George Bush will be remembered as the worst President in America's history, to date. He had to resort to common thievery just to get elected in the first place. Then he did it again just to get re-elected! He embroiled us in an illegal, unconstitutional war that has killed 2,500 American soldiers and tens of thousands of innocent Iraq women and children.
He lied about his military service, not revealing that his father made accommodations so that George, Jr. wouldn't be in harm's way (but he still got to fly fighter jets because he thought it would be fun). George W. Bush is a former drug-user and chronic alcohol abuser who was used to getting out of jams because of his family's connections or power. He has never had to be responsible, or accountable, for anything in his life.
He presides over an administration strife with incompetency, avarice, and an unhealthy lust for power and status. The Republican-dominated U.S. Congress is the most corrupt, evil body ever to occupy the Capitol Building in America's history. Bush has lied to the American people, granted favors to those rich corporations and special interest groups that support his evil empire, and ignored the needs of America's impoverished, disabled, sick, and troubled. Bush comes from a world of privilege where compromise is not an option. It's his way, or the highway....and that's reflected far too transparently in the way Bush administers policy and issues government mandates.
Watch a new blog at The blog is titled "BUSHWACKER! for good reason.
Bush deserves to be impeached for all the atrocities he has committed while in office. Just as he has brought Saddam Hussein to trial for crimes against humanity, so should Bush be put on trial. He and his staff should all be tried for high treason, and - if convicted - should face a firing squad. There is absolutely no salvation in anything George Bush has done (of course, he's lowered taxes for the wealthiest people in America, and allowed rich corporations to run ripshod over the laws of the land in favor of increasing profitability. He's done nothing to save our fragile ecology or help our environment. He obviously believes guns and ammo is the solution to everything, and has no problem with murdering people if necessary. He's a cowboy capitalist who puts the almighty dollar above all else, and will stop at nothing to impose his personal believes - such as those on abortion or gay marriages - on everyone else in the country. If one of his daughters mistakenlybecame pregnant, however, you can bet he'd have it 'taken care of').
Bush is a liar, cheat, thief, con artist, dimwit, and impotent macho-man who has to puff out his chest to prove what a man he is. His Ivy League education was a sham, just like everything else in his life has been a fabrication of gently-weaved truth and fiction.
Surely there's a special, oil-saturated corner of Hell waiting for Bush, Cheney & Co. in which they will spend eternal damnation for all the crimes they committed during their terms as leaders what they turned into a police state.
Is George Bush the best president ever? Far from it......on a scale of 1 - 10, with 1 being the lowest rating, Bush rates a 00000000000000000!
2006-06-18 10:23:25
answer #1
answered by -RKO- 7
No, he has not shown himself to be very good at most important things. He is very stubborn and that is not a good qaulity for an elected official. he should be more responsive to the will of the people. He would make a great dictator tho.
He signs bills and then writes a statement he does not agree and will not obey the law. This is dis-respectful of the democratic process if done too often. He has done it way more than any other previous president. It bodes ill for the country to have such a man in power. Beware.
He is the first president to openly invade a civilian town without provocation and murder thousands of innocent civilians for no reason. We never start wars, but prefer to finish them when attacked. we were not attacked by the Iraqis( sorry, it is true)
2006-06-18 16:36:35
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Which one? George Herbert Walker Bush or his son George Walker Bush?
2006-06-19 02:30:56
answer #3
answered by SeahawkFan37 5
Sign the Call to Drive Out the Bush Regime
Your government, on the basis of outrageous lies, is waging a murderous and utterly illegitimate war in Iraq, with other countries in their sights.
Your government is openly torturing people, and justifying it.
Your government puts people in jail on the merest suspicion, refusing them lawyers, and either holding them indefinitely or deporting them in the dead of night.
Your government is moving each day closer to a theocracy, where a narrow and hateful brand of Christian fundamentalism will rule.
Your government suppresses the science that doesn't fit its religious, political and economic agenda, forcing present and future generations to pay a terrible price.
Your government is moving to deny women here, and all over the world, the right to birth control and abortion.
Your government enforces a culture of greed, bigotry, intolerance and ignorance.
People look at all this and think of Hitler - and they are right to do so. The Bush regime is setting out to radically remake society very quickly, in a fascist way, and for generations to come. We must act now; the future is in the balance.
Millions and millions are deeply disturbed and outraged by this. They recognize the need for a vehicle to express this outrage, yet they cannot find it; politics as usual cannot meet the enormity of the challenge, and people sense this.
There is not going to be some magical "pendulum swing." People who steal elections and believe they're on a "mission from God" will not go without a fight.
There is not going to be some savior from the Democratic Party. This whole idea of putting our hopes and energies into "leaders" who tell us to seek common ground with fascists and religious fanatics is proving every day to be a disaster, and actually serves to demobilize people.
But silence and paralysis are NOT acceptable. That which you will not resist and mobilize to stop, you will learn - or be forced - to accept. There is no escaping it: the whole disastrous course of this Bush regime must be STOPPED. And we must take the responsibility to do it.
And there is a way. We are talking about something on a scale that can really make a huge change in this country and in the world. We need more than fighting Bush's outrages one at a time, constantly losing ground to the whole onslaught. We must, and can, aim to create a political situation where the Bush regime's program is repudiated, where Bush himself is driven from office, and where the whole direction he has been taking society is reversed. We, in our millions, must and can take responsibility to change the course of history.
Acting in this way, we join with and give support and heart to people all over the globe who so urgently need and want this regime to be stopped.
This will not be easy. If we speak the truth, they will try to silence us. If we act, they will try to stop us. But we speak for the majority, here and around the world, and as we get this going we are going to reach out to the people who have been so badly fooled by Bush and we are NOT going to stop.
The point is this: history is full of examples where people who had right on their side fought against tremendous odds and were victorious. And it is also full of examples of people passively hoping to wait it out, only to get swallowed up by a horror beyond what they ever imagined. The future is unwritten. WHICH ONE WE GET IS UP TO US.
The World Can't Wait! Drive Out the Bush Regime!
2006-06-18 17:08:59
answer #4
answered by impeachgwb 5
Yep-definitely this should be in the jokes section. I dont think he is when you consider ALL the other Presidents. But i think he might just be up there with Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon alright.
2006-06-18 16:36:00
answer #5
answered by zephyrescent 4
He tops the list of being he most unpopular, corrupt, power hungry, money grabbing, unethical, evil, out of control, president that the world has ever seen. He thinks he is a dictator - all he talks about is "Me" and "I" - Majority rule means nothing to him......neither does democracy
2006-06-18 16:38:48
answer #6
answered by Wonder 1
by the best do u mean the best in lying? the best in covering up? the best in picking dad's contacts? the best in achieving a trillion dollar deficit under 6 years? the best in replicating the vietnam war? the best of the worst? wow..i guess u could say he's the best president ever! hah!
2006-06-18 16:37:22
answer #7
answered by CakepMan 2
no, Ronald Reagan or FDR i think were the greatest presidents of the 20th-21st centuries. over all im a big fan of George Washington
2006-06-18 16:34:39
answer #8
answered by ben s 3
Your kidding right. The same man who made a smart remark about the reporter who was wearing sunglasses while asking him a question??? Turns out the interviewer was blind! Probably could not see the cane I guess. He's an idiot.
2006-06-18 16:36:11
answer #9
answered by Alright! 3
No. Hes only the President cuz his dad was. He would make a better cashier at Mcdonalds.
2006-06-18 16:43:28
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Yeah that best at not reading memos about National Security. The best at reaping millions for big business. So yeah he rocks.
2006-06-18 18:30:44
answer #11
answered by se_roddy 3