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I have to go to my Grandmothers wedding and I was just wondering what should I wear?!! I dont want to be too fancy but I have to be wearing something other than pants....

2006-06-18 09:41:39 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

19 answers

Depends on the style of the wedding...formal...casual...outside. The weather is a factor too. I would just go with a simple dress. Even if it's a formal affair, there no need to be fancy. But since you are family you should make an attempt to....look like you made an attempt, so I agree, no pants. Like someone else said, a simiple sun dress (or simple black dress if it's more formal) is all that's required.

2006-06-18 09:48:13 · answer #1 · answered by MackMama 3 · 1 0

Ive been to 2 weddings my whole life and i was in one of them. For the other one I wore a knee long skirt that was black and a baby blue silky top. Normally if you are in the immediate family of the bride or groom you should dress a little fancy and if you're not slacks and a nice top should do fine. Since you are in the immediate family I would wear a skirt(it looks better if its not a jean skirt) that is knee long or even longer and a cute top it looks best if its a light color like pink or baby blue. I hope that helps you!

2006-06-18 17:17:25 · answer #2 · answered by Mary Ann 2 · 0 0

It depends on the theme on the wedding and where it would be held.

If it is an outdoor and will be held on a garden in the morning , then avoid wearing high heels cause it will just get stuck in the soil. Wear a sundress in pastel colors with just simple accessories like pearl earings. Remember: simplicity is beauty.

If it is in a hotel or a hall with a/c and will be held in the evening then better wear a cocktail dress in dark colors like red or black. Use little accesories so you won't outshine the soon-to-be-bride.

2006-06-19 03:29:33 · answer #3 · answered by coolblueacid 4 · 0 0

Since it is your grandmother's wedding, you should look nice and somewhat innocent. I would recommend a cute baby doll style dress (you know, those dresses that are really in style right now that are somewhat tight at the top and flow down to about your knees). Curl you hair and add a pair of cute wedges. You should look on Nordstrom.com because they have really cute ones right now. This look is not too fancy and not too casual either. Have fun and good luck to you!

2006-06-18 18:34:07 · answer #4 · answered by mjb 3 · 0 0

It depends. Are you a bridesmaid or a guest? If you're a bridesmaid you can either wear the dress the bride requests or maybe a not too revealing sundress in the wedding colors or summery colors. If you are a guest- wear a sundress or a nice white (NOT BLACK) or any other formal color dress from Belks,Nordstrom,or Dillards. You can get some matching jewelry (formal) to go with it!

2006-06-18 17:04:06 · answer #5 · answered by koko96643 2 · 0 0

Wear a really nice dress, preferable something to wear during the time of the year(summer- wear something a little colorful not too colorful)

2006-06-18 16:45:28 · answer #6 · answered by ashleyshoresstr8g 2 · 0 0

ok, first of all, your grandmother's getting married? that is way cool, congrats and best wishes to her. second of all, if the bride's wearing white, you shouldn't. and don't wear anything fancier than what the bride or bridesmaids will be wearing. A nice dress or some dress slacks and a blouse are usually appropriate.

2006-06-18 16:45:41 · answer #7 · answered by celery_endaliel 3 · 0 0

U should something dressy like a skirt, dress, OR some slacks. Dress 4 the occasion. Dress like u r goin 2 church. Holla back!!! Ya girl, MIss *Princess* $Diva$ !Jade!

2006-06-18 16:55:56 · answer #8 · answered by sexy_lilmama_always 1 · 0 0

your Grandmother is getting married?? tell her congratulations! I agree with the first answerer. a nice cute dress, not too flashy though.. wouldn't do to give the old guys heart attacks!

2006-06-18 16:46:01 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A casual, floaty summer dress in a lighter color would be pretty, you can wear nice sandals (no flip flops!) and look fresh but not fussy.

2006-06-18 18:33:28 · answer #10 · answered by BB 5 · 0 0

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