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besides a identical twin...
I once went shopping in a supermarket , the guy who served me i thought was my brother i asked his loads of questions like how was mum, how the new job was going and he answered everything correctly, the weekend i went to visit my parents house, my brother hadnt had a clue, what i was on about , he never had a new job... when i returned to that supermarket the guy who i thought was my bro, was like a twin of him.. but slightly more taller... i was baffled.SPOOKY.

2006-06-18 10:16:31 · 35 answers · asked by lonely as a cloud 6 in Beauty & Style Other - Beauty & Style

35 answers

yes i believe we all have someone who looks like us.

2006-06-18 10:20:38 · answer #1 · answered by Spacey~Stacey's Place 3 · 1 0

Sometimes People mistake me for Julia Roberts and ask for my autograph ...I went to a 5 star restaurant once and the place became very weird and everyone was freaking out...and the waiter came over and after a few minutes realized that I wasn't her. He said everyone in the place thought I was Julia Roberts. And once this guy fainted when I walked in the room and he saw me for the first time...because he thought I was the ghost of my grandmother...and he said I look exactly like her. I didn't know this and neither did my dad because she died when my dad was an infant. and another time I went to a friends house and her brother ran from the room very upset because I look exactly like his wife that died the year before in a car accident.

2006-06-18 10:23:58 · answer #2 · answered by toe poe gee gee oh 5 · 0 0

I do! I have had a few people tell me that they know someone who looks like me back where they live. Also the other day some friends and I were passing a car park and there was a girl that looked so much like me that all my friends did a double take.

There's a guy at my uni who looks unbelievably like my brother and sometimes acts just like him although they have never met!

2006-06-18 10:35:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is no one in the world that looks identical to you. I asked my Biology teacher that last year. They may look similar, and have similar traits... but they are not exactly the same.

You are a product of your mother and father. That would mean that there had to be a man and a woman who looked identical to your parents, and they magically met each other and had you.

Not possible.
Interesting story, though.

2006-06-18 10:35:13 · answer #4 · answered by doubled254 3 · 0 0

My mate asked me why I ignored her at a recent football match - I hate football and have never been to one. She'd spent half the game shouting my name at a total stranger.
More embarrassingly a male friend once showed me the 8 of diamonds from an, erm 'gentleman's' photographic pack of cards (you know what I'm on about) She was my double, although I swear I never posed for the picture...

2006-06-20 11:55:19 · answer #5 · answered by lily_pots 2 · 0 0

I have a very similar story for you. I saw a guy at a bus stop who looked exactly like my brother... same spiked-up hair style, same Adidas jacket, same baggy carpenter jeans, same backpack, same sunglasses. The face looked identical, too, except if he hadn't had sunglasses on, maybe he would've looked different from my brother. I didn't say anything to the guy, but next time I saw my brother, I mentioned it to him, and he said I should've taken his picture to show him! It was spooky.

2006-06-18 10:24:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Im not sure but my brother told me there are at least 10 people in the world with your face. How scary is that? My cousin looks just like my friends cousin, and she looked puzzled when I asked how my aunt was!

2006-06-18 10:57:17 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not really as you are not including identical twins and I have one, so doubt that there would be another person that looks that much like me.

2006-06-18 12:21:04 · answer #8 · answered by Vic 2 · 0 0

yeah, there are people like that, though it is well creepy when you hear about. I have been told by a friend that I havea double somewhere in Sheffield, where i've only been once and none of my family have any connections there so it isn't family but apparently her and another of her mates that has met me both could not believe that it wasn't me when they saw him!

2006-06-18 10:22:29 · answer #9 · answered by jleslie4585 5 · 0 0

Yes, I do. People ask me all the time weren't you at this place the other day or my cousin looks exactly like you and ooooooo you're the spitting image of so and so.

It's very spooky I agree.

2006-06-18 10:23:04 · answer #10 · answered by bunny942001 3 · 0 0

Yes ,and i met mine years ago, we got photographic evidence, which i have since lost, but yeah, it is spooky. As that was years ago i think we will be different again by now.Not recognising that someone is not your brother is pretty weird ,maybe it was a sign that you should have got in touch with your brother sooner!!!

2006-06-18 10:26:43 · answer #11 · answered by va-va 2 · 0 0

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