such history. Some of the reasons that women with a history are at higher risk could be because they :
send out the wrong signals
might suspect that something is wrong but decide they are overreacting because of past experiences.
might feel paralyzed and thus completely powerless.
Becoming fully intoxicated can be extremely dangerous. Drinking alcohol has many effects on the body, one being that it may increase aggressive behaviour. Men who want to rape but feel guilty may use alcohol as a mechanism that releases this inhibition. On the other hand, intoxicated women, (due to the loss of their inhibitions and motor control) might not be able to fight back.
Alcohol usually contributes a lot to the problem of rape. It tends to impair the memory process and as a result, sometimes neither the victim nor the perpetrator can have a completely clear recollection of the incident.
2006-06-18 11:04:08
answer #1
answered by Tesla 2
Sometimes just the way a girl dresses or acts will entice a person to get ideas. I know girls do not like to hear this but you have the power to turn up the hormones in a male, especially at certain ages. While this may be true it is no excuse. The root reason a person will commit this terrible sin or any other is we were created with the sin nature and until this is turned over to God through Jesus Christ we are no better than animals.
2006-06-18 11:06:25
answer #2
answered by Ronold 1
I think guys who have extemely low self-esteem coupled with anger toward women have a higher likelihood of commiting rape than the average guy. The girl who helped hold the victim's legs down would also have low self-esteem and lives in great need of the rapist. In other words, the rapist is like a pimp and the girl is like one of his prostitutes. She will do absolutely anything he tells her to do out of fear of what may happen if she doesn't.
2006-06-18 11:04:16
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
A short skirt does not cause it. Just because a woman shows skin, that does not mean she is asking for it, like so many men say.
Rape is about control and power. A man rapes a woman because he thinks if he does it, he will have power over her. Women rape men for the same reason.
2006-06-18 10:59:07
answer #4
answered by tinkerbell24 4
Rape is about power and has little to do with sex. It does not matter if a woman walks down the street's all about power. If some are going to say it's because a girl wears short skirts,etc. then how do you explain older women getting raped?
2006-06-18 11:32:52
answer #5
answered by chocolatemartinigal 2
Sorry to hear that. Its heard mentality. I doubt that a girl would do it on her own. And I think having a girl there made the guy show off by doing it. No right answer for destructive perversions
2006-06-18 10:55:36
answer #6
answered by n l 2
Why does someone rape someone else??
It's a hard question...maybe something in their brain got wired incorrectly.... maybe they had something tramatic happen as a child....maybe they are just sick perverts that get their jollies off hurting other people...maybe they have sexual insecurities and don't know how to deal with ehm....Who's one of those messed up things that happen in this world and shouldn't.
2006-06-18 10:57:30
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
dude.. thats gonna give me nightmares.. i have a very unhealthy fear of being raped and i cant even live in a house thats already been lived in becuz i fear that someone might have been sexually assaulted or worse in that house.. so buying a house for my family is extremely expensive but o well.. its for my health.. but anyways, who knows y they do it? its sick and horrifying and gives me nightmares all the time.. sometimes it prevents me from even talking to someone i dont know at my skool becuz so many ppl get raped and killed and stuff like that and its all becuz of the heartless sick ppl who do that... just becuz of their selfishness, so many people have died and so many families now have to live with out someone they loved and cared for and have to think of the fact that their whoever was put through that.. and ppl like me now have to live in fear of being raped.. its horrible...i really do notunderstand why ppl do such things.. its sad
2006-06-20 13:35:26
answer #8
answered by Juno. 4
rape is about control and humiliation. people who rape and who help rape others are looking to control the person and humiliate them. it rarely has anything to do with sexual gratification. usually, they have other mental illnesses or problems going on as well.
2006-06-18 10:55:03
answer #9
answered by itskind2bcruel 4
SIck bastards...this is caused by vrious things....some guys want attention, they werent raised right, they were abused when they were children...and so on. But that does not give them teh right to do this to anyone. I hope they will burn in hell!
2006-06-18 10:56:14
answer #10
answered by Sweetbulbs 5