it just all depends,i like the tee and jeans look my self,but from time to time i guess it doesnt hurt to change it up,but what is important is that you feel comfortable,forget what any body else say do you.
2006-06-18 07:00:45
answer #1
answered by alexander 2
You should dress as you feel most comfortable. I like jeans and tees over dresses any day.
2006-06-18 14:01:16
answer #2
answered by chief_eagle_wing 3
Every guy is different. I like a girl who dresses comfortably to hang out, but knows how to dress up when the time is right.
2006-06-18 14:00:42
answer #3
answered by ksjazzguitar 4
Im a girl, I meet i nthe middle, I buy very cute, nice clothes, but ONLY if they are comfortable, if they are not then I know I wont wear them. Like if you are going for a skirt, one of those nice, soft, cotton ones (or jersey material I guess), those are very cute and comfy, or a nice sweater, but it has to be soft! And here's a cute way to jazz up jeans and a T-shirt: jeans, and one of those plain tunic top t-shirts, and all you have to do is add a belt around your natural waist, and TAA DAA! its comfy and cute.
2006-06-18 15:31:20
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You should wear what makes you feel comfortable. Don't let anyone pressure you into doing what you don't feel comfortable doing. Young girls can be mean--ignore them.
2006-06-18 13:59:31
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I'm not a guy but you should wear what you think is comfortable.
Thats just what I think.
2006-06-18 14:02:41
answer #6
answered by Dr.DRE 4
i like women who to dresses up, it shows confidence.
2006-06-18 13:59:23
answer #7
answered by bugsie 3
A shirt and pants is enough for me
2006-06-18 13:58:18
answer #8
answered by Neilman 5